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It's been three weeks since they tossed me into this underground dungeon. I don't know what happened to the others.

I assume they're down here with me, but who knows? I got knocked out after killing one of their generals and some of their "Elite Members". I don't know what these guys are planning to do to me, but I won't let them, not without a fight. I was dragged down here by some huge blue cyborg with a stern looking face. He threw me into the cell and slammed it shut while laughing sadistically.

I got up and walked to the door, where I peered out the cell window. The cyborg was yelling at the guards and being really aggressive. He picked up one of the guards with a single hand, so high he almost hit the ceiling. I noticed while he was yelling, that his eyes became red in color, as if he was either demonic or maybe just pure evil. He dropped the guard and glanced at me with a smirk, then waved at me with one of his arms, which resembled a cannon. This guy must be tough as nails. I walked away from the door and sat against the back wall,staring at the cell door, hoping that one of my squad got free, killed everyone, and was opening the door, but that hope was in vain. None one came. So I sat there on the cold floor, isolated from everything.

Suddenly, I heard a clanking noise. One of the cell doors across from me opened up to reveal one of my men in the adjacent cell. He had changed. He looked crazed. I wanted to call out to him, but I was interrupted by a scream. He was screaming something about an Operation underground that was lead by a mad scientist that was utterly insane and mental. It all sounded very scary and real to the point where I was afraid I might turn into what that crazed man become. After his outburst, they shot him dead and dragged him out. What I saw of the body was gross and disturbing. His face was pale and lifeless, it looked like he was dumped face first into acid. His hair was falling out on its own. His eyes were a greenish-red color, his pupils dilated and his right eye dangling out of the socket. His clothes were a muddy green color compared to mine. I could clearly see what seemed to be a large piece of shrapnel sticking out of his chest. His blood was dripping out of his eyes, mouth, and chest. Oddly, the gunshot wound that the guard left revealed that his blood had become purple. Weird, I thought. I've encountered men just like this before, but he must've been a failed subject. Maybe that's why he was shot.

Later on that night, the guards got ahold of some liquor and started to drink heavily. They started to dance and wander all over the lower dungeon. One of the guards knocked on my cell door and slid the door open. The room was dark and cold, barely lit. The guard pulled out his knife and was swatting it haphazardly in the air, thinking I was standing in front of him. He dropped his knife and reached for his gun to try and shoot me. Fortunately, I reacted fast, grabbed his knife and plunged it into his neck. He started to yell, but I covered his mouth to prevent the guards from hearing him. Blood poured out of his neck, ending up all over my clothes and his uniform. I ripped the knife out of his neck and he fell onto the cold ground. There was a huge pool of blood underneath the guard's corpse. I had to act fast or the guards will find him and kill me. So I took his gun, pocketed the knife, and left the cell.

There were two guards on either side of the right hallway. I peeked around the corner to get a look at them. I saw they both were still drunk and didn't hear the other guard scream before he died. I decided to act, so I shot one guard in the head. Brain matter blew out the back of his head and splattered along the wall. The gunshot alerted the other guard, so he came running at me and stumbled, his gun going off as it hit the ground. I ran up and stabbed him in the spine repeatedly, blood spraying everywhere. I killed them both.

I couldn't believe it, I escaped! When I turned to leave dungeon, I noticed skeletons in the other cells, holding onto the bars. Also I also noticed symbol and a picture on the wall. It was a Swastika and a picture of Hitler, damn bastard. I figured out right there that I was in a fort or castle due to the guards' uniforms and the pictures. I looked down at my clothes and noticed I had a prisoner dogtag. It read "Gefangen-Zahl:0551992", which means I was a prisoner and I had a number. I ripped off the tag and shoved it in my pocket, because I didn't want the Nazi army to remember me as a numbered prisoner. I want them to remember me as B. J. Blazkowicz, and my first target is that blue cyborg. I heard one of the guards mention his name before I killed him. I believe they said his name is

...Hans Grosse.

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