The Simpsons' Killer: Difference between revisions

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I was walking down the street in my neighborhood, i intended to go home after work until i noticed a white cat passing by, being the obsessed cat person that i am i walked towards it, the adorable creature got closer to the abandoned house of the area, it reached the door and proceeded to push it open.
I was walking down the street in my neighborhood, i intended to go home after work until i noticed a white cat passing by, being the obsessed cat person that i am i walked towards it, the adorable creature got closer to the abandoned house of the area, it reached the door and proceeded to push it open.

It was shocking to realize that the abandoned building was opened after 10 years living with my parents in Hollywood, i never saw anyone get inside or leave, rumor has it that the owner was arrested and ever since the events nobody wanted to inhabit that place, probably because it was seen as the ''Ugliest house in Hollywood' for having the looks of a middle class house, ironically, my house didn't look too different but didn't had a similar reputation but neither gathered positive attention.
It was shocking to realize that the abandoned building was opened after 10 years living with my parents in Hollywood, i never saw anyone get inside or leave, rumor has it that the owner was arrested and ever since the events nobody wanted to inhabit that place, probably because it was seen as the 'Ugliest house in Hollywood' for having the looks of a middle class house, ironically, my house didn't look too different but didn't had a similar reputation but neither gathered positive attention.

I became curious, urban exploration was a hobby i considered trying and that house was a nice place to start so i slowly went inside to avoid making noise.
I became curious, urban exploration was a hobby i considered trying and that house was a nice place to start so i slowly went inside to avoid making noise.
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[[Category:Pointless Violence]]
[[Category:Pointless Violence]]

Latest revision as of 03:54, 24 April 2024

I was walking down the street in my neighborhood, i intended to go home after work until i noticed a white cat passing by, being the obsessed cat person that i am i walked towards it, the adorable creature got closer to the abandoned house of the area, it reached the door and proceeded to push it open.

It was shocking to realize that the abandoned building was opened after 10 years living with my parents in Hollywood, i never saw anyone get inside or leave, rumor has it that the owner was arrested and ever since the events nobody wanted to inhabit that place, probably because it was seen as the 'Ugliest house in Hollywood' for having the looks of a middle class house, ironically, my house didn't look too different but didn't had a similar reputation but neither gathered positive attention.

I became curious, urban exploration was a hobby i considered trying and that house was a nice place to start so i slowly went inside to avoid making noise.

I got to the dinner room and kitchen area, more specifically a room filled with a semi opened empty fridge, a dusty dinning table with just one chair in good state and the other 2 broken into pieces lying in the floor, a broken window that lead to the streets outside lightened by the sunlight and there was a plastic box below it that got my curiosity.

The box was closed, it contained some labels in it for brands like Fox, Disney, Gracie films among others, i couldn't tell what it was.

Since i lost track of the cat i immediately took the package and went back home

My family wasn't around, that gave me a chance to open the box without any witness.

Despite my curiosity i was afraid it might been drugs but given that it has some legit labels in it and the package was intact so it was easy to assume it was lost material, didn't explained why it was located in an abandoned place.

I found a cassette in it, it was labeled 'The Simpson's killer'.

I mostly knew the brand Fox for making cartoon series like 'The Simpsons'. So i was curious to see what it was given the authenticity of the package so i quickly went to the basement for the old family VHS, connect it to the TV and shoved cassette right in.

It started, it was weird to see a show with no intro, it was a 2D cartoon, it started with a dark skin semi-bald fat man with a small beard, dark red clothing and sunglasses, sleeping in a hospital bed with a saxophone at the edge, it was Bleeding Gums Murphy from the Simpsons, despite not being an ultra-fan from the show i knew about this obscure character from the episodes i watched, it took me a second to theorize that this was some sort of bootleg VHS that contained random episodes, given that i didn't watched too much of "The Simpsons". i could only assume it was an episode i may have skipped, then again, i wasn't the biggest fan to be honest.

Murphy woke up, his saxophone accidentally fell on the floor as he stretched his arms around, he blinked, there was nobody.

