The Reign of Double D - Ed, Edd, n' Eddy Lost Episode: Difference between revisions

(Created page with "Hi there my name is Link and well I have a terrifying story to tell you all. Which is why I'm putting it on this wiki for all of you yo hear. Anyways, as much as this experieb...")
(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
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The screen fades to black and Double D's laughter can be heard for a few seconds. Hwoever it was more distorted and ominous sounding. The next scene is once again in Double D's room but now all of the lights are turned off and serveral lit candles are placed around the room. In the middle of his room is a pentagram written in chalk. Double D then comes out of the darkness holding the book from before. He sits down in the middle of the petagram and places the book down in front of him. He opens it to a certain page and begins chanting something in Latin. This time I was able to translate it and here's what it was:
The screen fades to black and Double D's laughter can be heard for a few seconds. Hwoever it was more distorted and ominous sounding. The next scene is once again in Double D's room but now all of the lights are turned off and serveral lit candles are placed around the room. In the middle of his room is a pentagram written in chalk. Double D then comes out of the darkness holding the book from before. He sits down in the middle of the petagram and places the book down in front of him. He opens it to a certain page and begins chanting something in Latin. This time I was able to translate it and here's what it was:

''"Santa Rita Mita Meada''
''"Santa Rita Mita Meada''<br>
''Ringo Jonah Tito Marlin''
''Ringo Jonah Tito Marlin''<br>
''Jack La Toya Janet Michael''
''Jack La Toya Janet Michael''<br>
''Dumbledora the Explorer"''
''Dumbledora the Explorer"''

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As I'm writing thsi I can feel his eyes boring into me. I don't know what he wants. He hasn't killed me nor made any attempts to yet but that could change. He won't leave me alone and it's driving me insane. I... I just heard a loud thump outside the door. What I saw was absolute horrifying it was................................ my old Double D plush covered in blood with glowing red eyes. My life is ruined... I will never be free of him... goodbye reader. Please heed my warning and pray for me that I survive his reign. Thanks for listening. Goodbye...
As I'm writing thsi I can feel his eyes boring into me. I don't know what he wants. He hasn't killed me nor made any attempts to yet but that could change. He won't leave me alone and it's driving me insane. I... I just heard a loud thump outside the door. What I saw was absolute horrifying it was................................ my old Double D plush covered in blood with glowing red eyes. My life is ruined... I will never be free of him... goodbye reader. Please heed my warning and pray for me that I survive his reign. Thanks for listening. Goodbye...

- Link


[[Category:Lost Episodes]][[Category:Pointless Violence]][[Category:Trollpasta]][[Category:Satire]]
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Latest revision as of 02:08, 10 December 2023

Hi there my name is Link and well I have a terrifying story to tell you all. Which is why I'm putting it on this wiki for all of you yo hear. Anyways, as much as this experiebce had traumaruised me I feel as tho I have a duty to informa nad warn you all about this creepy moment in my life. All rigjt let's gt in with the story.

Despite my young age (I'm twelve years old) I am an absolute fan of the show Ed, Edd n' Eddy. My parents had always put the show on for me and my twin brother Toby as it was one of the few shows that they approved of for us to watch. You see my parents are very strict Christians and find most cartoons evil and satanic. But apparently Ed, Edd n' Eddy was cgristian enough afor them whih me very glad. I am such a huge fan that I have almost very piece of merch of the show. But me most prized possesion is a custom handmade Double D plush that my best friend in the whol wide world Lavender made for me. Even though I'm twelve I still sleep with the plush every night because of how much I love it. Double D had always been my favprtie character in thye whole show. Well... he used to at least. After this incident I don't think I can no longer like such a despicable character but I'll get to thst soon.

So this story truly begins on a Sunday afternoon. I had just cmae back from Church with my family and I was bored and tired. I went to my and Toby's bedroom and changled out of my church clothes and put on some comfy pajames. I sat on my bed and scrolled through my phone looking at my social medias. But that became rather boring as nothig was really catching my interest. Well that was until I stunled upon a post in my explore page that seemed to be from the officail Cartoon Network Instagram account. this is what the post said:

Calling all Ed, Edd n' Eddy fans! A never before seen episode of tge show will be airing tonight at 8 PM. Grab your popcorn and drinks and prepare to once again see our Ed boys on the screen!

I was schocked! A new unseen epsiode of Ed, Edd n' Eddy was going to air tonight? I couldn't believe it! I even pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming and was happy to realize that this in fact wa sall real. I put my phone down and immediately ran to my parents to tell them about the new episode and asked if I could watch it. They agreed with it as long as I went to bed immediately after it was over as it was a school night. They also told me that I had to finish my homework and chores or else I wasn'y allowed to stay up and watch the episode. I agreed to their terms and quickly got to work as there was no way I was going to miss this once in a lifetime opportunitie.

