Zelda 2: The Lost Level: Difference between revisions

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I ran and I ran through the rocks until I came across a town which looked like it was on fire at the corner of the map. When I entered, it was a perfect town; no townspeople turning into bats, nothing bad. Everyone in the town strangely told me this: "LEAVE NOW!". I thought it was some stupid joke, until I walked by a big house and I got pulled into it by a strange looking girl.
She said "Come In Quick!!!". I then heard screams of pain and digitized "splat" noises inside the house, he levitated out of the house, the city turned dark suddenly and all of the houses burst into flames, while an eyeless Link started laughing in a demonic laugh. He then said in a demonic voice while his eyes gushed blood out of the empty stare of his eyes "Hyrule is done for; Greg and Zelda, along with Hyrule, shall perish by the hands of ME!"
[[File:200px-PHOTO OF GAMEPLAY.jpg|thumb|220x220px]]
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All of the townspeople surrounded him and all of them blew up and it splattered guts and blood everywhere, Link chanting Ring Around a Rosie.
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I stood up and he screamed, which launched me into my glass frames of my family members, glass stuck into my back. I limped away and he threw me through my back door glass slider, getting cut up by all of the glass. I crawled away, got picked up and thrown into my brick wall. I then blacked out and woke up in a hospital, my neighbor called the police due to the loud noises caused at my residence.
The police found me nearly dead from internal bleeding and severe injuries. I got onto my laptop and I researched the history of this cartridge, I found out that the man who made the cartridge made it at an abandoned warehouse built over an Indian burial ground called the Green Trees Cemetery. I studied this cemetery and I found out that a certain man, a part of the Apache tribe, got captured by a rival tribe, got his eyes cut out with a buffalo horn knife and left him in the woods to bleed to death.
I thought that maybe the Link that I saw might have been that man, he attacked me and nearly killed me. A week later, they put me into casts for my arm and my leg and I got crutches to go home with. I am never going to touch that cartridge ever again, so I put it back onto eBay as a bid, "Zelda 2 NES...." was its name.
[[Category:Deletion Log Refugees]]
[[Category:Bad Creepypasta]]
[[Category:YOU'RECliche NEXTMadness]]
[[Category:Pasta Trying To Be Good When It Sucks Enough To Be A Troll]]
[[Category:Stupid is as the main character does]]
[[Category:ShokWHAT endingA TWIST!]]
[[Category:Look at me! I'm SO EDGY!]]
[[Category:Demins and Debbils]]
[[Category:Crappy ms paint drawings]]
[[Category:Well, that was pointless.]]
[[Category:Read by SOG]]
[[Category:Read by HoodoHoodlum]]
[[Category:Old Shit]]