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Amber tried as hard as she could to be fit in with the group
of popular kids but her family comes from a rough background and is considered
“Third"Third Class.” So Amber lives in a studio apartment with her mother and her
older brother. None of the popular kids want to hang with Amber because she
lacks what the popular kids have. You know like, a mansion with a maid and
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Amber continued skipping down the sidewalk as she hears the
honk of a car horn next to her. The driver of the old 1988 Honda civic pulls
the sunglasses from his face and waves at Amber. “Oh"Oh hey, uncle Cletus!” Amber
calls out “What"What are you doing here?”
“Your"Your momma asked me to pick you up; she’s picking up some
extra hours at the bar.” Cletus replies “She"She told me you were going to be at a
friend’s house tonight?”
“Yeah"Yeah but I need to drop my things off at the apartment
before I go.” Amber adds in.
“Hop"Hop in” Cletus laughs. Amber walks around to the passenger’s
side door and sits down, shutting the door behind her. Amber sets her things in
the backseat. “I"I can take you to your friend’s place and I’ll swing by the
apartment and take care of your things for you.”
“Sounds"Sounds good, you remember where Isabel lives, right?”Amber
cautiously asks her paranoid uncle.
“Yeah"Yeah I do. Ain’t it right ‘round the corner?” Cletus asks as
he frantically scratches his neck. Amber nods and Cletus makes a U-turn as he
drives down the road.
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Amber hops from the car.
“Thanks"Thanks, we’ll have to get together for dinner sometime?”
Amber asks her uncle, trying to make it sound like she actually cares about
him. Uncle Cletus agrees and peels from the driveway.
Amber skips to Isabel’s front door. She knocks on the door
and Isabel swings open the door. “Hey"Hey, thanks again for letting me stay over!”
Amber hugs Isabel and skips into the living room and plops herself down on the
“My"My parents are away for the weekend, they have this business
trip all of a sudden” Isabel sits on the floor since Amber is hogging the couch
“I"I invited some other people over by the way.”
“Wait"Wait like who?” Amber curiously asks Isabel.
“You"You know who. The popular kids! I thought you would be more
enthusiastic; I did this for you.” Isabel replies
“Well…"Well… okay, when are they coming?” Amber smiles her pearly
white teeth in Isabel’s direction.
“They"They should be here in abo-" The door then swings open and a
pack of people walk through the doors. The popular ones... The girls wear their
pink dresses with white heels almost as if they’re arriving to prom.
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squad occupies all of the furniture in the room. Leaving only poor Amber
sitting by herself on the carpet with nobody even accepting the fact that she’s
at the “party"party.”
After a few minutes of the girls talking fashion and the boys
discussing sex… how lovely. Amber decides to join herself in the conversation.
“I"I like your Chuck’s!” A boy’s voice then calls out. Amber
looks to the smaller sofa and one of the jocks is glaring at Amber. Amber
giggles and rocks back and forth in her place.
“Thanks"Thanks, they’re kinda old though” Amber smiles and quickly
turns her attention to the girl standing above her. The girl glares down at her
and tightens her grip around her Gucci bag.
“You"You talking to my man you little ''bitch?!” ''The angry woman asks Amber in a more serious tone.
“U"U-um no, I-I’m sorry” Amber scoots a little away from the
girl. The boy then hops up and approaches Amber.
The boy then kneels down next to Amber “Just"Just ignore her. This
happens all the time” The boy whispers. The girl then wraps her navy blue
nailed hand around the man’s shoulder. She pulls the boy to the ground and
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Amber awakes in a lightened room with many people standing
over her, none of who she recognizes. “Oh"Oh god Amber!” A tear-jerked voice calls
out. Another face then comes in contact with Amber’s blurry vision. Amber can
easily identify the newest face as her own mother as all the other figures back
away from where Amber is.
“How"How are you?!” Amber’s mom cries “Are"Are you okay? Those stuck
up popular girls hurt you!”
“I"I-I’m fine mom, really. No biggie” Amber then replies, she
senses that something is wrong with her but she can’t figure it out.
“I’m"I’m so sorry baby!” Amber’s mother cries yet again “Your"Your uncle
and I are asking around for money so that we can go to court against that girl
and her family that hurt you!”
“Wait…"Wait… Wh-why would we sue them… if I-I only got k-knocked
out?” Amber asks “N"N-no per-permanent damage.”
