Zelda Classic Version 2.66: Difference between revisions

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Zelda Classic, a great game making engine where your imagination is never limited and is completely safe and fun, until what happened to me.
It was a usual day, go to school, work, and then come home, but that day was something very different. As soon as I came home, I booted up my computer and headed to the Zelda Classic official website. Once I was on the website I noticed a strange update on the homepage stating that the team of ZC had released a new ZC version. The update wasn't long but it read:
'''"ZC Version Released"'''
Our team has released a new ZC Version covering ZC 2.10 & 2.5 with brand new options and things to choose on! Go to downloads to download the newest ZC Version! Hurry, Eddy, we're waiting."
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I eventually stopped playing at Ganon's room because when I entered the room, I saw that strange Rope eating and ripping Ganon's intestines, eventually killing him and making a pool of blood on the floor, and yet again, I didn't even place that there or script it! As soon as I closed the entire file and deleted it, I got an e-mail from an annonymous person with the subject: "zSeAlTdAaNcWlIaLsLsGiEcT2Y.6O6U" That's quite a long title but I found out something freaky about it, I'll explain later though. For now, the message sent to me wasn't that pleasant but it was also quite satanic. This is what it read:
"''Zelda Classic 2.66 had only 1 download available. You were lucky to download that. You have seen all the torture used. That Rope is one of my servants, it killed Ganon in game and now it will kill you exactly the same way as Ganon died. You are now replacing Ganon. Get prepared as that Rope will come to murder you, it will rip you apart and scar a pentagram on your chest to mark the beast, as in me.''"
That message freaked me out quite greatly as I felt like I was getting hunted down and who this annonymous user was, and about that subject name... I found out the lower case letters were spelt as: zeldaclassic2.66, and the uppercase letters were spelt as: SATANWILLGETYOU, and for the entire day I was wondering what is going on with the message and why it was saying all that to me.