"Lisa! Are you... There?". Silence was the only response he had.

He struggled to stand on the floor but eventually managed to walk straight out of the room, the hospital halls were as lifeless as his own room, the whole place was a mess.

Suddenly, a red cloud flew around the place, Murphy was scared but quickly stopped as he noticed when it ceased to move and began to talk.

"It worked Murphy, we are free for now, but he's gonna get us if we don't act quickly!".

The yellow man that responded:

"Yes, i've had enough, after 40 years it's time to be free!"

Before the cloud disappeared a photo of a map location was displayed, it stayed like that for 3 seconds before vanishing.

The episode continued, Murphy left the hospital to get to his house.

The TV suddenly turned off along with the lights.

The lights turned back on, now Murphy's face was on the TV, he was looking at the screen.

"Listen man, i need you to help me save everyone, i'm sorry for what i'm about to do!".

I was confused.

"You managed to release me, now we must finish this!".

The TV turned off, i felt a pain in my head, i got up for some pills but i suddenly felt like i lost control of my legs, i felt dizzy, i struggled to walk while holding myself to a wall, i kept walking to the kitchen to reach the drawer for medicine.

When i finally reached the place, i opened it and grab the bottle, drop a bunch of pills in my hand and...

Suddenly, the pain stopped, i felt older, older in the sense that, nothing seemed new to me, like i went through a previous life... I had the memories of a whole population in my head.

Murphy was no longer on the screen, the picture of that location flashed in my head, i suddenly felt that i was in the middle of a mission, my new memories told me to grab a knife from the kitchen.

I used a public phone to make a call to the police, i reported a fake incident about a man breaking into a house, once the cops arrived at the abandoned house where i found the box i waited for the 2 of them to split, i was thinking of killing them, luckily for them they were dumb enough to leave the keys on the car.

These memories that came to my head included knowledge on how to drive.

After half an hour a bunch of police cars were on my tail, the sirens made it clear that they weren't messing around, as if i had nothing to loose i accelerated.

The cops pumped up the speed as well, one of them hit the back of my vehicle, i hold my head from hitting the handle, another car was on my right side, it hit me but i quickly pushed him back, it crashed against a dumpster truck, i heard the impact as i kept my car on the road.

The other one tried to do the same, he hit me from the left side, i felt adrenaline flowing through me, suddenly, the voice of the red cloud talked to me.

"You must get there, you must finish the job!".

I felt a huge peak of adrenaline in my body, i opened the door and jumped to the police car, my left hand held on to the edge of the police car as i opened the door with the right hand to get inside, i crawled over the cop's lap on the copilot seat to grab the handle and drove the car in a random direction.

After some crashes the car fell on a river, i quickly went up to the surface, after reaching the shore i kept running to lost the cops in the nearby forest.

I ran through the trees, i slowed down when i felt that i was far enough, somehow, i wasn't as tired as i expected and despite being in a forest my memories allowed me to see orient myself, to keep going to the coordinated that appeared in my TV.

A helicopter was passing by, despite the height the forest was thick enough to make it hard on them to see me.

After hours of walk i finally found a road that led me back to a town, i found a man in a suit talking on the phone while sitting on the side of his car.

I quickly grabbed him by the head and smack it against the glass of his car, as he felt to the floor in pain i took his keys and grab his phone so he couldn't call the cops on time.

I could still hear his moaning of pain as i drove his away in his car.

I arrived at the location, it was a mansion, however, a big gate was between the target and me.

I accelerated as fast the car allowed, a big hole in the gate was made by the impact, this time my head hit the handle, a blur appeared in my eyes just to vanish pretty quickly.

I couldn't stop the car yet, a plan of distraction was prepared in my head, i slowed the acceleration just enough for me to leave the seat and roll around in the grass of the property.

The car crashed against the main entrance of the mansion.

I walked there with the knife in my hand, i walked through the debris and dust that covered the way, an old man was there, standing in shock as he stared at the car, like he was so lucky to avoid the hit, i never met him but this knew knowledge allowed me to get a name for him, Matt Groening.

