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{{AN|Old Invader Zim fanfiction I wrote last year. I put it on the Spinpasta wiki but it got taken down, so I'm putting it here. I don't even like it anymore, it's so contrived, just... EEEEUGHH!}}
Note: This is an unofficial sequel to Walk of Doom, an official Invader Zim episode.
==Chapter 1: Unmasked==
Zim looked around to see a butcher shop right in front of him, and some Hispanic bloke and his daughter selling some Poop candies. Muddled by the alternate state of what should have been his base, he went up to his taxi driver to explain his concerns.
“This"This looks nothing like my house, human transportation slave!" screeched the Irken boy.
“Well"Well, you didn’tdidn't specify a location, idiot. For all I know, you could live in Bulgaria," replied the driver.
“Slave"Slave, you’reyou're supposed to know by default."
“If"If you think that I should, then piss off!"
The enraged taxi driver sped away from Zim. “Come"Come on, GIR, we have to find our way back to our house," he muttered under his breath as he walked to his left. GIR scooched in the opposite direction when a taco in a Mexican’sMexican's hand caught his eye. After snatching the taco, he prepared to put it in his mouth. Zim raced up to GIR and hastily clasped his leg, pulling him away from the man and
“GIR"GIR, you slimy dimwit! I can take being left for dead.  I can take it two times in a row. But not THREE, you careless prig! I hate everything about every inch of metal on your disgusting body! Go burn in the infernal purgatory of doom, you petty scum! First a cupcake, then tuna, and now a taco? Do you have a food fetish or something?"
GIR threw a massive temper tantrum after hearing Zim’sZim's degrading speech.
“Oh"Oh, what’swhat's the matter, GIR? Are you going to cry like a gargantuan coward? Oh, you are? Guess what? I just stopped caring at this moment! I will pay not a single micrometer of mind to any exclamations of misery you claim! All of it is MUTE! How is that?" He proceeded to beat and maim GIR so much to where his legs and one of his eyes broke off of his head and body. The villagers of the Mexican city stared at Zim. “What"What?" exclaimed the little green man.
“You"You are a monster! Go die, you animal abuser! Oh-- wait, that’sthat's not fair! Animal abusers are more moral than the likes of you! I don’tdon't even think your corruption is even humanly!" declared Sara as she saw Zim deforming GIR. “If"If you and Adolf Hitler were to be compared, you wouldn’twouldn't compare at all, do you know why? Because you’reyou're evil count is so high that Hitler looks like Jesus!" growled Brian.
Everyone pointed their fingers at Zim and started to boo. A dreaded sense filled his paranoid mindset. They know…know... he thought. They know…know... who I am…am... my true identity, my persona…persona... they know it all. And this very day came this very early…early... Zim gasped, startled. I-Is this a joke? Is it a dream? Did Dib put those sleep cuffs on me? Am I having a nightmare? Is it some late April Fools Prank? Whatever it is, it can’tcan't be reality! Fantasy or not, I shall end this phantasm at once! Zim released his spider legs from his PAK and stabbed various people, the gore staining his body with such monstrosity and gruesomeness. He glanced at all the deceased humans, and made a tiny, bare simper. A chilling, hyper roar of laughter immersed from Zim’sZim's mouth, then a terrified crying sound, followed with his grin fading into a frown. Then whimpering came about, and the whimpers became muffled when Zim closed his lips, and finally, silence. The silence was shattered when Zim screamed, “The"The bodies!" He gasped twice. “Suspicion"Suspicion! Exposed…Exposed... mission…mission... failure.. disappointed…disappointed... Foodcourtia…Foodcourtia... BODIES!" he continued on in a frenzy of fright. “Must"Must.. bury bodies…bodies... now!" Zim squealed hysterically.
==Chapter 2: Spades and Stones==
A tiny hole was dug into the soil. Zim heavily sighed as he sweated thoroughly. By the time I’mI'm done digging this, they’llthey'll get to me! My PAK legs are too inferior to make holes! Zim dug faster and faster, for hours, the constant fear of being revealed an alien getting to his head. After hours, the hole was big enough to fit the cadavers.
“FINALLY"FINALLY!" Zim shrieked. More Mexicans stared at him. One said, “Now"Now he’she's abusing humans too? Oh my god!" Zim killed all of them with his spider legs. “Great"Great," he mumbled. “Now"Now I have to make the hole twice as deep." Zim looked at GIR. “You"You know what, GIR? Let’sLet's just abandon these corpses at the moment. I don’tdon't think I can take anymore digging." The Irken retched, and retroceded to the border of Mexico. Zim stabbed the border patrol immediately, and dashed off with GIR. When he got back to America, he lamented, " I couldn’tcouldn't take it, the pressure…pressure... the horror…horror... suspense…suspense... stress and strain, tied all up into me…me... of all things…”things..." Zim sobbed to himself.
A tiny hole was dug into the soil. Zim heavily sighed as he sweated thoroughly. By the time I’m done digging this, they’ll get to me! My PAK legs are too inferior to make holes! Zim dug faster and faster, for hours, the constant fear of being revealed an alien getting to his head. After hours, the hole was big enough to fit the cadavers.
