The Simpsons: Lisa's Insanity

Revision as of 12:48, 25 April 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "You'd think that matt would've recovered from that lost Futurama episode. He did, but he started to show signs of depression and fatigue. I desperately wanted him to feel a lot better, so i started to prepare his meals everyday. Since he didn't have the energy to cook. I made him some delectable dishes, which he definitely approved of. For breakfast, i made him a Bacon and Egg sandwich. For lunch, i made him a small pepperoni Pizza. For dinner, i made him some Lasagna a...")
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You'd think that matt would've recovered from that lost Futurama episode. He did, but he started to show signs of depression and fatigue. I desperately wanted him to feel a lot better, so i started to prepare his meals everyday. Since he didn't have the energy to cook.

I made him some delectable dishes, which he definitely approved of. For breakfast, i made him a Bacon and Egg sandwich. For lunch, i made him a small pepperoni Pizza. For dinner, i made him some Lasagna and for Dessert, i made him Marshmallow Kulfi (If you don't know what Kulfi is, it's basically like ice cream and it's a very popular dessert in Pakistan)

Matt thought that me taking care of him was "nice" and "thoughtful" considering that i'm his closest friend. I would say that i'm his closest friend, because he seems to despise the other employees who work for the studio. The employee he hated the most was Sam, who was extremely bossy and manipulated his friends into making episodes he wanted to make. I tried to stay as far away from him as possible.

But here's the problem, He would walk up to me during staff meetings. He wouldn't say anything, he would just stare at me with an unprepossessing look on his face. I've tried telling the CEO about it, but he just ignored me.

Whenever i was working on an episode, I just have a huge wave of anxiety. Something about Matt's sick, frozen face bothered me for some reason. His body looked uncanny when he was ill, especially his head. I've actually had a few panic attacks during test screenings for example, maybe it's because i'm claustrophobic or maybe i just don't like large screens. Which is why i rarely go to the cinema.

The reason why i quit my internship at Fox is because of these creepy VHS tapes of lost episodes. I usually saw them laying around on the floor, but i hesitant to pick them up. It was mostly because what seemed to be dog shit near the bottom of the cassettes but it was also because i don't want to be scared by a Cartoon.

Before i tell you about this, let me tell you something: I adore horror related stuff. From horror movies to horror books, it's no doubt that i'm quite a junkie when it comes to this sort of stuff. But here's the thing, i don't like gore. Anytime there's gore in a scary movies, i have the audacity to look away.

With that being said. Let's tell you my experience with a lost episode of the Simpsons.

I was chilling in my office, not doing much. Actually, i was playing computer games with the volume on mute so no-one could hear it. The company had an extremely strict policy that if you were caught playing computer games, you would lose half of your money. So most of the time i didn't really budge, seeing that i only had $46 dollars in my bank account.

I saw a DVD disc laying on the floor, i picked it off the surface and the disc said:

"The Simpsons: Lisa's Insanity"

This made me really excited, seeing that i was a huge fan of The simpsons at the time. I couldn't wait to see a lost episode of the show! oh, what could it be about? Could it be about Lisa going insane and plotting revenge towards her classmates? or could it be just an episode full of filler.

Then i remember all those stories about cursed DVDs and cursed VHS tapes, i thought about putting the disc into the DVD player. Suddenly, to my surprise, an intern busted in without even knocking the door first! This made me frustrated and i attempted to give him a lecture about it, but he wouldn't even fricking listen! those ratbags, i hated those interns with a passion.

Without hesitation, I put the disc in then grabbed a Pepsi and started to watch the show.

If only i could take that back.

The episode started with the normal intro, but the sound seemed flat and the screen was actually quite fuzzy. You couldn't really see what was going on, although you could make out a few parts of the intro. The couch gag for the episode seemed rather ominous to say the least. It was the family sitting on the couch, but Lisa wasn't there.