Amber’s mother looks around at the other people in the room,
which Amber can only assume are doctors. “Amber…"Amber… when you got knocked out you
hit your head and you managed to come in contact with the stem cell of your
eye… It caused some sort of retinal disease or infection, the doctors couldn’t
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Amber jerks up from the bed and sits up. She looks at the men
and women wearing white lab coats in the room. “W"W-what?” Amber asks “My"My eye
it’s… g-gone?” Amber’s mother cries into the palms of her hands.
“I’m"I’m so sorry Amber. I never should of let that happen to
you!” The mother continues to sob as Amber stares into oblivion with a blank
expression and not worrying too much.
“Let"Let me see” Amber says “Please"Please, let me see…” One of the
doctor’s hands Amber a small hand mirror and Amber shines the mirror on her
face. Her left eye is covered with a medical bandage taped to her forehead.
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body. Amber slowly lets out a smile and a little giggle.
Amber’s mom quickly turns her attention to Amber. “D"D-do you
know who did this mother?” Amber asks her mother.
“Amber"Amber, I really shouldn’t tell y-"
"''TELL ME!” ''Amber
shouts as she grinds her teeth together and stares into the eyes of her mother.
“M"M-Marcie Anderson” The mother gulps out “She"She was the one…”
Amber then throws the mirror to the ground as the glass shatters and everyone
in the room let out a shriek of horror. “Amber"Amber!” Amber’s mother barks at her.
One of the doctors then walks over to the mother. “Mrs"Mrs.
Lynch, we would like to keep her here for the next few days so that we can
monitor her behavior and give her the proper amount of medicine.”
“Just…"Just… take care of my baby” The mother cries into the
shoulder of the doctor “She’s"She’s only 14!” Amber’s mother then grabs her ripped up
purse and gray hoodie before walking over to Amber a final time. The mother
softly kisses Amber on her forehead. “I"I love you… I’ll be back tomorrow to
check up on you.” Amber’s mom then wipes back tears as she quickly leaves the
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bed and Amber turns her head to the man.
“Ms"Ms. Lynch I just want to apologize for what happe-" The doctor
cuts himself off as he tries not to bring up the topic “Let’s"Let’s talk about you.
How are you feeling?” He asks Amber.
“I"I feel empty, and not because my eye is missing…” Amber
replies “What"What about you, doctor?” Amber asks, cheerful and energetic. “How"How are
you feeling, Mr…” Amber then leans in to get a closer look of the man’s
nametag. “Mr"Mr. Wallis. Such a hearty name for such a hearty doctor!”
“Yes"Yes, but Ms. Lynch we really need to focus on you at the
moment” Doctor Wallis grabs a small clipboard from his counter and flips the
page and begins to write some.
“Ah"Ah yes doctor, focus on me all you need!” Amber replies. She
then lays back in bed and stares at the ceiling, crossing her hands on her
“Can"Can you tell me exactly what happened?” The doctor asks Amber
“Or"Or as most of what you can recall.”
“Ah"Ah yes Mr. Wallis. I can remember that I was at Isabel’s
house, Isabel Smith. And the “bomb"bomb squad” was there as well. One of them
accused me of flirting with their boy toy and then started hitting that one
boy. I tried to help him, but the girl; Marcie. She hit me and I tripped over
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little bit.
“I"I remember that guy complimented me on my ratty-ass
Converse. He was friendly!” Amber laughs again. “Oh"Oh my god my family’s so poor…
my mom works at this dirty bar for 3 bucks an hour! I still don’t know how we
are going to be able to afford this. Doctor, you see we don’t have insurance.
We got no money, nothing!”
“Yes"Yes, you see. A child like you really shouldn’t worry about
something like that.” Mr. Wallis replies. “You"You need to worry about things like
boys and e-mails.”
Amber belches out laughing “Yeah"Yeah, well ''FUCK YOU'' too doctor!” Amber laughs “You’re"You’re probably a single man
who lives alone eating Ramen Noodles and watching porn all day!” Amber chuckles
and shakes her head. The doctor stands above Amber and glares down at her.