“There"There you are, let’slet's get him!" lashed out a voice. It looked like the manager of the bank he had dropped by earlier.
“FINALLY!” Zim shrieked. More Mexicans stared at him. One said, “Now he’s abusing humans too? Oh my god!” Zim killed all of them with his spider legs. “Great,” he mumbled. “Now I have to make the hole twice as deep.” Zim looked at GIR. “You know what, GIR? Let’s just abandon these corpses at the moment. I don’t think I can take anymore digging.” The Irken retched, and retroceded to the border of Mexico. Zim stabbed the border patrol immediately, and dashed off with GIR. When he got back to America, he lamented, “ I couldn’t take it, the pressure… the horror… suspense… stress and strain, tied all up into me… of all things…” Zim sobbed to himself.
==Chapter 3: Destruction of Hope==
“There you are, let’s get him!” lashed out a voice. It looked like the manager of the bank he had dropped by earlier.
Zim didn’tdidn't try to defend himself. Deep down inside, he knew he was hopeless and lacked the determination. Besides, if he was in jail, then the Mexicans could not come up to him and expose him. Zim put his hands up for the police officer, got thrown in the car, taken to prison, and thrown in a cell with GIR.
“Whatever…”"Whatever..." Zim whispered, crouching down in the corner of his cell. “I"I-I-I don’tdon't even care…care... I’mI'm finally safe, and alone, away from the madness that is the humans…humans... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" GIR gave a critical look at the boy. “You"You do know that you won’twon't be able to do the mission, right?" asked GIR. Zim’sZim's pupils became the size of bacteria, and he had a look of terror and fury on his face. “Wh"Wh-wh-wh-WHAT? I FAILED THE MISSION? AT THIS POINT IN TIME? I’MI'M AN AWFUL INVADER? I JUST…”JUST..."
Chapter 3: Destruction of Hope
But before he could finish, he clenched the bars of his cell and begged, “S"S-Save me, from this dark and godforsaken torture chamber I’mI'm trapped in, NOW!" Suddenly, Zim saw some sparkles, light, and a primitive figure. It was the Scary Monkey.
Zim didn’t try to defend himself. Deep down inside, he knew he was hopeless and lacked the determination. Besides, if he was in jail, then the Mexicans could not come up to him and expose him. Zim put his hands up for the police officer, got thrown in the car, taken to prison, and thrown in a cell with GIR.
“Did"Did I hear someone scream that they were tortured?" asked the monkey. “Who"Who are you?" demanded Zim.
“Whatever…” Zim whispered, crouching down in the corner of his cell. “I-I-I don’t even care… I’m finally safe, and alone, away from the madness that is the humans… AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” GIR gave a critical look at the boy. “You do know that you won’t be able to do the mission, right?” asked GIR. Zim’s pupils became the size of bacteria, and he had a look of terror and fury on his face. “Wh-wh-wh-WHAT? I FAILED THE MISSION? AT THIS POINT IN TIME? I’M AN AWFUL INVADER? I JUST…”
“I"I am the Scary Monkey. I am a supernatural being that tries to please as many people as possible. You may have seen GIR watching me. That was to make up for his depressing life of all work and no play. And I can free you from here, if you would like."
But before he could finish, he clenched the bars of his cell and begged, “S-Save me, from this dark and godforsaken torture chamber I’m trapped in, NOW!” Suddenly, Zim saw some sparkles, light, and a primitive figure. It was the Scary Monkey.
“LIES"LIES!" yelled Zim.
“Did I hear someone scream that they were tortured?” asked the monkey. “Who are you?” demanded Zim.
“Oh"Oh really?" said the monkey, who then teleported GIR to Japan and back.
“I am the Scary Monkey. I am a supernatural being that tries to please as many people as possible. You may have seen GIR watching me. That was to make up for his depressing life of all work and no play. And I can free you from here, if you would like.”
“Well"Well, even if-if you’reyou're lying, I don’tdon't think it can get worse than this…”this..." whimpered Zim.
“LIES!” yelled Zim.
“In"In return, you have to do whatever GIR tells you to do. Turning tables, you might call it." responded the Scary Monkey.
“Oh really?” said the monkey, who then teleported GIR to Japan and back.
“Whatever"Whatever, as long as it gets us out of here." said Zim groggily.
“Well, even if-if you’re lying, I don’t think it can get worse than this…” whimpered Zim.
“In return, you have to do whatever GIR tells you to do. Turning tables, you might call it.” responded the Scary Monkey.
“Whatever, as long as it gets us out of here.” said Zim groggily.
The monkey teleported them back to their base.
2 days later, GIR commanded, “Master"Master, get me another taco." “R"R-Right o-on it…it... GIR!" said Zim in response, worried. All the while he was walking, he murmured to himself. “Just"Just stop it. Doom isn’tisn't funny anymore, it’sit's just sickening and painful. It can corrupt your mind. It will corrupt your mind. You will be consumed in insanity by it. Stop it now." He let out a soft-spoken and demented laugh, and his right eye twitched.
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Latest revision as of 11:12, 30 August 2023

