True or insane

Revision as of 23:16, 1 June 2024 by Thermometer (talk | contribs) ('derpbutt' was just crappypasta's owner.)

i dont remember when or how it started.

i live in a house that was build in the 1800′s and it has been remodeled quite afew times. i moved here in 2004. now this is where it gets crazy. almost every night and day i see things out of the corner of my eye or it happens quickly. i dont know if im parranoid or not but i just cant explain.sometimes i scare myself by mistake. but i hear my bedroom door open and close randomly, i feel that im being watched and in the hallway after i turn off lights i find myself running through the hallway and up and down the stairs. i remember when i was younger, when i was in the living room and my dad fell asleep (for a nap) i use to here footsteps and suddenly i felt like something was coming down the stairs and i heard this thump-thump, like a drum. it banged 2 times then paused for 2 seconds over and over. alot of times im nervous when im alone in the house. everything i feel that i have a fixed point in history that haunts me. 1 pet and 2 family members have died but im not sure if there ghosts are in the house but i just know that theres something here, i can feel it. when im i my room i keep feeling “violated” because im on the top floor of my house (3rd) and my room only has 1 window but i feel that something keeps watching me through that window. when i turn of the light at night i leave the tv on until im ready, under blankets then turn it of. i hide basicly under due to the face that i feel something or somethings are creeping in the dark. alot of times i feel that something touched me but when i look theres nothing there. i walk and look with caution every singe second now to the fact that im alittle skiddish(easily scared) and that i feel that something is going on. im a man of science and science says ghost dont exist but one day my friends were at a track and field and i saw a house with a figure looking outside the window. and one of the flood lights had some sort of face in it. now this was afew years ago but it still haunts me today. so i dont know whats happening. now i try to be prepaire for anything but i also treat my family as if i wouldnt see them anymore. this has been happening for years but i never said anything because people would thing im crazy. this is why im tell you, reader.

maybe you know whats happening. before you dout me this is real, i swear on the bible. so if you know whats going on, please help. even going into the closet in my room,the garage, and the basement creep my out. i get chills and small goosebumps. so just please.

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