Trollpasta Wiki:Genre Listing
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Do not create new categories! If you feel that a category you have in mind would be a useful addition to this site, talk it up with an administrator.
Specific Category Rules
Trollpasta | Cannot be added together with Bad Creepypasta, Not Sure if Troll or Trying to Be Serious, Dronik Pastas, Ghastly Macaroni, or Pre-Trollpasta. |
Bad Creepypasta | Cannot be added together with Not Sure if Troll or Trying to Be Serious, and Trollpasta.
Do not add this category to satirical stories or trollpastas. |
Vidya games | Cannot be added together with Pokemon, Mario, Minecrap, Sonic, Zel-DUUHHH, Roblox, or NINTENDO SIXTY-FOOOUR. |
Minecrap | Cannot be added together with File Extensions, and COMPUTERS AND INTERWEBZ. |
Lost Episodes | Cannot be added together with TELAVISHUN. |
EVIL FOOD | Cannot be added together with Living Objects. |
Pages with grammar that doesn't suck | Cannot be added together with English Class Failure, and ENGLISH, MUDDAFUGGA! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!. |
Im died | Cannot be added together with Suicide, and Rocks Fall, Everybody Dies. |
Cliche Madness | Cannot be added together with I WAS AN INTERN AT, Hyper-realistic, Pointless Violence and YOU'RE NEXT. |
Loads of Characters | Cannot be added together with Jeff the Killer, PROOF DAT SLENDURMAN EXUSTS, EVIL PATRIXXX, and Look ma, it's one of those creepypasta characters!. |
Ghetto Talk | Cannot be added with Blatant Ripoffs and Excessive Profanity. |
Well, that was pointless. | Cannot be added together with Well, that was anticlimactic.. |
Old Shit | This category is for pastas written during December 2012 and before. If a story was written in 2007 or before, it belongs in Pre-Trollpasta.
It cannot be added together with Pre-Trollpasta, Dronik Pastas, and Ghastly Macaroni. |
Classics | Cannot be added together with Hall of Fame. |
MOTHER OF FUCK THIS PAGE IS LONG LIKE MY PAINIS | Cannot be added together with Shortpasta. Do not use this category ironically, like putting it in a very short page.
This category can only be added to pastas that are around 20,000 bytes or more. |
Memes | Cannot be added together with Shrek, And then a skeleton popped out, Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, and WHO WAS PHONE?. |
Ghastly Macaroni | Cannot be added together with ALL CAPS or SUGGESTED READING. (Though there are some exceptions). |
Archive | Cannot be added together with Meta. |
PLZ DELETE THIS NOW KTHX | Do not add this category to pastas already tagged with Old Shit, Archive, Classics, or Dronik Pastas. |
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT | Use sparingly. Due to the nature of trollpastas, it's easy for them to dabble in some very strange territory, so this category should only be reserved for pastas with the weirdness cranked up to 11 or if they cause a visceral "WTF" reaction. |
YT Readings | Only add to pages that contain linked or embedded YouTube narration(s) from someone other than HoodoHoodlum, MichaelLeroi, retsupurae, SomeOrdinaryGamers or Yuriofwind. (Note: as long as this requirement is met, none of these six categories are actually mutually exclusive. For example, if a pasta has a narration from SOG and another narration from someone without their own dedicated category, you may add both Read by SOG and YT Readings to that pasta.) |
Admin-Only Categories
These categories are only to be added by admins.
- Archive
- Classics
- Hall of Fame
- Featured Pastas
- Meta
- Site maintenance
- Site Rules
- Unfunny
General Use Story Categories
- Animulz: For pastas featuring animals.
- Bad Fanfiction: Self-explanatory.
- BATTELS: For pastas with fights.
- Beings: For pastas with creatures.
- Demins and Debbils: For pastas involving Satan, demons and/or devils.
- EVIL FOOD: Haunted food, or food that comes to life.
- Ghoooosts: For pastas with ghosts.
- Living Objects: Stories where inanimate objects come to life and cause mischief.
- Skeletons: For when they aren't popping out.
