What if

Revision as of 01:25, 11 May 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Everyone has those speculations and doubts that we ocassionally have those what if questions. For example, some people think "What if I die today? Who would attend my funeral?" Sometimes a suicidal person thinks that. Sometimes an expectant parent would think "What if theres a complication? What if the mother doesn't survive? What if the baby doesn't survive? What if there is more than one baby". Not all are bad though some are just common or humurous. For example, what...")
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Everyone has those speculations and doubts that we ocassionally have those what if questions. For example, some people think "What if I die today? Who would attend my funeral?" Sometimes a suicidal person thinks that. Sometimes an expectant parent would think "What if theres a complication? What if the mother doesn't survive? What if the baby doesn't survive? What if there is more than one baby". Not all are bad though some are just common or humurous.

For example, what if a monkey were to jump through my window right now what would I do? Or what if the weather were to change drastically? Now that we are through with this introduction what if we aren't truly correct about our religion? What if Charles Darwin is correct? But what if he is wrong, what if what we think are gods are actually sentient biengs from another dimension or planet? What if those people you see on the sidewalk that say the aliens are here or say they saw their ship seem to disappear? What if our gods are actually those extraterrestrials.

There seems to be a common religious belief with the sky that when Jesus was baptised the Holy Spirit flew over heads of those that were gathered, and that the Gods of Greek mythology resided in the sky atop a mountain. two religions that are both famous and vastly different. What if the select few people; Jesus, Perseus, Moses, Noah, Hercules, Achilies, Samson and Jason. All these people are in debate if they existed but what we do know through the stories that we read and hear. Even with real life examples such as Joan of Arc, Leonardo Da'vinci and many others who all had incredible knowledge that at the time was, and still is, incredible. Maybe from contact with otherwordly beings they gained the knowledge and inspiration for incredible feats.

What if the crazy people now are the seers of the future? What what if we are just an experiment created just to entertain or what if we are just a pet being observed by much greater beings that are superior but remain hidden? Almost like animals in a cage they watch us with monitors that remain unseen what if they were to get bored? The Mayans disappeared shortly after their calender was created. What if the beings were angry at them for showing their plans? What if this whole planet is a time delay creation, set to destroy itself for entertainment like a bottle rocket? What if thats the same for the whole universe?

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