The Slonnea

Revision as of 05:55, 4 September 2023 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "11 PM, Saturday night. I’ve been playing Minecraft, GTA IV, Happy Wars, and Halo 4 for probably a solid 10 hours now. My Xbox companions are nearly as lifeless as I am. Ryan, Jake, TJ and I just opened up a multiplayer server on GTA. Friendly Fire, Police, and Auto-Aim off, weapons set to RPG, and location set to Airport. The time is midnight and the weather is set to drizzle. I’m the host of the game, so I open up my character’s cell phone and send invites to my...")
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11 PM, Saturday night. I’ve been playing Minecraft, GTA IV, Happy Wars, and Halo 4 for probably a solid 10 hours now. My Xbox companions are nearly as lifeless as I am.

Ryan, Jake, TJ and I just opened up a multiplayer server on GTA. Friendly Fire, Police, and Auto-Aim off, weapons set to RPG, and location set to Airport. The time is midnight and the weather is set to drizzle.

I’m the host of the game, so I open up my character’s cell phone and send invites to my three friends, who promptly accept with the exception of the momentary “Hold on guys, some fag invited me to GTA”. “Ha ha, you’re so original.

You only say that like, what, 8 times a day?” I respond. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you. I mean, I did, but I didn’t mean to offend you. Just kidding, I totally meant to offend you,” Said Ryan as he laughed at his own ill placed comment. “Can we just get to blowing each other around the airport already?” whined TJ in that tone that could cause a deaf man to beg for silence.

“Shut up, fat ass. You’re fat” Jake replied in his low and calmed tone. Even though it’s a pretty simplistic insult, everyone, including me, always finds these fat jokes to be hilarious, even though TJ only weighs around 90 lbs.

“I told you guys, I’m not fat! I checked just yesterday, and I’m only 11% body fat for Christ sakes!” whined TJ in denial. “Yeah, 11% of buttery, slimy fat” I said, as Ryan and Jake began laughing once again. “You guys are such dickwheels…” replied TJ, using his trademark word that he “invented” himself, and everyone else uses. As everyone was bickering, I snuck up behind Ryan and launched a rocket directly near his feet. Ryan went soaring above the airport, as he yelled “Wheeeewh!” as Toby Turner does.

His body collides with the pavement, and he stands up, barely scratched, due to Friendly Fire being off. After that, everyone begins launching at each other, jacking AirTugs and ramming each other, and even stealing choppers and crashing into one another in hopes of hitting each other with the propeller blades.

Oh, I forgot to mention our gamertags. Why would mentioning our gamertags matter, you might ask? It’s crucial information to understand what’s to come in the future. My gamertag is ShadyBadger288, and Jake’s is jake2the0snake4. TJ’s is sundayMASSACRE. Finally is Ryan’s. I’ve known Ryan for quite some time, and we met on His username for all online sites and all games of the sort has always been the same, which surprises me, as usually such an original name gets nabbed from game to game. His gamertag is none other than “slonnea”.

Returning to the game, Ryan, TJ, Jake and I continued to launch one another around the airport as usual, and finally, due to fall damage, Ryan died, uttering “Ow my head…” as his screen faded to black and white as usual. The death message in the corner usually stated, “slonnea has died” but this time, something out of the ordinary occurred. The standard death message was replaced with “The Slonnea was splattered across the pavement”. Even for GTA’s humorous violence, that seemed a little dark, but I’m a rather “dark” person myself, so I laughed at him, yelled “When you respawn, get over there and clean up your remains. You’re making the airport reek of dead noob.”

Waiting for a response from Ryan, I went over to investigate the place where he died, hoping to get a few more RPG shots from his remains, which should have despawned by then. I found the glowing red light of the RPG on the ground, and I sprinted over to it and picked it up, but what laid in front of the RPG was twisted beyond what I thought GTA’s graphics were capable of.

