The Music

Revision as of 22:07, 7 September 2023 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Have you ever heard of that program called iTunes? It used to be my favorite music program, until something strange happened. One day in early 2007, my older brother, who was 13 at the time, got his first computer for school. I remember the day very well. He was so excited that he could play RuneScape and World of Warcraft. Everything was normal until he downloaded iTunes, apparently he downloaded it from a link he found on forums (according to him). I remember I somet...")
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Have you ever heard of that program called iTunes? It used to be my favorite music program, until something strange happened.

One day in early 2007, my older brother, who was 13 at the time, got his first computer for school. I remember the day very well. He was so excited that he could play RuneScape and World of Warcraft.

Everything was normal until he downloaded iTunes, apparently he downloaded it from a link he found on forums (according to him). I remember I sometimes used the computer when he wasn't around and he said it was OK. Since he had a pretty big hard drive, I decided to transfer some files from my 1st generation iPod to the computer, but I noticed something strange. It was apparently transferring a bunch of junk files and no songs from my iPod.

I tried googling a solution but nothing came up. I tried opening it up with Quicktime but it didn't work until I opened it up with his iTunes file. It started playing and the song playing was called "Satan's Lullaby".

At first nothing happened, but after about 30 seconds you could hear a demonic voice saying "GOOD NIGHT", followed by demonic laughter. I tried closing it but it said iTunes wasn't responding and I couldn't click 'close out' so I did what made sense at the time: turn the computer off and go watch TV.

When my brother got home from his soccer practice he went to go on his computer and he started yelling at me. I was confused, so he showed me what happened- I could feel my heart skip a beat. It was his desktop that had the problem. It was a black background with big red letters saying "GOOD NIGHT" followed by my brother's name. He got pissed at me thinking I was pulling a prank on him; I insisted I wasn't joking.

He soon quit harassing me, and he went to sleep, but that night I couldn't sleep. I was just so creeped out, but I finally got to sleep and around 4 A.M. I started hearing the same music file saying "GOOD NIGHT". I almost pissed myself. I screamed and my parents came running in. I told them about the scary sounds and they went to check my brother's computer. However, it was off. They told me I must have imagined it and I went to sleep.

Everything was fine for about three days until I used his computer again. It looked normal until I wanted to listen to music, and all the music files were named "...". The run time was 6:66, so I clicked the first one and his computer started freaking out: the monitor started displaying flashing colors, the sound was making a jumble of static sounds and his computer's "on" light turned off after about five minutes.

I wasn't too surprised to find that my brother's computer hard drive crashed and all the memory was gone. My brother was mad at me for a while, but he got over it. I tried checking it and all the those creepy music files were gone. After that I won't download any suspicious files.

Credited to JokerOfDeath
Originally uploaded on August 26, 2012

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