
Revision as of 02:02, 1 June 2024 by Niagaranobs (talk | contribs)
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so i was early on in my flash animation dwelling in 2006. i didn’t know much about the program or even knew that mario fighting along side sonic was in bad, immature taste, so i just waltzed on into the animating world, not knowing what would happen. all i knew was that i wanted to make funny animations on the internet, and i’m not sure i ever accomplished that goal.

this story begins in november 2006 when i was inducted into newgrounds. the highlight of my creative life, and first time ever exposed to public animations. there was alot to take in, and i immidiately wanted to be a part of it. i made a few terrible spammy practice flashes to hopefully pass off my terrible animations as being satire or something actually clever, but they never seemed to sneak their way through the portal. at the time, i never really noticed this, but the flas were renamed when i backed up my flash data on disk. i’m actually just noticing this as i tell the story which is a tad shocking, but all the fla’s were nicknamed “92boldlor[number]”, with the number for each consecutive flash. weird, and i may have a small bit of explanation for this later on, as well as a bit of coincidence.

when i was learning basic tweens in flash 8, there were some severe glitches that occoured. when i tried to make shape tweens, there was always redshifting, no matter what color the object was. i never understood why, and i had no way of understanding why it would redshift between green to black oddly, but that was the least of my worries. every time i would make a new flash project, i’d get a small message that would say “save changes to ‘purity.fla’?”, even when there was no fla open, and there was never a fla on my computer with that name, so i always supposed it was some sort of pre-existing fla that came with the software. its interested me since, and after my 2008 laptop was stolen, i lost the original flash 8 exe i was using, so i hunted it down.

as for if the said copy of flash was malicious, no. there was no virus, and everything that occours is programmed into it. i scanned it 3 times between 3 different antiviruses (malwarebytes, AVG, and newton). what happenned next, i’m not gonna lie, is a little disturbing.

i downloaded the program again, loaded it up, and all of the tools were gone. i was wondering where they were, when all of a sudden i got the message “save changes to ‘humanity.fla’?” and thats where i knew something was incredibly wrong. i said yes, and i looked through my computer, and sure enough, there was a humanity.fla in my documents. i opened it and there was a picture of a flower on fire. there were about 6 layers of pictures behind it with 3 empty layers. if i scrolled all the way to the right i saw a chilling message that i simply cant describe without going into a ton of personal detail, but it said scribbled with the paint tool in yellow and dark blue “IT IS”. yeah, it seems cryptic and vauge, but there was a very spiritually engtrossing event that happenned to me as a child.

in short, there were anomalies i saw (or at least was pretending to see) that resembled medusa mixed with that rameses character from courage the cowardly dog, despite it happening in 1998 and courage not around until 1999. they flowed in 1 direction towards me down a thin hallway, and they would look lifelessly above me, being slightly taller, like they didn’t notice me. i’m not sure if i really saw it or if i imagined seeing it, but it stuck with me.

one night, about two weeks after this begin, they stopped advancing down the hallway, and finally glanced at me with empty blue eyes, and they murmured in a distant noise, like they were speaking through my mind’s inner voice but i could physicially hear it resonate “it is”. they never appeared after that.

i’m not making a dramatization about this. this is exactly how my mind perceived it, how i directly remember it, and whether or not it was real is subjective and opinion, and it still sticks with me even through adulthood, but i digress.

i played around with the fla it so graciously gave me, when more oddities came up. when i tried to exit the flash project, instead of saying “save changes to ‘humanity.fla’?” it read out “save changes to ‘yoursister.fla’?”. this isn’t just a misspelling or a programming mistake to me. my twin sister was miscarried while we were in the womb. her name was loreli and she would be born in 1992 along side me (kind of a stretch to assume “92boldlor” has some signifigance?). still, i pressed on, trying to play around with new projects in this flash 8. i finally found how to bring back the tool box, so i drew some fbf, played around with tweening, filters, etc. it all worked fine until i got a strange crash message. it read out “you lived” and there was an “ok/cancel” option, so i pressed “ok”.

the program restarted as normal, but it automaticially loaded a project that says “itshouldhavebeenyou.fla” and there was a picture of a crudely drawn fetus that had written above it “i hate you”. no punctuation. no capital letters. just “i hate you”.

i proceeded to delete the program form my computer, and it was successful except for one small thing. on my desktop was that fla name. 92boldlor.fla, and it was entirely blank…

Credited to daniel williams 

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