Quite literally, splattered all over the pavement of the airport, were slonnea’s innards and blood. This peaked my curiosity, as I’ve never seen anything this gory in the game before. I crouched down next to it to see what else was there, and I could see small fragments of bone and ripped clothing, soaked in blood around the impact site, which left a rather small, but quite visible impact mark on the ground. I looked around a little more, and saw the partially shattered skull of the corpse, and it was sickening. The eye sockets had blood running from them, creating a pool around the skull.

I stood back up and nervously asked Ryan if he had seen this yet. No response. I asked TJ and Jake what had happened to Ryan, as they both knew Ryan in real life, as I only knew him over the internet. Still, no response. I pressed the dashboard button and opened the party. Everyone was still in the party, except what was there was not what one would call ‘normal’. Jake and TJ were still in the party, but the party showed that their headsets were offline, and Ryan’s Gamertag was changed to “The Slonnea”.

A chill went down my spine, but then I gained my senses and pretty much told myself to quit being such a pussy. I pressed A on The Slonnea’s name in the party, and I was taken to his Gamercard. This was even more-so strange, as instead of the standard gamerpic of Brownie from Super Meat Boy that Ryan often used, his gamerpic was of the skull from within the game. All of his information was replaced with just corrupted text, and all the options displayed next to his profile was gone; it was just all white.

I exited the gamercard of “The Slonnea” and went back to the game, but was greeted with my camera being focused on a dark being directly in front of mine. It’s eye sockets were empty, and were running with blood. I pressed down on the directional pad and slonnea’s gamertag was also replaced with The Slonnea. Jake and TJ’s were gone, and what frightened me even more was what my gamertag was changed to. Instead of ShadyBadger288, it was now “Target”. I launched a rocket at my feet, and killed myself, while also blowing the creature a good distance away from where it stood.

I respawned in the parking lot of the airport, and as I ran to a car, the car exploded, and I was tossed back. I tried this about 4 times, and each time I was about to enter the car, it exploded. Among all the charred remains of vehicles in the parking lot, there was but one that remained intact. It was a small, green Faggio. I sprinted over to it and climbed aboard. Once I mounted it though, instead of the vehicle being shown as Faggio, it was shown as “Shady’s Vespa”. I almost laughed, as an ongoing inside joke between me and Ryan is that I call Faggio bikes “Vespa” like PewDiePie does.

I would scoot around the map on it, and do the loved “Wheeewh!” as I did poorly executed wheelies on it, and Ryan would find me on it and blow it up, just to hear me spout inaudible rage over my burnt and unusable Vespa. I felt the slight fear I had melt away as I scooted around on my special Faggio. I assumed that maybe Ryan added some mods and had maybe tried to creep me out. I slowly but awesomely drove up to the airport where the choppers are located to see the black figure standing on top of an Annihilator. It looked… different this time around though.

It was standing in a sort of feral stance, on all fours, or at least one might call it all fours if it were such as that, but this thing was standing on six legs, each of which were grotesquely long and spindly. The blood flowing face that I saw before was there once again, except this time it was upside down, staring directly down at me. All of a sudden, my Faggio exloded and I was flung off it, just above the creature. It reached two of it’s appendages up towards my flying body and tore it in two, raining blood down upon it. The death message appeared, and it read “You have fell victim to The Slonnea”.

I was genuinely creeped out at that point, and I yelled into my headset “Knock it the fuck off Ryan, this isn’t cool. I want my Vespa back!” and babbled some inaudible words as we all normally do. My hopes of this all being a joke were crushed at that moment, when I heard a low, screeching growl reply to my comment saying “I will be done when I wish to be done…”.

I nearly shat a brick at that point, and I paused the game, trying to leave the game. The option to “leave” was replaced with just unselectable text in a blood red and messy font saying “No escape”. I thought to myself that I’m not that bad of a GTA player, and an even better GTA driver. I can manage to either kill or at least keep away from this thing.

