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That night, my head injuries made me have all sorts of visions. That night, I could hear a voice from the corner telling me to come to him. I saw dark shadows in the corner of my eye. Normal items looked distorted.
I had a dream that I killed Jeffrey. I had a dream he killed me. My voice was slurred, and you could say my mind was just messed up. I got no sleep that night. Sheer terror filled my body.
That morning, I thought I heard loud banging. It was my head injury. I couldn't think right. In one night, terror filled my mind. Anxiety controlled me, served with a bit of depression. I continued to see those damn shadows moving. My mind was becoming dull, and I felt ignorant at the very least.
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I had lots of conversations with Jeffrey. He told me he had a wife and two daughters by the name of Elisa and Emma. He came to work here after being declined as a doctor. So, he began to make tools for doctors. Since he was not a very social man, he decided to work alone in the woods.
Every day, those damned shadows had appeared. thenThen I heard banging. What the hell is going on? Am I imagining them? Are they real? Questions questions questions... stop it stop it stop it shadows... Slowly, it became so my only moments of peace were during the talks with Jeffrey. I loved to converse with that man.
God, the headaches, they still hurt. I'm still afraid to look in the corner of my eye. I had terrible nightmares. All involving Jeffrey. God, I hated these events. What started out as bad had turned into worse. Slowly, Jeffrey and I began to hate each other. Mainly because of the head injury making me a mad man.
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For a few days, no plane had come. We both began to become hungry, and we were running out of patience. The plane should be here. We broke into deadly arguments often. Finally, after about a month, search planes came to the island. By that point, I had killed Jeffrey over the last bits of food and drink, leaving his body on the floor while I ate. The arguments had turned to something worse. Although, I did feel genuinely sorrowful and guilty, as I both cried and screamed at myself in rage for my evil actions on my only friend. Too bad the search planes took so long to find us.
When I was on the plane, a man next to me gave me a lot to eat and drink. I had confessed to him about how I killed Jeffrey. The man looked confused, telling me there was no man with me. They had inspected the whole area I was in. What’sWhat's more, the tool making shop I was in closed many years ago, after a man named Jeffrey went missing after being attacked by another man after their plane was struck down by a bird on the way to work. They had fought each other when they were starving, fighting over the last bits of food.
Therefore, to this day, I don't know whether it was a hallucination or a the ghost of Jeffrey playing mind tricks on me, making me do things, making me think I killed him. Making me think the thoughts of his murderer. It makes me shiver at the thought. Maybe, it's best I never know the scary truth. I am currently going to a therapist for help. Then again, how do I know I'm still not hallucinating? I still sometimes think I see a shadow a bit darker than the rest staring at me.
[[Category:Bad Creepypasta Trying to Be Serious but Fails]]
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