- Blatant Ripoffs: For pastas that blatantly steal concepts and ideas from other stories.
- Ghetto Talk: For pastas translated through the website Gizoogle.
- COMPUTERS AND INTERWEBZ: For pastas that involve computers or the internet.
- File Extensions: For pastas about file extensions.
- Characters: Character bios.
- Loads of Characters: If a pasta features loads of characters, tag it as this rather than any one character category.
- EVIL PATRIXXX: For pastas that feature EVIL PATRIXXX.
- Jeff the Killer: For pastas that feature Jeff the Killer.
- PROOF DAT SLENDURMAN EXUSTS: For pastas featuring Slenderman.
- Look ma, it's one of those creepypasta characters!: For creepypasta characters that aren't the 'big two' (Slenderman and Jeff the Killer).
- Cliches
- Cliche Madness: This should only be used in pastas featuring AS MANY CLICHÉS AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE (á la GOODBYE SPONGEBOB).
- I WAS AN INTERN AT: For pastas featuring the old "I was an intern at" creepypasta cliché.
- Hyper-realistic: For pastas that describe something as "hyper-realistic."
- Pointless Violence: For pastas that over-rely on violence at an attempt to be scary or funny.
- YOU'RE NEXT: For pastas that feature the cliché phrase "You're next!"
- Collab: For pastas that were written by more than one person.
- Death
- Im died: For pastas where the main character dies.
- Rocks Fall, Everybody Dies: For pastas where everyone in the story dies.
- Suicide: For pastas where someone kills themselves.
- DIALOGUE!: For pastas with bad, cheesy, and/or hammy dialogue.
- Dreams: For pastas involving dreams.
- Endings
- Well, that was pointless.: Stories that don't really go anywhere plot-wise, they just sort of... end.
- Well, that was anticlimactic.: Pastas that end abruptly and without conflict, often leaving the reader underwhelmed and unsatisfied.
- WHAT A TWIST!: For pastas that feature a twist at the end.
- Excessive Profanity: For pastas with lots of swearing.
- Formatting
- Shortpasta: For short pages.
- One sentence: For stories that are one sentence long.
- Wall of Text: Exactly what it sounds like - a wall made out of text with no line breaks.
- Grammar and spelling
- ALL CAPS: For pastas that are written completely in capitals.
- English Class Failure: For pastas that have bad grammar/spelling/punctuation.
- ENGLISH, MUDDAFUGGA! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!: For pastas that have terrible grammar and can be hard to read.
- I CAN HAZ TRANSLATION?: For pastas that are not written in English, or contain foreign languages.
- Pages with grammar that doesn't suck: For pastas with good grammar.
- Images
- Crappy ms paint drawings: For pastas that have crappy MS Paint drawings.
- Gallery: For galleries.
- SUPR SKAREY IMAG: For pastas with an image intended to be scary (sometimes ironically).
- Holidays: Holiday themed pastas.
- Inside Jokes: Pastas based on in-jokes between users.
- Jornel: For pastas in the style of journals and diaries.
- Lists: For lists.
- Look at me! I'm SO EDGY!: For pastas that over-rely on being edgy or shocking in an attempt to be scary or funny.
- Lost Episodes: For pastas about a lost episode of a TV show.
- SpongeBob: For pastas that involve SpongeBob.
- MARY SUE ALERT: For pastas that contain characters who are basically perfect and have little to no weakness.
- Memes: For pastas based on memes, or involve memes.
- And then a skeleton popped out: For pastas in which a skeleton pops out.
- Shrek: For pastas with Shrek in them.
- Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air: For pastas that reference the TV show, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
- WHO WAS PHONE?: Pastas referencing the infamous "THEN WHO WAS PHONE?"
- Morons Attempting Poetry: Poetry.
- Music: For any pastas pertaining to music.
- NSFW: Pastas you really wouldn't want to be caught reading.
- Overused Running Gag: Any pasta relating to, in any way, a joke that is used over and over again.
- Pasta stuff
- Bad Creepypasta: Self-explanatory.
- Not Sure if Troll or Trying to Be Serious: For stories whose genre (trollpasta or bad creepypasta) is unknown.