Author's note: Old Invader Zim fanfiction I wrote last year. I put it on the Spinpasta wiki but it got taken down, so I'm putting it here. I don't even like it anymore, it's so contrived, just... EEEEUGHH!

This is an unofficial sequel to Walk of Doom, an official Invader Zim episode.

Chapter 1: Unmasked

Zim looked around to see a butcher shop right in front of him, and some Hispanic bloke and his daughter selling some Poop candies. Muddled by the alternate state of what should have been his base, he went up to his taxi driver to explain his concerns.

"This looks nothing like my house, human transportation slave!" screeched the Irken boy.

"Well, you didn't specify a location, idiot. For all I know, you could live in Bulgaria," replied the driver.

"Slave, you're supposed to know by default."

"If you think that I should, then piss off!"

The enraged taxi driver sped away from Zim. "Come on, GIR, we have to find our way back to our house," he muttered under his breath as he walked to his left. GIR scooched in the opposite direction when a taco in a Mexican's hand caught his eye. After snatching the taco, he prepared to put it in his mouth. Zim raced up to GIR and hastily clasped his leg, pulling him away from the man and

"GIR, you slimy dimwit! I can take being left for dead.  I can take it two times in a row. But not THREE, you careless prig! I hate everything about every inch of metal on your disgusting body! Go burn in the infernal purgatory of doom, you petty scum! First a cupcake, then tuna, and now a taco? Do you have a food fetish or something?"

GIR threw a massive temper tantrum after hearing Zim's degrading speech.

"Oh, what's the matter, GIR? Are you going to cry like a gargantuan coward? Oh, you are? Guess what? I just stopped caring at this moment! I will pay not a single micrometer of mind to any exclamations of misery you claim! All of it is MUTE! How is that?" He proceeded to beat and maim GIR so much to where his legs and one of his eyes broke off of his head and body. The villagers of the Mexican city stared at Zim. "What?" exclaimed the little green man.

"You are a monster! Go die, you animal abuser! Oh-- wait, that's not fair! Animal abusers are more moral than the likes of you! I don't even think your corruption is even humanly!" declared Sara as she saw Zim deforming GIR. "If you and Adolf Hitler were to be compared, you wouldn't compare at all, do you know why? Because you're evil count is so high that Hitler looks like Jesus!" growled Brian.

