Warehouse.avi: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Every weekday, when I get home from school, I jump onto the computer and spend hour after hour watching pointless YouTube videos. I will always depend on my recommendations to get to the really weird stuff, but other than that, it’s just a waste of spare time that I could spend playing video games or something like that. My friend, Riley, does the same also. But she looks up stuff everybody talks about in school - such as songs or stupid fat people. But for me, it’s...")
m (→‎top: replaced: “ → " (15), ” → " (15), ’ → ' (19), ‘ → ')
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Every weekday, when I get home from school, I jump onto the computer and spend hour after hour watching pointless YouTube videos. I will always depend on my recommendations to get to the really weird stuff, but other than that, it’sit's just a waste of spare time that I could spend playing video games or something like that. My friend, Riley, does the same also. But she looks up stuff everybody talks about in school - such as songs or stupid fat people. But for me, it’sit's just click and go, no matter how strange or bizarre it gets.
When I got home, I did something I soon will regret.
It was around 10:00PM and my parents were sleeping. It was a Friday night, who cares if I pull out my laptop and search random crap until morning. I opened up my laptop and noticed it was still on, as always. No big deal, it has a lifelong battery that will probably still run if it was on fire. As I typed in “YouTube”"YouTube" in the URL bar, I actually bothered to glance down at what was under the bar - my email page with one new message. I never check my email, it wasn’twasn't a common thing. But since I was in a mischievous mood, I clicked on the +1 new message link under the mail button. The page loaded for a bit, and I expected it to be full of text because of the longer the message the longer the loading.
It wasn’twasn't. In fact it said only 10 lines of text.
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''and please i beg you''
''not tpwjhorgg[hy=3uuejdefggr21e3rt5g6htbvawrgay5gu‘3uuejdefggr21e3rt5g6htbvawrgay5gu'[9wmlvkbt4h555555555555555555556''
I stared in awe at the 10 lines of poorly typed text on the screen.
I concluded that it was just one of those 10-year-old chain mail emails that make absolutely no sense. It was poorly written, probably translated from some language, and probably the person sending me this tried to make it sound creepy by adding in those random letters and numbers in the last line. The “something"something out of the unknown will stalk your path”path" was probably just a saying from one of those cheesy horror movies. I checked the email.
were the words I read on the screen. I automatically knew that this was a spam message from some 8-year-old with no life. I automatically clicked “Delete”"Delete" and blocked whoever the hell “welcometomyworld91”"welcometomyworld91" was. On to YouTube. But before I even got to click anything, I got a new message. Who the heck can be messaging me now? I clicked on the link and I saw the exact same message from welcometomyworld91. This kind of creeped me out as I sweared that I blocked whoever that 8 year old was. I checked the message and it was the exact same message as before. However, I scrolled down and saw in an intriguing red text that was about half the size of the screen,
''Your Jokes Wont Work On Me.''
''Okay, this is just scary,'' I thought. This 8 year old was probably some hacker who had my IP address (I don’tdon't know why) and was following my every move. I reread the text and it mentioned “warehouse”"warehouse" and it also mentioned searching it on YouTube. At this point I felt like shutting down my laptop and going to bed, as I was scared as hell, but my body wouldn’twouldn't move at all. My courage was holding me back, as I still had some bravery to search this “warehouse”"warehouse" thing. Knowing the internet is full of weird crap such as shock sites and screamers, the warehouse will probably just be a picture of a warehouse, plus there’sthere's some joke involved with it and it’sit's all a scam. So, I went on YouTube and searched “warehouse”"warehouse" in the bar. When I got to the results, nothing was there. Well, nothing related, that is. Just those videos made with movie maker. I was relieved as the message was a scam. Just in case, I went to my email and there were no messages. I checked the email again and I noticed the red text was a hyperlink, as my mouse cursor turned to a hand when I scrolled over it. I clicked on it and was redacted to a blank page with a strip of text. The strip of text was as follows: 3h82f91,rnuewb3, LOVE.
Love? That’sThat's strange. I clicked back and noticed that I got a new message from welcometomyworld91. It was written in the same sloppy text but had many numbers and paraphrasing symbols in front of each sentence. But nevertheless, it was readable.
3h82f91 ''haven't you found it?''
Line 49:
''unless the warehouse.avi is found.''
I remembered those words as I saw them in the hyperlink. This was getting creepier by the second. This guy must be a poet. He also added “avi”"avi" at the end so I assumed it was a video. I googled “warehouse"warehouse.avi”avi" and I came to a YouTube video titled “LOVEme"LOVEme." It had a picture of a warehouse and was the only video I could find that was suspicious. Clicking the link, I came to the YouTube page. There were no recommendations, no responses, no comments, and no description. The uploader’suploader's username didn’tdidn't show, and I can tell that the page was hacked as there was no search bar and instead a black box where it used to be. The video started to buffer and was 10 minutes and 59 seconds long. The video started playing. It showed a wooden Victorian chair against a white wall, with lighting as if it were nighttime. For about 20 seconds, it just played this scene with no sound at all. Then, a shadow began to gain upon the chair and the audio started to turn into a distorted buzz that really made my ears ache. The shadow turned out to be a little girl’sgirl's shadow, a girl with a night gown, curly hair, and a mask of some sort. She slowly sat down on the chair and faced the camera. The loud distortion faded, but didn’tdidn't completely fade out as the cameraman started talking to her. I couldn’tcouldn't hear a lot, but I heard the cameraman ask the girl some basic questions such as “how"how old are you”you" and “what"what are your interests." The girl seemed irritated and she replied each answer with some sort of groan or sigh of boredom and then a faint whisper. I could barely hear her answers, only her groans. The cameraman asked something, but right at that moment the distortion came back and I assumed the question was very serious as the girl had a shocked expression on her place. I heard her mouth “YOU"YOU DON’TDON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT”THAT" causing the distortion to blast out loud, really hurting my ears. The video had 3 minutes left, and the girl just started to leave as the audio went back to as it was before. The cameraman said “wait"wait, wait”wait" in an ignorant tone as the video cut off as the door slammed from the room they were in. After about a minute of a blackout screen with no audio whatsoever, there were 5 seconds left when the following text came on the screen:
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I was scared out of my mind now. The video ended and the window closed by itself. I couldn’tcouldn't describe how disturbing that video was. Who was she? The girl? The girl couldn’tcouldn't possibly be the one in the video.
Or could she?
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An hour passed as I searched Wikipedia on the warehouse.avi and nothing came.
Facing my fears, I replied to welcometomyworld91 saying that I found a video called “LOVEme”"LOVEme" and it mentioned the warehouse at the end. I sent it, regretting everything. I soon got a message from welcometomyworld and it said:
''You have indeed made a horrible mistake. The warehouse is located where the setting takes place.''
Line 71:
''its waiting for you, Hailey.''
Reading the words on the screen, I was terrified. This person knew my name. I have indeed made a horrible mistake, but sending him/her/it that message was probably it, although I knew it probably wasn’twasn't. What was waiting for me? The warehouse? What does the LOVEme have to do with it?
Wait… couldn’t…couldn't… welcometomyworld be the girl in the video?
I got my flashlight and went outside, as I was scared as hell as I swear something was stalking me. There is a forest by my house, but I never go in it as people were killed there by the animals inhabiting it. But I kept walking to see if the warehouse was actually near my home. I walked through the tall grass and past the fence that blocked off people from entering the forest. As I made my way through the forest entrance, I came to an open field surrounded by trees.