The Will of Satan: Difference between revisions

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John was panicking. He had to get back to the village. Before he took a single step, something slimy grabbed his leg. His eyes welled with tears. He tried to run, but whatever was holding him back made him fall. It felt slimy. When he looked back, he saw it was the same slime covering his friends. And it was moving up his body fast.
The slime went past his arms and up to his face. It filled his mouth as John's gurgled screams started. It poked out his eyes. The last thing John thought was that he knew. It liked to do this. It loved it. And it should have never been found. Finally, John gave in. The creature then Contorted John mouth into a smile. It was a demon from Hell, and all it wanted to do was create chaos.
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After a few more attacks, Hell broke loose. Connection to the world lost the village. Scared residents killed for resources. The once faithful community was torn down into chaos, selfishness, and sin. And as the evil of man came out, the only thought became of one's self. And as sin reigned, the demon smiled. All will be Satan's will. And with that, the demon left, to complete his task elsewhere.
Fallen Angels.
With the demon of chaos out free, the task at hand will be the end. The beginning of the end of man is starting. When those who fight back are joined by fallen angels, anything is possible.
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When the angels got to the town, hellfire and fog spread. The demon sensed the angels. The angels sensed the demon. The clash between good and evil would commence. When the angels entered the chapel, the demon swooped down and clawed the wing off of one of the angels. The angels used holy water. The demon screamed in pain and retreated. When the angels followed, they saw the demon hovering above them. It was too late.
The angels died. Covered in the same goo. The demon, who was pleased with his work, decided to show the angels for all to see. To mock all. The demon smiled to himself. Soon, the humans would learn true horror. The demon killed every night. The fire burned, and frost froze. Hope was now nonexistent in this town. It was now nighttime. The demon entered the next person's house, preparing to slice open the next man, and taste his blood.
[[Category:WHATDeletion THELog FUCK IS THIS SHITRefugees]]
[[Category:Bad Creepypasta Trying to Be Serious but Fails]]
[[Category:Pages with grammar that doesn't suck]]
[[Category:Demins and Debbils]]

Latest revision as of 19:28, 17 June 2021

It was in the middle of 1700s. The setting we shall have is but a small village surrounded by the woods. I don't believe I am allowed to say wich country, but it was, and notice how I say was, a country. The village had only 40 residents and 15 houses. For years, they lived in peace. Most of them were farmers, but some were builders. In a setting such as this, it is a given that superstition lurked in the back of every man, women and child's mind.

It was a place of God. The good people would pray, and avoid sin. The loved Christ. All was good. All will be God's will. If there was ever a Christian community, it was them. There were no kids. It was an all adult community. Kids were not allowed, for there was work, and having kids could drive a family to poverty.

The town was made in 1660. Built by money from the country's government. The townspeople were neither rich nor poor. Nobody was greedy or envious. Everything was fine. That is, until the disappearance. A man was gone. One morning he was there, and the next morning he was not. His wife found that he was not in the house one morning. None of the villagers saw him that day. He just vanished.

The news got around that there had been a disappearance. The people were intrigued, to say the least. Never before had something like that happened. Curiosity soon turned to fear, though. The residents began to fear for their own safety. The townspeople were advised to stay in their homes at night and lock the doors. Sadly, that solution didn't work.

The next night, a man was sitting in a rocking chair by himself. He was by the fireplace reading when suddenly he heard a thump. He looked left and right. There was nothing. As soon as he got back to reading, he heard a creak. It was a soft creak. The house grew cold as the fire went out.Soon after, a quiet tapping sound started. It was at the door. The man picked up his rifle. He walked to the door and slowly turned the knob. His eyes opened wide when he opened. the door. His mouth gaped open in fright. Beyond was something horrible. The man uttered a prayer before darkness overwhelmed him.

The villagers learned another person went missing the previous night. The only thing remaining was a rifle. The townspeople demanded to know what was happening. None of it made sense to them. Everybody in the town was friends. There was no poor or gentry. No reason for a crime at all. Someone was stealing people. The only thing that could be done was to lock the doors.

There was a group that was going to leave the village. The village, if you remember, was surrounded by the woods. The only way to get out of the village was through the woods. The group brought food and water. The group was made up of 30 people, almost all of the people. They decided to leave instead of risk it. Little did they know what was ahead.

The group to escape the village left at mid-day. They figured they were safe in numbers. The group walked through the brush. The vegetation was thick and blocked out most of the sunlight. The people felt like they were walking for hours. The light was gone.

The group ventured deeper into the woods. They were lost. The leader of the group, David, set up lunch under a large tree. The people then moved on. Suddenly, David thought he heard whispers. Not human whispers, though. His gut told him they just were not.

David found a place to set up camp, He decided the best thing to do was to resume the hike later the next day. That night, David woke to the sound of tapping. It was coming from behind a tree twelve meters away. Then he heard it. Someone was calling his name. It sounded like a child. David walked to the tree and looked. There was no child. He shrugged and thought it was probably just the woods getting to him. He turned around to go back to camp and screamed.