This concerned me, and made me a little nervous too. I was worried about what was going to happen to Lisa. After all, the episode was titled "Lisa's Insanity" so that kind of makes sense i guess.

The actual episode started with Lisa and Bart walking to school. Bart was telling Lisa some cheesy ass jokes, most of them including:

"Why did the chicken cross the road, to get to the other side!"

"Knock Knock, who's there? Boo! Boo who? don't cry it's only a joke"

and "Do you know who joe is? JOE MAMA!"

This was irritating Lisa, but strangely she didn't say anything. She just kept silent the entire time. As if she was planning to murder one of her Classmates or something. Lisa wasn't always like this, the Lisa i knew was pretty talkative and very intelligent.

Bart continued to tell those annoying jokes, just to aggravate his sister. The audio got louder and louder so i turned it down a bit. Some cartoony music started to play as Bart and Lisa started to enter the school. Their first class was math class, which caused bart to complain.

When Miss Krabappel was talking, the audio was in reverse. The abnormal thing is, that Bart's dialogue was completely normal and the other characters dialogue was either distorted or in a extremely low pitch. This puzzled me greatly, this must've been a huge editing mistake. Either that or Matt made this on his own.

It cut to the Lisa hanging out with some of the other kids at Recess. Milhouse starts to tease her about her looks, glasses, and even her hair. This makes Lisa feel extremely bad about herself. It cuts to her point of view, where she starts to hallucinate. She starts to see various clones of Milhouse teasing her, and she starts to run away. The clones chase after her at full speed, all while chanting:

"Lisa is ugly, and she has four eyes"

The bodies start to form more and more clones, and they scamper towards Lisa.

Lisa darts towards the exit door, only to see 3 clones of Bart blocking the exit door. They start to hysterically laugh. One of the versions of Bart points behind Lisa, only for Lisa to see the clones forming over and over again. Bart then starts to grow horns and razor sharp teeth and starts to cannibalise the other Barts. The Milhouses go after Lisa, now holding Pitchforks and Axes.

She was now cornered, she had no idea what was going on. One of the milhouses snuck behind her and hit her in the head with a baseball bat.

The poor girl wakes up to see that she's in a room with all of the clones staring directly at her, they all laugh manically as they watch Lisa suffer and scream. She was tied up to a chair, which was also tied up to an electrical system. Presumably used for execution.

Her body seemed to decay as she screamed some more. The more the innocent girl screamed, the more the clones seemed to enjoy it as their laughter got louder and louder. Bart then started to barfed up some vital fluids and vomit while one of the clones barfed up what seemed to be an actual human.

The man looked absolutely horrific. All of his hair had been pulled off, his face was mangled, and his body was rotting away. The clones seemed mock and terrorise him. He had little to no reaction, just a face of empty despair. The actual bart came in and started to mock Lisa, as she was repeatedly telling Bart to stop. Bart then pulled out what seemed to be a Butcher's Knife and attempted to behead Lisa with it, but a full-on monster version of him pulled him away.

The monster bart walked towards Lisa and started to puke all over her body, not to mention that he also coughed up some Mucus and Fecal Matter. Lisa was now REALLY terrified. Not only did she have vomit and shit all over her body, her life was also at stake too.

Suddenly, everyones bodies started to evaporate into hot liquid. As it was revealed that Lisa was actually in a mental hospital this whole time. She wasn't really herself, however. She was constantly twitching and had the grin of pure evil, she also seemed to be muttering to herself about Her brother dying a horrible death.

The episode ended with the screen zooming into Lisa's eye, then the screen faded to the credits.

Once the credits were over, The Gracie Films logo played. All of the silhouettes were dead however, and some were decapitated (in a cartoony fashion) probably due to the clones invading them.

Then an image appeared. It was an extreme close up of what seemed to be an alien sub-species. It looked all weird, too. His eyes were where his nose was supposed to be, and his nose were where his eyes was supposed to be. This lasted for about 15 seconds.

The screen then faded to black.

Credited to DankLordX 

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