“I"I am single man who lives alone and watches porn all day”
The doctor replies. He then begins to mess with the bed a little bit and Amber
feels her wrists begin tightened some. She looks down and notices that her
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The doctor slowly makes his way to Amber. He stands next to
her, rubbing his hand up and down her right arm. “And"And being a man who watches
pornography all day… I’ve seen some pretty wild stuff.” Mr. Wallis chuckles and
hops on the bed, sitting on top of Amber; Mr. Wallis then leans down right by
Amber’s ear and whispers “How"How ‘bout we test some of them out?”
Amber tries to scream. Mr. Wallis throws his palm over her
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No medicine anyone really needs. It’s labeled
“OnabotulinumtoxinA"OnabotulinumtoxinA.” The doctor stops
groping Amber and turns to the bag “Ah"Ah I see you found the drug. Botox, it
paralyzes the muscles for a short while. But of course I gave you a much higher
dose than the legal standards allow.” The doctor chuckles and returns to Amber.
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into the conversation.
“Ms"Ms. Lynch is everything
all right?” A female doctor asks at the door “Doctor"Doctor?”
“Uh…"Uh… yeah; she’s alright,
I guess she pressed the wrong button!” The doctor claims. Before Doctor Wallis
is able to locate the remote; Amber slams her ring finger against the button,
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The doctor bangs on the
door again “Doctor"Doctor! Open up, please!” The doctor yells. The doctor has found
the remote that Amber now controls. Dr. Wallis detaches the remote from the
Velcro strap that the white remote is attached to. Wallis throws the remote to
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The nurses feel over
Amber’s face and check her IV bag. Amber is coming back to reality… she notices
Doctor Wallis has left the room. Amber is able to speak again. “The…sheet”"The…sheet”
Amber mumbles to one of the nurses. The nurse quickly peeks under the white
sheet that guards Amber.
The nurse throws the sheet
back over Amber and begins to yell at her nurses “GET"GET THAT DOCTOR!” She
screams. The other two nurses rush out of the room to find Dr. Wallis.
“Ms"Ms. Lynch! What happened?!” The nurse vulgarly
shakes Amber trying to get a response.
“R"R-r-rape…” Amber mumbles. The nurse sinks her
face into the lap of Amber, crying and coughing. “H"H-he… raped me” Amber begins
to sob and choke on her dried up tears. Another figure then immediately rushes
into the room. A doctor walks into the room and fumbles with Amber’s IV bag.
“Sweetie…”"Sweetie…” The crying nurse talks to Amber
“Wh"Wh-which doctor?” Amber turns to the doctor at the IV.
“How"How is this possible… this is OnabotulinumtoxinA, we don’t even use this drug here! It’s illegal in
hospitals in this state!” The doctor takes a deep breath “The"The fucker drugged
Amber turns her attention back to the sorrowful
nurse. “His…"His… n-name… Wallis” Amber coughs. The nurse and the doctor share a
quick look before both of them turn to Amber.
“Ms"Ms. Lynch, a-are you sure?” The doctor asks.
Amber slowly nods and cries again. “Ms"Ms. Lynch… there is no Dr. Wallis” The
nurse speaks
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the proper medication and treatment for a discount, if her family agreed to
keep their mouths shut about the whole ordeal while the police department
searched for the rapist who impersonated Amber’s so-called “Doctor"Doctor.”
Amber is now occupying room 009 of the Woodson
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An Asian woman wearing an old, navy blue
nursing outfit steps into the room wheeling in a tray of assorted foods along
with Amber’s medication “Alright"Alright Ms. Lynch! Time for your medication!” The
nurse cheerfully smiles showing off her rotted and blackened teeth. Sitting up
from the small bed, Amber moves her IV bag along the floor and sits on the edge
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The nurse then inserts the IV needle into Amber’s
arm, right next to her vain. Amber’s mind fills with blurred visions and small
flashing colors of white and grey. “What"What are you killing me with this time… Nurse?”
Amber slowly asks the middle-aged woman
“Just"Just some muscle relaxers Ms. Lynch!” The nurse
“It’s"It’s Amber… If you could stop referring to me
by ‘Ms. Lynch’ that would make me feel a little better about myself.” Amber
laughs and the nurse doesn’t reply or even look at Amber anymore. The nurse
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Amber sits back on the bed, criss crossing her
legs and stares down at the food. Amber picks up the small, musty orange and
tosses it back and forth between her hands. “Why"Why the hell are they serving me
mold?” Amber asks herself “It’s"It’s almost like they really ''do ''want me dead!” Amber laughs as she sets the orange back onto the
bed and it slowly rolls to the dirt carpeted floor.