As I finished my thought, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, and from in my head I could hear in the same dark, screeching voice “Don’t count on it”. I shook my head and the pain went away, ran over and found a bright red Infernus with a spoiler (My favorite car in GTA IV along with a dark red Banshee with a black sports stripe down the body) and took off through the exit tunnel out of the airport. Along the drive, I saw piled, bloodied bodies among flaming car collisions.

Each car had extremely large dents in the front of them, as if it hit an unmovable pole head on at top speed. I shuddered and continued to take off, my car zooming over off-ramps, partially launching me into the air. I pressed down on the control stick that controls the camera to view behind me quick, and as I suspected, but hoped wasn’t true, The Slonnea was pursuing my car. He was on foot, running like a rabid wolf on all six of its legs. It was nearly as fast as my Infernus, but knowing Ryan, he was a horrible GTA driver. So horrible, me and the others labeled him as the woman driver of the group.

Even in this form, whether Ryan was actually in there or not, he still made his normal driving mistakes, skidding out of control, colliding head on with NPC drivers, ect., but was still able to keep up with me. Knowing the map of Liberty City as well as I do, I decided to throw it off. I drove up the highway from the exit of the airport up to the blocked off area that leads to the small playground with that glitchy swingset that me and my friends effectively named “The Slingset”.

I quickly skidded around the fence and was inside the park area of that curb. The Slonnea was just outside the fences, and began slowly climbing over them with its legs, hissing and closing in on my car. I desperately backed up and drove into the middle pole of the slingset, hoping for a miracle. The Slonnea caught my car, and grabbed onto the handle of the passenger door. Just then, the slingshot finally decided to work, and flung my Infernus high above the town park of the first island.

I thought I was saved, albeit my nearly broken car, but I wasn’t. Hanging onto the passenger door was The Slonnea. Even in midair, it managed to pry open my door, pull my character out, and sever her head and throw it to the ground. The camera focused on my character’s severed head as it impacted loudly with the road below with a sickeningly audible “Crunch”.

The head had bloodied and bruised flesh, and the hair was tattered and bloody. Even for my gore tolerance, this was a disgusting sight for me. Above all the other injuries to the head, the worst of all were the eyes. The eyes looked the same as The Slonnea’s; empty and bleeding. I felt the sharp pain in my neck once again, and I heard the same voice utter into the depths of my mind “Playing with you is fun”.

I whined as I sat on the edge of my bed and dropped my controller, grasping the back of my neck. I asked it what it wanted. I got a reply that filled me with dread. “To play…” I freaked out, took the disk out, unplugged my Xbox, and tried my best to sleep.

No success with sleeping, as my dreams were haunted by the creature. It just followed me, waiting for my defenses to just slip up, and it would strike and mutilate me in terrible ways. In my nightmare, I was once impaled on a light post with my innards tied around the pole, and in another, stabbed through the stomach with my neck slit, and on the wall behind me, written in blood was “Game Over”.

I continued to wake and fall asleep throughout the night, until I decided to finally just stay awake throughout the night into Sunday. When the sun began to come up, I decided to see if my Xbox was okay. Fear forbade me to do so, but my curiosity crushed the fear, and I plugged the Xbox back in, and opened my dashboard to see if anyone was online. It was 11 AM and I had a few friends online. Among those were Ryan, Jake, and TJ. I invited them all to a party, and they promptly joined.

I asked if any of them encountered a creature named The Slonnea last night. Everyone denied seeing anything and just proceeded to call me retarded. Ryan even said “Hey, weren’t you going to ask the admins on Creepypasta wiki if you could make a pasta about us?

Maybe you were just excited about being given the green light on that and your imagination got the best of you” I sighed and agreed with Ryan, even though I knew it wasn’t true. We played as normal, and everything was fine. 2 days later, I got a message on Xbox. The sender’s gamertag was written in corrupted text, and there was no option to view their profile from it, and all it read was “Let’s play again soon”.

Credited to Shady Badger
Originally uploaded on November 16, 2012

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