The Minecraft Experience

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Uploader's note: Originally titled 'My Minecraft Experience', but that title was already taken

Have you ever heard of Herobrine? Well, this story is not about him... well at least I think. Confused? I'll explain... I've been playing Minecraft for a little more than a year and up until a few weeks ago.

I thought this harmless sandbox game was JUST a harmless sandbox game, and nothing more. But no, Minecraft goes a little deeper than most people believe.

A few months ago I found out about this 'Herobrine' character and I became interested in his mysterious and creepy story. After a few more videos I finally decided to tell myself he does not exist.

So, just because there was nothing to that night, I started making a video that was to sort of spoof all these Herobrine videos all over YouTube which proclaim they have found him.

I started by making a new world and a new house. I didn't have a screen recording software at the time so I was just going to rely on screenshots. So I set up this house with a whole load of gold blocks and diamond blocks and Herobrine was going to steal all my stuff and leave a note. Looking back on it, I fail to see the 'humor' I saw when I thought this was a good idea.

I got a little bored after taking snapshots and decided to just give up and go to bed. So I started closing things down, (Like and YouTube... etc.) but when I came to close Minecraft, my door (in the Minecraft world) closed with a loud non Minecraft sound that sounded like somebody punching a door.

This made me jump off my seat and I span around to see my door closed and to hear something sprinting outside. I froze there, staring at the screen with sweat starting to drench my blue shirt. I didn't move for about 10 minutes, I just sat there, staring, at my closed door.

My first thought that it really was the unknown man himself, Herobrine.

The next days after that were horrible. I started to see more signs of this being touching my Minecraft stuff like doors, chests and sometimes if I was quiet, I could hear mining slowly getting louder. I stopped playing Minecraft almost instantly after that. I don't think I will ever play that game anymore, and no, I did not actually see this being as he would either just be out of my sight or not there at all.

I started to become obsessed of Herobrine. I would draw him constantly in my school books and not pay any attention to the lesson I was in. I would only get around 3 hours of sleep each night. I started losing my friends and my girlfriend left me. I felt horrible and I looked like absolute shit all the time.

Enough was enough. I was NOT going to let Herobrine or whoever was doing it control my life. I began researching 'Herobrine' on the internet but I would never find anything useful or anything I don't already know. That's when I began looking in the Minecraft forums for people who have had this 'thing' invade their worlds. After searching for hours on end I actually found someone. I won't release his name and his username got deleted for reasons I will reveal a little later on.

This person had started a topic talking about how he was stressing over this thing and he stated clearly that "it is not Herobrine but something else... something much worse". FINALLY someone I can talk to! I begin messaging him about this issue and we began talking. We would talk about what this thing had done to us and other matters concerning this 'thing'. But only after a few days pass, he started acting strange. He would cut off our conversations much shorter saying he has "something he needs to do".

I remember the last words he said to me, I rephrase it to myself almost all the time. He said "Look man, I hope you don't end up in the trouble I am in but I need to tell someone.

Look up *CENSORED" on Google." then he went offline. A couple more days past and he did not come online at all! I was getting really worried while I thought about what he told me. I got my answer just 5 days after he said those words. He was dead.

I was shocked and really scared. I was told by his sister who was informing his online friends about this tragedy and she told me he was found in his bathtub, bathing in his own blood and cuts all around his neck and body. He was also found with a note. A note which said one simple word. One fucking simple word that haunts me as I write this... "Minecraft"

I really cannot do this. I just can't! I researched the thing he told me to research but as soon as I pressed enter, my computer closed down all my programs and opened up notepad. Within half a second the words "I'M COMING" were typed out before my eyes. Then my computer violently crashed. I cannot access my computer now. It just won't turn on.

I'm scared that this 'monster' is coming for me! I just needed to write this story and tell the world before I stick this knife in my throat. I had to steal this laptop I am writing my story on from the man who lives across my street. Now, before I leave this world, I leave you with my last words. If you start to hear faint mining in your Minecraft world, don't follow it, for fucks sakes don't.

Credited to Vdogg2496
Originally uploaded on September 28, 2012

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