Tom and jerry: the lost episode

Revision as of 16:21, 17 June 2024 by Niagaranobs (talk | contribs)
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so one time back when i was little my grandmother gave me a old disk of the tom and jerry series because i didnt have cable back then so i put in the disk and watched it a few seconds later i noticed something quite disturbing it was on the episode where tom gets his head choped off and jerrys nefue says : poor poor pusy cat if you know that episode well after that part it showed toms head in a box and blood everywhere i was very scared because when i was watching it nobody home with me so i was pretty much helpless but i kept watching...then i saw anothor episode witch i had never seen before it was where tom caught jerry and riped him in i was scared so i turned off thee TV to go play my wii and then while i was on the wii i saw two mii's that i didnt make and there name were "tom" and the other one was "jerry" i got so scared i just played mario party for a bit but a few seconds later the game paused and the tom and jerry mii's poped up on the screen and said "you shouldent have watched that disk its all your fault" i got so scared and then i heard footsteps coming closer and closer and then i look out the door and saw a cat a little blue cat and little mouse and then the cat deformed and killed me along with my mom outside dad called the police and tom and jerry was banned forever.. (THIS STORY IS NOT TRUE AND DONT WORRY... TOM AND JERRY IS NOT BANNED)

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