The Simpsons: Lisa's Revenge

Revision as of 04:52, 8 July 2021 by Thermometer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Lisa Simpson is the middle child of the Simpson family. She is also a supporting character, and some episodes even revolved around her. She is the younger sister to Bart Simps...")
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Lisa Simpson is the middle child of the Simpson family. She is also a supporting character, and some episodes even revolved around her. She is the younger sister to Bart Simpson. The two shared what's called a sibling rivalry the show uses this as a trope, but the two seem to be close.

There was a rumour going around about one such episode it wasn't included in the DVDs, and the cast and crew never mentioned it. As if it never existed and it fell in obscurity, but some people did go on to talk about on message boards and forums. These discussions never got too big to get attention. I so happened to be a user on one of these message boards, and I can tell you now these message boards were just if not more obscure as said episode. I can't blame you if you haven't even heard about them. From what I gathered, the episode first aired in August 2001 under the name "Lisa's Revenge" and hasn't been re-aired since. The storyline centered around Lisa getting revenge on her brother, Bart when he pulls a rather mean prank on her. There have been numerous theories on why the episode has never been re-aired, such as 9-11 which happened the following month but they never had any evidence to back it up. Some of them think that the episode wasn't real and that it was just a dream they had.

That was until a user claimed to have the actual episode on an MP5 video file format and in HD. He never told anyone where or how he got it, and he left a download link in the next post. I clicked the link and which began downloading the MP5 file. Then a half-hour later, he deleted his account which deleted the posts. No one knew why he did this. The download finished, and I clicked on the file Media Player popped up and began playing. The Simpsons intro started and showed the characters in the usual settings. Eventually, all the characters come together before Marge almost run overs Homer, all of them sit at the couch watching TV. The camera focuses on the screen showing the credits of the producers.

The episode then actually begins with an outside view of the Simpsons house from the street which zooms into one of the windows, then it cuts into Lisa's room with Lisa herself sitting on her bed. Lisa is excited that Springfield Elementary will be hosting a new science fair, and she's been dying to show her experiment. Soon after that, the family is having breakfast when Lisa talks about the science fair, Bart hears this and thinks of it as an opportunity to prank Lisa. The bus arrives, and Lisa and Bart leave for school. Then it immediately cuts to the science fair with a montage showcasing all the students' projects before showing Lisa's. Her experiment hopes to turn Helium gas into an alternative fuel source, replacing fossil fuels. Bart then sneakily manipulates the gas dials, Principal Seymour Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers, along with a new character who is overseeing the fair and a crowd of students, watch as Lisa is about to conduct her experiment and as soon as it begins. It explodes in a cartoonish fashion, leaving cartoonish black ash which covers not only Lisa's face but as well as Skinner's and Chalmer's. Bart begins to laugh at Lisa and with the crowd of students following in laughter. The camera cuts back at Lisa in an angry expression as the laughter gets distorted and slowed down. The camera then cuts back to the crowd, showing Skinner's and Chalmer's resigned expressions. It zooms in on Bart, who Lisa recognizes as the culprit behind the blatant sabotage of her experiment. As a result, Lisa loses the fair, back at home Marge asks Lisa how the science fair went, and Lisa responds that she did not win but never elaborates why obviously. Back in her room, Lisa conveys rage about Bart sabotaging and begins to plan her revenge. She heads to the garage to find something to get revenge on Bart, after rummaging and ruffling a few objects she discovers a Ringmaster's whip and handcuffs, she speculates that they were left behind by the previous owners and she takes up to her room. Later that afternoon, she heads out on a bike and discovers an abandoned shack.

She finds out that the place is empty. The next day, she steals some chemicals from the chemistry class. It then fast forwards to the Simpsons house at night when the family is sleeping. Lisa steps out of her bed and carefully steps towards Bart's bedroom. Once she is near to Bart, who is sleeping, she dips the bottle to pour a chemical liquid on the cloth.

She puts the cloth over Bart's mouth, Bart awakes and begins to struggle against Lisa but is rendered unconscious. Bart wakes up wearing nothing but underwear and cuffed to a wooden beam. Lisa walks into the light, holding the whip. Bart begins to beg, and Lisa starts to whip Bart. Bart starts screaming as Lisa continues, his body gets more lashes, and the screaming gets worse. This scene lasted for 10 minutes before fading to black. It's the next day Marge walks into Bart's bedroom and doesn't find Bart and the window is open. Marge is terrified and tells Homer to call the police. He does, and Bart's disappearance is on the news covered by Kent Brockman, Kent explains that Bart disappeared in the middle of the night by an unknown abductor, who gained access through the window outside as police have found evidence that the intruder opened the window from outside not the inside. Lisa goes on air, to beg anyone to find her brother some suspects are considered, such as Krusty the Clown, Milhouse, and even Mr Burns. But eventually, Chief Wiggum declares the case cold citing lack of further evidence. The screen goes to black with a white caption reading "26 years later". The camera cuts to inside the Oval Office with Lisa now being United States president, is writing something while listening to the TV. The news airs announcing the anniversary of Bart's disappearance, as the reporter goes into details about Bart's disappearance. Low moaning is audible Lisa hears this and stops writing, she walks to the room where this moaning is coming from Lisa gets dressed into black attire with a whip and proceeds to go downstairs in an opened trap door. Whip cracking becomes audible from downstairs as the moaning turns into screaming. The screen fades to black as the credits begin, but the whip cracking and the screaming doesn't stop until the end of the credits, the screen stays black for a few seconds before ending.

Originally on Geoshea's Lost Episodes Wiki

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