Alaskan Patrixx

Revision as of 04:30, 16 February 2022 by Thermometer (talk | contribs)


Alaskan Patrixx

So one day Alaskan Patrixx was in the forest looking for Bigfoot. "If I find you I will make you go on YouTube!" Alaskan Patrixx called out. Bigfoot appeared and tried to kick Alaskan Patrixx to try to protect himself and Alaskan Patrixx said "lol" and he right clicked on Bigfoot and made his file type ".avi" so he could upload him to YouTube.

Alaskan Patrixx logged into his account that is called AlaskanPatrixx53 and he submitted Bigfoot on YouTube and Bigfoot said "NOOOOOOOOO!" and Patrixx said "Don't worry you will get lots of likes and comments!" Bigfoot said "You don't understand, I was gonna go to my mama's address!" and Patrixx said "Tell me ur mama's adress and I will put a copy of my knickerbokers there!" So Bigfoot told Alaskan Patrixx his mama's address and so Alaskan Patrixx appeared there and said "SURRENDER NOW DIE!!!" and so he took his cursor and right clicked on her and he turned her file type to ".exe" so he can play the game and he opened the game and she said "Let me go!" he aid "No" he drew an anvil over her and it fall and break her head and sahe said "LOLOLOLOLO SOISOISOISOISOIS" and Alaskan Patrixx shot a duck in the face and Alaskan Arnoldixx said "DUCK!" and Alaksan Patrixx saidAl "Here u go" and Alaskan Arnoldixx went away. Alaskan Patrixx then ate a whole bear and the bear said "RAAAR!!!" and Alaskan Patrixx said "SHUT UP! UR DUMB AND DEAD!" Alaskan Patrixx then went home and go to bed

Ur Next

Teh End

Written by Church of C'Shan
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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