- Copypasta: For copypastas on the site.
- Deletion Log Refugees: For pastas removed from Creepypasta-related wikis.
- Old Shit: Old pastas. Any pasta written in December 2012 and before goes here.
- Satire: Stories that make fun of Creepypasta clichés (and sometimes other things, too).
- Trollpasta: For Trollpastas.
- Pre-Trollpasta: For pastas that were made before the term "trollpasta" was coined.
- Originally on r/shittynosleep: Stories that were originally uploaded on the r/shittynosleep subreddit.
- Bad Creepypasta: Self-explanatory.
- Potty Humor: Pastas whose humor is scatological in nature.
- Rants: For pastas that contain rants.
- Rituwel: Pastas involving rituals.
- SMOKE WEED ERRYDAY: Pastas either involving drugs and/or drug consumption, or if the author sounds like they're on drugs.
- Stupid is as the main character does: For pastas which feature a dumb main character.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Self-explanatory.
- TELAVISHUN: For pastas that involve television, like TV shows.
- THERY: For theories.
- TOTALLY NOT UNFINISHED U GUIZE: For pastas that are clearly unfinished.
- TRUE STORY: For stories which the author insists actually happened, or are based on a true story.
- That just raises more questions!: For pastas that raise way more questions than answers.
- Titles
- LONG ASS TITLE: For pastas with really long titles.
- The Title Is A Lie: For pastas where the title doesn't match the story or are completely misleading.
- Title that makes babbies laugh: For pastas with immature/juvenile titles.
- Unnecessary Sequels: Sequels or prequels to stories that didn't need them.
- Vidya games: For video-game-related pastas.
- Mario: For pastas that involve Super Mario.
- Minecrap: For pastas about Minecraft.
- NINTENDO SIXTY-FOOOUR: For pastas pertaining to Nintendo 64 games.
- Pokemon: For pastas about Pokémon.
- Roblox: For pastas about Roblox.
- Sonic: For pastas that involve Sonic.
- Zel-DUUHHH: For pastas about The Legend of Zelda.
- WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT: Pastas that are especially confusing/bizarre/effed up.
- YT Readings: YouTube pasta readings.
- Read by SOG: Pastas read on SOG's Shit Pasta segment.
- Read by Yuriofwind: Pastas read on Yuriofwind's Bullshit Creepypasta Storytime.
- Read by retsupurae: Pastas read by retsupurae on his Crappy Pasta segment.
- Read by MichaelLeroi: Pastas read on MichaelLeroi's BAD CREEPYPASTA segment.
- Read by HoodoHoodlum: Pastas read by HoodoHoodlumsRevenge.
Special Categories
- General
- Classics: For classic/iconic pastas. Admin-only.
- Hall of Fame: For stories that weren't really classics, but were popular within the trollpasta community. Admin-only.
- Featured Pastas: For pastas that were chosen by the admins to appear on the 'Featured Pastas' section on the main page. Admin-only.
- FOTM: For pastas that were voted "Fail of the Month". Admin-only.
- TPOTM: For pastas that were voted "Trollpasta of the Month". Admin-only.
- SUGGESTED READING: A good start for those who are new to trollpasta. Admin-only.
- PLZ DELETE THIS NOW KTHX: Pages that need to be deleted.
- Unfunny: Examples of how not to write a trollpasta. Admin-only.
- Videos: Pastas with videos in them. If there is not a video on the page, it does not go in this category.
- Site maintenance
- Archive: For inactive/legacy pages. Admin-only.
- Blog posts: Self-explanatory.
- Meta: For important site-related pages. Admin-only.
- Site maintenance: For general site maintenance. Admin-only.
- Pages with proper attribution: Self explanatory. This is for pages whose authors are known.
- User: For users and user-related content on this wiki.
- Authors
- Dronik Pastas: Pastas written by Dronian.
- Dubiousdugong: Pastas written by plagiarist Dubiousdugong.
- Ghastly Macaroni: Stories written by John Wojcik, generally recognized to be one of the "fathers" of trollpastas. Admin-only.