He ran away as quick as he could, i chased him, i lost track of him as i went to the kitchen because of a bodyguard that grabbed my neck me from the back with his arms, i quickly grabbed him by the legs and ran towards the oven, it was closed so we only got hit, with him out of my back i quickly got up and turned the gas on to stove in hopes to make a fire so Matt Couldn't escape, but the thug got up quickly and pushed me away.

He pulled a gun from his suit which i grabbed and proceeded to a kick him in the chest as he lied against the oven, With his gun i pulled off of the safety lock to fire at the gas coming out of the stove, the fire spread as the explosion pushed me back and knocked the guard, i shot the fire alarm before it could detect the smoke.

I kept sprinting through the mansion looking for Mr Groening, the new memories had mental map of the area, i could only assume he was waiting in his room, when i got there i shot the knob of the door and kicked it open, this time, two bodyguards were waiting for me, i quickly took cover on the wall near the door frame and began to open blind fire.

I took quick peaks to get a look at the guards and shoot them, in front of the kicked door was a bed, the one guard i could see was behind a closet taking cover as he shoot, the other one was on the other side of the room out of my sight.

After some exchange of bullets with them i manage to kill the thug behind the closet with my last bullets, the other one heard the click of my empty gun and ran towards me, i had to throw the gun away.

The guard ran towards me with his gun, i managed to grab the armed hand right before he could shoot me and pushed him down the stairs, he dropped his gun as he fell down the stairs, i pulled my knife out as he got up and ran towards me.

I stabbed him in the chest, i quickly learned that he was wearing a Kevlar vest so i had to throw away knife.

He pushed me back to the bedroom, i stopped his charge as i placed my foot on the edge of the bed to grab him by the legs to throw him with a suplex on the bed, it didn't hurt him since it was a mattress, i ran for something i could use as a weapon, i picked a golf club, i immediately swing it to hit the bodyguard behind me, he dodged the attack and grabbed me again, i quickly dropped the club and hit him on the stomach.

He stepped away to throw me a punch that i dodged and responded with a kick that hit the left side of his knee, as he went back to the standing position i threw a punch to his face which he dodged to respond with a high roundhouse kick to my right arm.

I ran to the window, he jumped at my back, i kept running forward.

The glass was broken, the body was grabbing my waist as i held from the edge of the window's frame.

I grabbed a piece of glass that remained on the frame to use as weapon, it was hold tight but after some effort i managed to take it off, i quickly stabbed the bodyguard on the neck, we lost his grip and fell on the floor.

As i managed to get over the frame Groening stabbed me in the left shoulder with my knife and i fell on the floor.

Everything went dark.

As i opened my eyes i woke up in the same hospital Murphy was in, resting in the same hospital bed from the same room, even the saxophone was still on the floor, somehow i turned myself into a cartoon, i noticed my new yellow arms with 4 fingers in each hand.

Out of nowhere, the red mist showed up right in front of me.

"Wake up boy, wake up, you have to set us free".

"Wait, why i'm i doing this? How do i KNOW this?".

"Well, you see... I took control of your body, you happened to obtain my knowledge in the process, well, part of your mind accepted it".

I was shocked, also, i noticed some of that knowledge i had fading out as if i had a partial amnesia, luckily i still had the memories i experienced, with so much doubts flowing in my head i had to clarify things for myself.

I began to fear, the image of those cops that crashed against the dump-truck, the bodyguards i killed, the legal problems i got myself in, i pressed my face with both of my hands, the events suddenly began to spread guilt in my mind, but part of me assumed that my thoughts didn't processed that, well, not my thoughts, it was these now vanished thoughts that suggestested me to do it and something made me follow them like it was an order, i had so many doubts.

"What are you? Why is all this Simpsons stuff around me? WHAT IS THIS?!"

After a few seconds of silence the ethereal voice of the mist responded.