I spemt most of my day doing chore like cleaning the bathroom, doing dishes and cleaning our cat Jack's litterbox and helped Toby feed him (Jack is blind btw). I also quickly got my homework done which was rather easy. By the time I was done with everything it was onlu 6 o'clock so I still had some tome ot myslefl. I decied to gte myself ino the Ed, Edd n' Eddy mood by playing some Ed, Edd n' Eddy - The Mis-Edventures for the Nintendo GameCube. And yes my dad still has his GameCube but he locked it in the attic after converting to Christianinty (which was caused by my mom) as he started to blieve that video games were evil and satanic as well. But as I already said before the exception was Ed, Edd n' Eddy so therefore he bought me the games for it and let me have his old GameCube as long as they were the only games I played.

I played the gmae for a long while until i looked at the clock amd redalized it was aldready 7:30! I quickly rurned off my game and ran into tge living room. I told my parents that the episode waas going to ome on soon and so they left the living abd took my little sisteer Bennabella wirh them. She was screaming and crying cuz she wanted to contnue watching her stupid crap show Peppa Pig. Ugh! Can't she understand that Ed, Edd n' Eddy is clearly the superior show? WHat a loser she doesn't deserve to be ab;le to watch TV at all because of her horible taste. Anyways, i went and made myself a bpwl of popcorn as I usually eat some when watching Tv and asked Toby if he wanted to join me. He said no as he was busy doiung hes dumb math project. Guess today i would be by myslf btu that's okay. Toby was never able to understand the pure esscence and beauty of Ed, Edd n' Eddy anyways. He just dien't understabd it like me. You have to have a very high IQ to understand Ed, Edd n' Eddy.

After my popcorn was finished I quickly went back into the living room and turned the channel on to Cartoon Network. The time was now 7:50, only ten more minuted to go! I sat there patiently waiting for the episode to come on. After what felt like forever, the show that had been on ended and suddenly a black screen with white text appeared syaing:

And now for a special and never before seen episode of Ed, Edd n' Eddy. Enjoy...

The text faded away and static played on the screen briefly before immediately cutting ti the regular Ed, Edd n' Eddy intro. Notsalgia and happiness filled me seeing my favorite trio on TV again. But something was a little off. Double D seemed more... upset in the intro than usual. In fact he seemed quite angry for some reason which was pretty odd. If my brain serves than Double D HAS been shown to get a little irrated at times but the way he was in the intro... he seemed to be absolutely filled with rage. Also I'm pretty sure his eyes were briefly blood red! It disturbed me a little but I kept watching.

The intro soon ended and the title card came up except it was very different than the usual title cards on the show. It was just a black background, no picture whatsoever and plain red text that simply said, The Reign of Double D. Usually the episodes would have Ed related puns for a title but no this one which was weird. I shrugged it off as some sort of glitch and kept watching. the epiusode began in Double D's room. He was pacing back in forth in his room and was mumbling something to himself. This went on for what felt like five minutes then suddenly he groaned loudly and stomped his feet.

"It's not fair!" He shouted. "Why don't they give me any respect? All they do is make fun of me and bully me!"

Double D stomped his feet once more and started pacing even faster around the room as he continued to shout.

"I've had it with them! I've had it with ALL of them! I don't deserve this treatmebt, I deserve something better!"

This was kind of starting to freak me out. I've never seen Double D SO angry before. I could see tge steam coming out of his head with how pissed off he was. This was weird but I was also intrigued to see where this went. I always felt like the characters were always too hard on Double D so potentially getting to see him confront them and lament his frustrations would be very satisfying. Anyways, I ept watching.

Double D went to a sudden halt and a smile etched its way obnto his face. But the smole seemed to be more... devious and evil. It definitely wasn't like his usual smile.

"That's... it. That's it! I'll make them pay for what they've done and I know just how to do it!" And then he began quick;y going through all of his books. He seemed to get frustrated and started throwings books that he clearly didn't need. After throwing what seemed to be almost all of his books he picked one up and a less evil and more happy smile was on his face now. The camera panned onto the book he was holding. A crimson red pentagram was on the cover with a title in red text written in Latin was underneath. But it was only tyhere for a few seconds so I wasn't able to pause and try to translate it. Oh well. It was probably something evil and satanic anyways.

"Perfect..." Double D sighs happily. "My plan is just absolutely perfect."

