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[[File:27841_r.jpg|thumb|214px]]isclaimer: Bill O’ Reilly is the sole owner of My Little Pony. He also wears shoes that cost more then you make in a month and has a lien on your mothers house.
Today is an average day, it’s almost closing time at your work place. You’re an assistant manager at a Costco superstore where you don’t do anything but sit around pushing paper and act like a dickhead because you have a type A personality and yell all the time. You get frustrated easily because you can’t get laid because you’re ugly. Almost all your employees hate you because you’re useless and play games on the computer in your office all day. Even the head store manager thinks you’re a scrawny limp wrist pile of dog s**t; he shook your hand once; your handshake is weak and clammy like a senile elderly woman, it disgusts him.
He immediately writes you off as a worthless human being. You only got the job because he plays golf with your dad who never spent time with you when you were a child. You hastily pack up your paper work in your man purse; unfortunately there is nothing manly about it. You’re angry again because your employee’s keep drawing pictures of you with a phallic symbol in your mouth on the bathroom stalls but your too spineless to do anything about it because you have the muscle tone of a 13 year old. You waste of life.
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You wake up in a bright fresh smelling meadow and get to your feet. As you walk through the land you realize you’re in a cartoon world. But not just any cartoon world, you're in the magical land of Equestria. You recognize it because you’ve spanked your monkey to pony porn many times because you can’t just watch midget porn like normal people. You pansy. You pick up a jog along a dirt road after seeing a sign that say’s “Ponyville 1 mile”, you can see it off in the distance. After a few minute you cramp up and slow to a walk because you’re as inactive as road kill.
You finally stumble into Ponyville. All the colorful ponies stare at you. You smell bad and your patchy attempt at a mustache creeps them out so they all avoid you. Across the way Lyra sits at a table sipping a hayshake while BonBon stands next to her.
“It was amusing the first time but these things need to stop coming here.” Lyra said to BonBon.
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