"Well, you see... This being you know as Matt Groening, your target, is an interdimensional being that captured us all, back in 1972 he got stuck in your dimension, he was a master in necromancy, it is unknown to me why he came your world and never returned to his, but what we know is that he assumed the used his magic to get us".

"Wait, us?".

"Not you, us, he used his powers to capture plenty of souls, we became the red mist that your eyes are seeing".

"Why did Matt do this?".

"Matt is but a mere vessel for this master to possess, in the same way we controlled your body he controlled his, he used Matt's knoledge to gain access to the animation industry, there he used our souls to give voice and movement to the characters, from the moment an animator grabs a pen or voice actor opens his mouth in front of the microphone they began to adapt to us, they gain extra talent, they get hypnotized, they get possessed by our voices and our movements, we became slaves of a fictional city in which we became characters that never aged or truly died, a rare exception was the soul that played 'Bleeding Gums Murphy'. I barely remember his real name, but he managed to find a way to escape, then 'Marvin Monroe'. Sadly, he was captured back after a while, he reinforced their security ever since, we never unsterstood the reason behind taking souls and put them into animation".

"But, how did you get to me, what was that tape i got?"

"That tape, was our backup plan, before 'Marvin Monroe' was captured, he snatched the body of a living being, he had a plan to make a portal for us through a cassette, Murphy's soul was placed there, it would take a while until we could open a portal through the cassette, after days of enchantment they finally completed the necessary process to get the souls into the VHS and out of the studio, however, before Marvin managed to play the cassette, Groening's agents found him and left the tape in a box, it was a stolen box from the studio, only with that kind of box we would've escaped but it was late... Fortunately, you found it and released us".

After a few seconds of processing, i needed to clarify something else to clear out any question.

"Wait, why do you want to kill him? Can't you just run away?"

"No, not only he would find us eventually but he would also he will take other souls to replace us, we need to stop him at all costs, kill 'The Simpsons', kill him!".



My head was about to explode, he could be lying, but given the paranormal nature of the events there was nothing else i could do and me being controlled by them was enough proof to realize that i couldn't protest, my life was ruined, i wanted to die.

Those thoughts gave me an idea, but i could only hope they will not notice, i had to find a way to get them out of my head, or at least to gather enough liberty to kill myself, i had to get rid of them by all means necesary, with nothing left to loose in that situation i needed to end it all.

Before i realized, my mind was back in reality, the sorcerer's house was on fire.

The knowledge was back in my head.

With both palms of my hands in the grass i got up, i slowly removed the knife in my shoulder that kept the streams of blood falling on the floor.

Despite the pain i had a mysterious strenght within myself that kept me going, this time i was more conscious of my actions, i knew this was wrong, i didn't wanted to continue, but these spirits wouldn't give another option, at least these time their bound with my body was slighty weaker than before.

I walked around the house, the sorcerer was running towards his expensive car, i increased the speed of my feet.

He reached the door, opened it, take the driver's seat, close the door, place the key on the hole, turn on the engine.

My hand reached the foor, opened it.

He quickly accelerated, i was running while keeping my grip on that door.

The car was heading to the main entrance to leave the house, my target quickly opened the drawer in the copilot seat to quickly look inside, he grabbed a flashlight from there to throw it at me, i covered my face with the arm that took the hit.

As he was forced to make a turn to face the entrance i let go off the door to reach the other one and open it, since the car was forced to make a movement that required it to lower the speed i had no issue on jumping at seats on the back of the car.

I quickly pushed the knife behind the pilot's seat, the sorcerer screamed in pain for the sharp tip that severely hurt the back of his vessel, he moved closer to the handle in hopes to avoid a second hit while planning a way to escape.

As i moved between the front seats to finish him off i noticed we were on the outside of the property and a truck was getting closer to us.

We were hit from the front, the impact pushed my ass to the backseat, my back suffered a bit of pain from the impact, my body couldn't ignore the amount of accumulated pain i went through the last few hours.

The spirits bound was getting weaker along with my body, moving was even harder now, the effects of the adrenaline ran out.

I slowly moved in between the seats.