The screen fades to black and Double D's laughter can be heard for a few seconds. Hwoever it was more distorted and ominous sounding. The next scene is once again in Double D's room but now all of the lights are turned off and serveral lit candles are placed around the room. In the middle of his room is a pentagram written in chalk. Double D then comes out of the darkness holding the book from before. He sits down in the middle of the petagram and places the book down in front of him. He opens it to a certain page and begins chanting something in Latin. This time I was able to translate it and here's what it was:

"Santa Rita Mita Meada
Ringo Jonah Tito Marlin
Jack La Toya Janet Michael
Dumbledora the Explorer"

Oh god how horrifying... he just kept chanting that over and over again. As he did that his eyes began rolling to the back of his head. Double D's voice also grew more distoreted as he kept chnating until it was just a mess of loud static. I covered my ears as the sound was just absolutely painful to hear. Double D then completely passed out and the loud static went way. I uncovered my ears in relief but that relief was gone when I saw what happend next. A black fog startyed forming int the rooom. Soon it started forming into a vague sillohete and glowing red eyes appeared. The eyes look directly at me for a scond which gave me a chill done my spine. Then the strange fog grew very tall and flew into Double D's unconcious body. His body convolsed for a minute before he suddenly sat up with glwoing red eyes and the most evill and horrigying smile I've ever seen. The way he starred right at me with that look on his face..... it made me feel sick.

"Time for my revenge..."

His voice so messed up and demonic that it almost made me piss myself in fear. The screen faded to black once more and just lie before Double D's ;aughter could be heard. Howver it was even more deminoic and evil. This next scene started with a bird's eye view of the cul-de-sac. Then the camera shifted to the right slightly to show the now tranbformed Double D floating in the air. He now had large red devil horns and even larger red devil wings. He also had a long red devil tail that was swinging back and fortht. Double D's teeth were now long and sharp like knives and so were his finger nails. He rubbed his hands together in some sick delight as he laughed another demonic laugh. He then stretched out his new wings and fly down to the cul-de-sac.

Static played breifly and the screen went to the next scene with Kevin and Nazz talking about getting some jawbreakers. They were minding their own business until Double D fly rigght doqn to them. Nazz yelled in horror at Double D's appearance whule Kevin's face went pale but it seemed like he was trying to hold back his fear.

"D-double D... what's going on? What happened to ytou?" Nazz cried out.

"Y-yeah... what the hell is up with you now dork?" Kevin tried to keep up his usual bully like persona.

Double D just laughed satanically again and said "Oh nothing... just going to get my reveng on you all!

He then took his long nails and swiped them effortlessly across Kevin's face. Blood started pouring everyone and he fell to the ground with a loud pained yell. He died almsot instantly. Nazz cried out loudly and tried to run away as fast as she could but Double D caught up with her easily and grabbed her by the head. She sobbed horribly as Double D simply laughed at her misery.

I wanted to vomit! How could Double D do such a thing? This wasn't like him at all! He was a smart sweet caring boy, not a disgusting terrible murderer. I tried to turn the Tv off but it just wouldn't. It was like I could do nothing but sit theere and watch this abolute horror.

Double D then twisted Nazz's head so easily that it ended up completely decapitating from her bpdy. This time I actually did vomit. And I continued to do so as Double D popped Nazz's head in his mouth and crunched on it like it was nothing. He then threw the rest of her body on top of Kevin's and giggled gleefully.

"Two down... nine more to go!

The next scene shows Jimmy and Sarah playing with dolls while Jonny and Plank watch peacefully. Double D teleports to them and all three of them were terrified and screamed.

"I want my mommy!" Jimmy started crying.

"Idiot! What's wrong with you scaring us like that?!" Sarah yelled.

But Double D didn't say anything. He just picked up Jimmy, who was now uncontrallby sobbing, as Sarah screamed at him both angrily and scaredly. Jonny was just holding onto Plank tightly as he shook violently in his seat. Double D then gave Sarah an evil grin before.................... snapping Jimmy in half right in front of her. His crying was immediately put to halt and his body was promptly dropped right in fron of Sarah. The loud cracking noise seemed to resonate in Sarah's ears as she tightly held onto Jimmy's body. Tears poured down her face and she seemed to be dead of any emotion. This made me want to cry. Sarah was always my least favorite cjharacter because of how mean she was but at thus moment... I felt nothing but pain for her. I cohuldn't imagine what it is like to lose somoen that important to you.

Sarah didn't even fight back as Double D pulled her up by her shirt. Didn't even flinch as he raised her above his grotesquely sharp teeth. Her emotions all died when Jimmy did. Double D opened his mouth and................................ chomped down on the lower part of Sarah's body just like that. He chewed on it deviously as he tossed the rest of her behind him, her blood and some organs now spilling on the ground. he now floated towards Jonny who was still shaking. I wanted nothing more thn to run away btu morbid curiousity got te better if me. I wanted to see how this horror show ended.

