The Monstrous Standpoint: Part 1, Look who's smiling now

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It was just another day in school, little Michel did not expect much as usual. He was always smiling and looking at the bright side of life and nothing would change his mind. Until one day, but let's start from the beginning.

March 18, 2024.

Michel enters the middle school happily as usual and skips down the hall. He gets to his homeroom and greets everyone. He sits down and the class begins to learn math. After the math class he would go to his L.A class but there was a festival about an old tale called “The one who mourns”. The story was about a young man who was always sad, the man would cry every day and mourn, he also because he hung himself.

The reason was because his family died in a horrible accident no one would talk about. People say, “If you were to say, “ What happened to his family?” You will be haunted by him.”. Michel was excited for the festival because of all the food and joy it had to offer. But as he was there he asked an old man who had claimed to have known the man who hung himself for a bit and Michel dared to ask. “What happened to the man’s family” forgetting not to say that and immediately he remembered what would happen. The old man saw the terror on his face and said “Don’t worry boy it is just a legend, and legends can be fake sometimes”. Michel sighed in relief and continued to have fun.

Later at the festival when it was dark during the fireworks. Michel felt as if someone was sad and turned around but to his surprise, no one was there at the stands. Michel realized was behind to get to the field and dashed away. Michel thought the fireworks were amazing and the best part of the festival. After everyone went home. He went home and he felt as if someone was following him so he turned around to find no one there. He just continued home.

The next day he came to school with no smile. Just a shocked and terrified face. Everyone was confused and worried for Michel due to him always having a smiling happy face all the time,so people asked him if was ok and what happened to him. All he said was “Him”. Later in the homeroom police came to tell that Michels parents were found dead and hanging from a hook in the forest. Now it is time for the fun part. What happened that night.

March 18, 2024, Midnight.

After he got home he took a shower and went upstairs to bed. After he got settled in bed he turned on his lap light and started reading. After sometime he heard a quiet thud and thought his parents got home so he went downstairs to greet them but to his surprise, no one was there. He went back upstairs to finish reading his book to find out his book was gone.

He searched his entire room for the book but could not find it. He went back downstairs to find the door wide open. He looked outside and found his book on the front porch. He picked it up and turned to the stairs and saw a shadow quickly disappear upstairs. He quickly said “Hello”. He heard no response. He went upstairs and his parents room was open. He went inside to find a bloody message on his parent’s bed reading “GO TO BED” after he saw a hand under the bed and ran to his room.

He was scared in his room and his door creeped open and I said “Look who's smiling now”. As my creepy face looked to his soul. Look on his face brought me happiness. I left happily and you may be thinking “wait what” I was stalking him all this time. So I can wipe that smile off his face. Remender, I MAY BE WATCHING YOU. ;)

Credited to 80HD-Hyper

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