"Finish this monster... End him... Now!". The myst's voice started to sound weak, i could tell they were in the same level of pain that i had for some reason.

I turned my head to the left, he was bleeding on the back, his face was looking at me, his breathing was heavy, the seatbelt was removed, the door was open, but he barely moved.

With my knife in my left hand i moved closer to him to grab him by the neck and... Ask:

"Why...Did you... do that? Why... did you trapped those souls?".

after a few seconds of silence i managed to hear the police sirens.

The vessel stuttered, but despite the situation he tried his best to move his lips, after inhaling plenty of oxigen his mouth finally opened.

"I came to this world... I needed a way to substain myself... I obtained a body... But this body needed food and water, so i had to use my skills to gather these souls... Before i realize it, i felt like a father".

The police was getting closer, plenty of patrol cars were surrounding us.

"I had to adapt to this world, leave my past behind... My world behind... But when all my choices were running out, i had to go back to the old tricks... I felt like i found a bunch of kids that needed a father... I wouldn't let them go away, they need me... it's for their own good".

The cops were getting closer, they aimed their guns at us, my hand was holding the knife pretty tight closer to Matt's body.

"Bullshit! They might be ruining my life right now, but i can tell you forced them to go through a lot of pain for decades, you took the body of an innocent person, starting with the body of an animator, you made him your puppet, played with his identity, just to enslave innocent souls to give you all the profit in the world!".

"They are just acting acting unwise, you're gonna hand them over and averything will be back to normal, they might me angry at me! But you must know... Sometimes, you gotta force your beloved ones to love y-".

Before he could finish that irritating and anger inducing sentence i clenched my knife harder and swing it right into his heart, quickly moved it away to repeat the hit in the same location, blood poured out of the wound, i repeated the process around three times.

The cops pulled the triggers, their bullets openend plenty of holes in the glass.

More bullet holes appeared in my shoulder, another one hit the stomach of the sorcerer's vessel, and another right in my forehead.

I suddenly appeared back at the bed from the hospital, well, that mystical place that looked like a hospital.

But this time my body felt different, i looked around myself... My body was transparent.

But i had no time to process that, i was finally free from their mind control, i quickly got up from the bed to run around the hospital, it didn't took me long to find the main entrance to the hospital, i opened it and witnessed an intense light in front of me.

Suddenly i woke up, i was back in the car, i still had control over me, so i moved away from the seat, the door was opened for me so i quickly abandoned the car and ignore the officers... Suddenly, i realized they should've been aiming at me, but they were not doing that.

They were getting closer but i was not their target.

I turned around, my body was there, not only that, but my 'new body' still looked transparent.

The officer's kept walking near me, one of them gave me a small hit with his shoulder by accident.

"Hey!". I yelled.

"Excuse me". Answered the officer.

"For what?" Answered the officer next to him.

"I hit you, didn't you noticed?".

"I don't know what you're talking about".

I was confused.

The cops were investigating the area, i got closer to one of them to pick his hat and move it just a little so he wouldn't noticed, then proceeded shake my hand in front of his eyes and scream another "Hey" to him yet i had no reaction, i concluded that, whatever just happened i became invisible and impossible to be heard, not sure if the word 'ghost' would define what i became.

I don't know if this situation made my soul remain on the physical world or what but i could only conclude that i wasn't a human anymore.

'The Simpsons' was canceled after their voice actors had a 'Sudden change' in their voices, the artists felt weaker which forced them to quit their jobs.

Plenty of my family members are confused of how or why would i do all the things the red mist forced me to do.

I never found the red mist of that sorcerer ever again.

It's been weeks since all of those events, i've been studying the sorcere's books that survived the fire... Well, partially at least, i hope to find a spell that would at least allow me to possess a body, sure, it's fun being invisible while being capable of touching things, but this is not a situation i'm gonna enjoy for centuries, i want to be normal again so i can die like a normal person, i'm writing this just to leave a mark in this world, a proof that i once existed, a memory.

For i am the killer of The Simpsons.

Originally on Geoshea's Lost Episodes Wiki

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