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can break the glass?!'' Amber
thinks to herself. Amber roughly throws her elbow against the door, hoping to
escape… Nothing. “HELP"HELP!” Amber screams through the glass, continuing to slam
and bang against the door. Amber slowly turns to the room and looks for
something to help with her escape!
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A small, fragile chair sits in the corner of
the room. Amber tugs at the chair before shortly realizing that the chair has
been bolted to the ground! “Why"Why the hell is a chair bolted down?” Amber
screams, looking for more supplies.
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roaring fire burning down the room next to her and the fire slowly moves itself
down the hallway. Amber rushes from the fire and to the door at the end of the
hallway with big white letters reading “FIRE"FIRE EXIT” Amber rushes towards the
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with a white vest.
“GET"GET AWAY FROM ME!” Amber screams, crawling
back from the attacker as far as she is able to before the man drags Amber
closer to him… Dr. Wallis! Wallis plops himself down on top of Amber as Amber
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Dr. Wallis grabs Amber by her hair and begins
to drag Amber to the fire. Dr. Wallis then throws Amber on the ground before
staring at her in the eye. “I"I am happy to announce to the funeral of Amber
Lynch…” The doctor mumbles “She"She died tragically in a fire at the local Rehab
“STOP"STOP IT!” Amber yells, crying and sobbing all
over the place. Dr. Wallis grabs Amber’s arm and dangles her arm over a piece
of burning furniture. Wallis then drops her arm into the flames as Amber’s skin
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Wallis places his sweaty hands around the neck of Amber Lynch.
“I"I should have killed you fourteen years ago!”
Dr. Wallis barks at Amber as he tightens his grip on her, Amber struggles for
breath as she gasps and spits blood. “You"You really don’t know who I am… Do you?”
Dr. Wallis asks Amber. Dr. Wallis releases his hands from Amber as Amber coughs
and regains her breath.
Wallis pulls a single pistol on Amber and aims
the firearm at her skull. “I…"I… am Brett Lynch.” He mumbles “I…"I… am your father!”
Brett yells “You’ve"You’ve never seen me but I sure as hell have seen you, Amber! Why
couldn’t you be like your brother?!” Amber stares at the man, startled by the thought
that he really could be her father.
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Brett points the gun to Amber again. Amber
swings her hand at Brett’s face and pokes her fingers into his eyeball, blood
spills onto Amber’s fingers. “YOU"YOU PERVERT! YOU FUCKER!” Amber screams. Brett
falls to the ground with Amber on top of him. Brett screams and yells in pain
from his missing eye.
“YOU"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” Amber screams. Amber
reaches for Brett’s gun and holds the firearm in her good hand. Amber bashes
Brett in his other eye with the pistol. Brett’s other eye becomes bruised and
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Brett then stops moving… stops breathing. Amber
stares down at the blood soaked body of her father before standing up once
more. Amber aims the gun at Brett, hopping that he can see her one final time… “You"You
may be blind, father.” Amber laughs “You"You may be dead… but I just wanted to let
you know...” Amber smiles and laughs, getting blood from her mouth all over her
“Father…"Father… Welcome to Woodson.” Amber then fires
the gun.
“Earlier"Earlier this evening, Woodson Creek Rehab
Center was burnt to the ground as a result of a fire that has been determined
no accident!” The news reporter speaks into the camera “A"A small, broken bottle
was found at source of the fire which the bottle was most likely the result of
a Molotov cocktail that was the cause of the fire. Fourteen victims were killed
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“With"With a miracle, the Rehab Center’s security
footage was able to be tracked down with the tape being found in a trash can
nearby. Reviewing the footage shows a patient of the institution killing
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Amber sits in front of the TV of her apartment,
watching the news report. The body of her mother and brother lying on the ground
soaked in blood. A picture of Amber then emerges on the TV. “If"If you have seen
this woman, please contact local authorities immediately. My name is Jessica
Anderson, signing out!”
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bloody pistol from the couch before turning to the TV one more time.
“Jessie"Jessie Anderson…” Amber smirks. “The"The mother of
that prick Marcie! I’ll show that bitch what it’s like to have one eye. I’ll
show everyone!” Amber then walks to the window of the small studio apartment