The Shadow Wolf: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "As i've been always asleep in the dark. Crazy things have happened to me in my nightmarish bloodshot eyed sleep. Ok, as it was last night. I lived in the Rocky Mountains as of which I still do today.You know, hunting, watching wildlife. When that last night. My dreams were of being with the alpha pack. But later, I went to my refrigerator for some milk. But then back to my bed. Hearing snarls and growls from the bed. I looked under then CRRRRACKLE! Something was biting m...")
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Screaming in complete agony. What was next was worst than the first attack. The Shadow Wolf was howling of a reversed howling that made me want to block my hearing. Then trotting down were several of the wolf's members. Doving in on me like just dozen swords right in me. Disappearing in sight, they were gone. To relief, I limped down to the forest where a medical supply box was. As I was going up, I heard the alaskan wolf melody as so beautiful, but it was in a ear peircing reverse. Sound just so vauge as if it was butchered up.
Running as fast as I could. The haunting melod[[File:Wolf.jpg|thumb|he comes behind the pack's soul...]]ymelody wasn't stopping in the forest. Getting close, the wolves have caught up to me. Circling around me with those white , sharp , gore covered teeth. They dove for my eyes, instead, it was my heart peirced of sharp pain from one of the wolves jaws. Falling drop-dead to the gore covered grass. I was lit on fire by the wolve reversed melody. Turning nothing to but a black, burnt body. But finally, they took my eyes. Chewing them like candy.
I tried to move my self. But they got me to my legs chewing me. But suddenly, I was warped to a beatiful mountain plain with rolling hills with a touch of a yellow buttered sun. No blood or cuts or wounds covering me. I walked up a hill seeing a pack of gray wolves. Friendly as they were, they nuzzle me very tight. Tears were running down my face. I was happy, my own dream coming to life, being with the call of the wild. But things went freaky, the whole sky turned black red. The wolves were shrouding black with shiny white fangs, the wolves eyeless sockets were glowing red. Howing the reverse wolf melody a circling group. Running to safety, I got up a cliff, so since I was up I pushed of rocks at the wolves, speedily going up the mountain side.