The people at the camp couldn't find David's body. All they found was a few pieces of David's hair, neatly stacked in a pile. All 29 people left in the group continued the hike but looked for David too. The people stumbled upon a large wooden shed with rusty metal scraps next to it. Some went in after hearing a child's voice from inside. The others heard another child's voice somewhere off in the distance. And when they found the voice, they were not prepared.

Back at the village, not a single person went missing since the evacuation group left. Things were getting better. Life was beginning to get better for the people. Nobody expected another bad thing to happen. They were wrong.

John Tennant found the bodies. He was in the woods collecting kindling, when he saw them, slumped on a tree. The people were smiling. The friends he knew so well, now like this. Their eyes were missing, and a god awful smell surrounded the area. John finally mustered up the courage to move. When he moved, the heads of those slumped on the tree moved. They moved their head to follow his steps.

John was panicking. He had to get back to the village. Before he took a single step, something slimy grabbed his leg. His eyes welled with tears. He tried to run, but whatever was holding him back made him fall. It felt slimy. When he looked back, he saw it was the same slime covering his friends. And it was moving up his body fast.

The slime went past his arms and up to his face. It filled his mouth as John's gurgled screams started. It poked out his eyes. The last thing John thought was that he knew. It liked to do this. It loved it. And it should have never been found. Finally, John gave in. The creature then Contorted John mouth into a smile. It was a demon from Hell, and all it wanted to do was create chaos.

After a few more attacks, Hell broke loose. Connection to the world lost the village. Scared residents killed for resources. The once faithful community was torn down into chaos, selfishness, and sin. And as the evil of man came out, the only thought became of one's self. And as sin reigned, the demon smiled. All will be Satan's will. And with that, the demon left, to complete his task elsewhere.

Fallen Angels.

With the demon of chaos out free, the task at hand will be the end. The beginning of the end of man is starting. When those who fight back are joined by fallen angels, anything is possible.

The angels watched as the town died. The loving people turned to evil. The evil of man itself was a burden to good and bad. With the destruction and chaos created, the demon grew. It's thirst for darkness increased.

When the demon went to the next town, it looked for prey. It wanted to show the humans it's raw power over them. It's mission was to prove that the will of Satan ruled. In the town was an old chapel. It was the demon's first prey.

Father Williams came to the chapel on a dark and dreary night. The stars were nonexistent, and not a cricket chirped. When the father entered the chapel, he quickly noticed something was wrong. All of the crosses hung upside down. That was a symbol of devil worship.

The father pulled out his cross. There was something off about the place. He felt a presence of evil. And while he could not find anything, he still felt in trouble. The father almost got away, before the slime descended upon him.

The next morning, the people saw Williams. He had a horrible smile on his face. The people were shocked. The windows shattered. The walls were scratched. Several fathers gathered around. Even they were scared.

The angels who witness these events were not pleased. The demon of hell was rising. Satan was gaining power. The angels had to do something. But what.

Soon, the demon was strong. And the after that, darkness swept over the town. Huge clouds blocked the sun, and a presence of evil filled the streets. An aroma of death was thorough in all areas. The fathers did blessing after blessing. But everything just started getting worse.

The plants died and animals too. A thick fog surrounded the town, and those who tried to run did not succeed. The angels of Heaven watched hopelessly as the demon raged on. Eventually, the evil made the angels weak. They fell from the heavens down to earth. They knew what they had to do. They spread their wing and flew to the city. The epic battle was about to begin.

The bodies in the chapel were piling up. The people were becoming the prey. The demon got to the point of taking over people's bodies. You could tell they were possessed. Thick, black goo drained down their clawed out eyes. The demon would then used that body to cause horrors like no other. The body count was high, and the fog was making it impossible to get out. The night was the worst part.

At night, those alive heard the screams of families. Families with their own being possessed. The demon began using people's fears against them. He would turn to spiders with hairy legs and bloody fangs. The screaming never stopped during the night. It was a slaughter fest.

The wind never stopped howling. For several days, suffering people starved. Crops failed. People went crazy. One man was stuck in his house with his insane wife. For two whole days, whispering. Even the priests gave up. The chapel loomed over the town,

When the angels got to the town, hellfire and fog spread. The demon sensed the angels. The angels sensed the demon. The clash between good and evil would commence. When the angels entered the chapel, the demon swooped down and clawed the wing off of one of the angels. The angels used holy water. The demon screamed in pain and retreated. When the angels followed, they saw the demon hovering above them. It was too late.

The angels died. Covered in the same goo. The demon, who was pleased with his work, decided to show the angels for all to see. To mock all. The demon smiled to himself. Soon, the humans would learn true horror. The demon killed every night. The fire burned, and frost froze. Hope was now nonexistent in this town. It was now nighttime. The demon entered the next person's house, preparing to slice open the next man, and taste his blood.

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