Everyone pointed their fingers at Zim and started to boo. A dreaded sense filled his paranoid mindset. They know... he thought. They know... who I am... my true identity, my persona... they know it all. And this very day came this very early... Zim gasped, startled. I-Is this a joke? Is it a dream? Did Dib put those sleep cuffs on me? Am I having a nightmare? Is it some late April Fools Prank? Whatever it is, it can't be reality! Fantasy or not, I shall end this phantasm at once! Zim released his spider legs from his PAK and stabbed various people, the gore staining his body with such monstrosity and gruesomeness. He glanced at all the deceased humans, and made a tiny, bare simper. A chilling, hyper roar of laughter immersed from Zim's mouth, then a terrified crying sound, followed with his grin fading into a frown. Then whimpering came about, and the whimpers became muffled when Zim closed his lips, and finally, silence. The silence was shattered when Zim screamed, "The bodies!" He gasped twice. "Suspicion! Exposed... mission... failure.. disappointed... Foodcourtia... BODIES!" he continued on in a frenzy of fright. "Must.. bury bodies... now!" Zim squealed hysterically.

Chapter 2: Spades and Stones

A tiny hole was dug into the soil. Zim heavily sighed as he sweated thoroughly. By the time I'm done digging this, they'll get to me! My PAK legs are too inferior to make holes! Zim dug faster and faster, for hours, the constant fear of being revealed an alien getting to his head. After hours, the hole was big enough to fit the cadavers.

"FINALLY!" Zim shrieked. More Mexicans stared at him. One said, "Now he's abusing humans too? Oh my god!" Zim killed all of them with his spider legs. "Great," he mumbled. "Now I have to make the hole twice as deep." Zim looked at GIR. "You know what, GIR? Let's just abandon these corpses at the moment. I don't think I can take anymore digging." The Irken retched, and retroceded to the border of Mexico. Zim stabbed the border patrol immediately, and dashed off with GIR. When he got back to America, he lamented, " I couldn't take it, the pressure... the horror... suspense... stress and strain, tied all up into me... of all things..." Zim sobbed to himself.

"There you are, let's get him!" lashed out a voice. It looked like the manager of the bank he had dropped by earlier.

Chapter 3: Destruction of Hope

Zim didn't try to defend himself. Deep down inside, he knew he was hopeless and lacked the determination. Besides, if he was in jail, then the Mexicans could not come up to him and expose him. Zim put his hands up for the police officer, got thrown in the car, taken to prison, and thrown in a cell with GIR.

"Whatever..." Zim whispered, crouching down in the corner of his cell. "I-I-I don't even care... I'm finally safe, and alone, away from the madness that is the humans... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" GIR gave a critical look at the boy. "You do know that you won't be able to do the mission, right?" asked GIR. Zim's pupils became the size of bacteria, and he had a look of terror and fury on his face. "Wh-wh-wh-WHAT? I FAILED THE MISSION? AT THIS POINT IN TIME? I'M AN AWFUL INVADER? I JUST..."

But before he could finish, he clenched the bars of his cell and begged, "S-Save me, from this dark and godforsaken torture chamber I'm trapped in, NOW!" Suddenly, Zim saw some sparkles, light, and a primitive figure. It was the Scary Monkey.

"Did I hear someone scream that they were tortured?" asked the monkey. "Who are you?" demanded Zim.

"I am the Scary Monkey. I am a supernatural being that tries to please as many people as possible. You may have seen GIR watching me. That was to make up for his depressing life of all work and no play. And I can free you from here, if you would like."

"LIES!" yelled Zim.

"Oh really?" said the monkey, who then teleported GIR to Japan and back.

"Well, even if-if you're lying, I don't think it can get worse than this..." whimpered Zim.

"In return, you have to do whatever GIR tells you to do. Turning tables, you might call it." responded the Scary Monkey.

"Whatever, as long as it gets us out of here." said Zim groggily.

The monkey teleported them back to their base.

2 days later, GIR commanded, "Master, get me another taco." "R-Right o-on it... GIR!" said Zim in response, worried. All the while he was walking, he murmured to himself. "Just stop it. Doom isn't funny anymore, it's just sickening and painful. It can corrupt your mind. It will corrupt your mind. You will be consumed in insanity by it. Stop it now." He let out a soft-spoken and demented laugh, and his right eye twitched.

Credited to XxShaym1nxX 

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