Double D slowly raises one long fingernail and harshly stabs it into Jonny's head killing him immediateky. He pulled his finger out and rubbed the brain matter off of it. I was close to vomitting again but managed to hold it back. Next, Double D was at the trailer park. He went to the Canker sisters' trailer and peaked inside to make sure they were in there. they were and they were none the wiser to what was about to happen. He granned a container of gasoline and piured it all over their trailer. He then took a match, lit it and threw it on the gasoline. The trailer burst into flames and I could hear the Canker sisters screaming out in pain as they burned to death. The screams were so realistic that I felt that this was catually happening tight in front of me and not just in some horribe cartoon.

Double D then fly away ffrom the burning trailer and he was shown flying all the way to Rolf's farm. Rolf was feeding hsi goat when Double D presented himslf to the son of a shepard. Rolf looked at him weiredky and before he could say anything, Double D took a giant axe and cut Rolf in half as he mainiaclly laughed. I vomitted again and could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Wy idi this have to happen? Why was I forced to sit through this absolute misery> Wtching my beloved childhood being turned into an aboosulte horror site?

The next scene was showing Ed and Eddy walking down the street. Ed had asked Eddy where Double D was but Eddy said he didn't knw. Then............................................................................................................ the to if them stumbled upon the horrified mangled bodies of Nazz and Kevin. They both screamed in horror and tried to run away nut they bumped into Double D. But.................................................................................................................................................................. Double D was no longer in his demon form! He was back to his regular human self and a part of me hoped that Double D gained control of himself again and realized what he did was wrong like a good noodle. But it was then that I noticed the red tint in his eyes. This wasn't over just yet... adn I was scared for what was to come next.

"Yo Double D we've neen looking for you all day!" Eddy exclaimed. "But we have to get out of here I think there's a serial killer on the run!"

"Yeah... look what happened to Kevin and Nazz." Ed gestured to Kevin's and Nazz's bodies.

Double D feigned innocence like the diabolical monster he is and said, "Oh dear... we should really get out of here."

He then started dragging Ed and Eddy awway from Nazz and Kevin. And for a brief second he looked at the screen, at ME and he smirked with his eyes glowing red. The screen faded to white this time and the last scene showed Ed and Eddy hanging from a telephone pole. Then it once more showed a bird's eye view of the cul-de-sac and suddebn;uy Double D fly at the screen and said, "My reign is inevitable LINK! Watch your back I am coming for you!"

The episode had finally ended and after the cridits were done a bunh of static popped up on screen and as I looked closer at it I could see the dead and magled bodies of all of Double D's victims. I was finally able to tunr off the Tv and ran to my room and flopped onto my bed shaking....

After thos terrifying incident I don't think I'll ever watch Ed, Edd n' Eddy again. Knwoing how truly evil and satanic Double D is and seeing all that he has done... I can no longer watch or enjoy such horror. I ahve seen taken everything Ed, Edd n' Eddy related out of my room and put it into the attic to never be seen again. I even put my beloved Double D plush there as his character is awful and too disturbing for me to ever enjoy again. Every night I feel as though someone is watching me. I sweat that when I'm alone I can see those glowing eyes and hear his distorted laughter. I've tried to tell Toby this but he doesn't believe me and thinks I'm lying. I don't dare try to tell my parents or else they'll think that I'm being possessed by the devil. I could tell my best friend as I know she would believe me but I'm too scred... what if he comes after me much sooner than anticipated? What if he comes after her? No... I... can't let that happen...

So my dear readers if you ever come across the episode totled The Reign of Double D, DO NOT WATCH IT! IT IS AN EVIL SHOW THAT WILL CURSE YOU ABND POSSIBLY RUIN YOUR LIFE!!!! Don't make the same mistake as me... don't let that demon into your life like I have. I know Double D is watching me at all times and he enjoys watching me be in fear of him. Don't let the same happen tp you so please heed my warning.

As I'm writing thsi I can feel his eyes boring into me. I don't know what he wants. He hasn't killed me nor made any attempts to yet but that could change. He won't leave me alone and it's driving me insane. I... I just heard a loud thump outside the door. What I saw was absolute horrifying it was................................ my old Double D plush covered in blood with glowing red eyes. My life is ruined... I will never be free of him... goodbye reader. Please heed my warning and pray for me that I survive his reign. Thanks for listening. Goodbye...

- Link

Written by Thefrostedflower
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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