Bloodshot Travis

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Introduction Travis Lloyd Jones - now referred to as Bloodshot Travis - had been a 17 year old boy who grew up in the comfort of his own home due to his medical condition. However, after complications prove to defeat his family and their financial situation, he ventures off to try and fix the mistakes they couldn’t. Nowadays - aged 19 years old - he isolates himself from others and merely sticks to low-paid occupations to lessen suspicions.

Appearance Travis has ivory skin with some dark freckles across his cheeks and nose. His bright blond hair is usually unkempt. Originally, his hair had been dark brown but - due to trying to keep his actual identity hidden - it was dyed shortly after he departed from his home. Because of the lack of sleep he receives, his jade eyes are hard to view without seeing burst blood vessels (leaving them to seem irritated or reddish in color). Due to the stunt in his growth whilst being raised, he tries to compensate as he lives alone, increasing his weight from 100 lbs to 110 lbs in less than a few months. His height is average for his age: 5’7.

Personality Before he began to live by himself, Travis had been socially detached from other people. As his medical condition had uncommon reactions and could have led to him becoming hospitalized, his family considered homeschooling him instead. This began after a violent argument turned physical during Travis’ preschool years, causing him to need medical assistance when he suffered a heart attack soon after. This continued throughout the years until he reached 17 years old. The result left him being unable to form many connections in the later years and lacking much general knowledge for common topics such as Science, Mathematics, English, etc. His only close bond had been with his sister Becky Jones who often taught him the basics of school subjects or life lessons.

After the accident involving his failing heart, his connection towards his family grew thin. At times, he feels some guilt for not reaching out to Becky. Although, his opinion behind his parents remained the same. As he grew up on their homeschooling, they often neglected his questions about anything concerning friends, trips or vacations. This was because of their fear he could have fatally suffered from heart attacks or cardiac arrest if the circumstances became too extreme for his heart. In many aspects, he loathes them on account of their limited knowledge in raising him in comparison to Becky.

Origins With his heritage consisting of binge drinking, gambling debts and misuse of prescription drugs, Travis Jones had been born on the 23rd of November of 2003 in Selma, Alabama and diagnosed aged 1 year old with congenital heart disease. Unfortunately, receiving treatment for his condition proved to become a struggle for the family over the years. Because of this, his father and mother worked overtime in hopes of providing for the family in retail work.

After a physical confrontation left Travis hospitalized in the later months of kindergarten, his parents collectively agreed to keep him homeschooled instead to avoid paying for future hospital bills. This was split between the family and - when they had to work extra hours during the day - Becky would take over their position after returning home from school. As his medical condition was classified as critical, they attempted to prevent any worse case scenarios for their son. Additionally, any family trips that were planned often resulted in their cancellation (under the fear Travis could have suffered from a sudden heart attack or eventual death if overly excited). Coupled with their lack of knowledge about the condition itself, he was restricted from many social interactions, exploration to foreign areas and workplace environments.

By the age of 17 years old, he was close to graduating from his homeschooling. Becky - being a year older - had begun to seek out applying for college courses at the University of Yale in terms of painting and/or film-making. When both of their parents were out attending to work, she discussed having to move away to stay on the university’s campus for convenience and avoiding the extra expenses for public transport. However, Travis soon became aggressive because of this as he didn’t wish to be left alone with their parents. This was mostly due to the fact they wished to keep him inside the home until his surgery could be paid for to prevent any future accidents. After some bickering between the two, he gradually works himself up into a heart attack, causing him to clutch onto his chest, hyperventilate and eventually collapse to the floor. It was unfortunately the same time their father had arrived home from work. Becky begged for his help as he tried to perform CPR on Travis. After not being able to find a pulse, he declared his son dead from the incident but couldn’t bring himself to phone the police nor medical professionals to the house. In a moment of desperation and guilt over what others might think from previous incidents, he forced her to keep silent as Travis’ body was placed in the basement until tomorrow morning where his burial would take place in the backyard.

Their mother returned shortly after, asking to see him like she usually does. Their father attempted to excuse needing to see him by implying he had gone to bed early from completing his studies. Becky had then pulled up his previous work of Biology to confirm this on his behalf. She quietly accepted it and all of them had begun to head off to bed themselves. Later in the night, the door to the basement had slammed open from the ground floor alongside the backdoor in the kitchen. Upon further inspection by the Jones family, a silhouette could be seen leaving the premises and out into the darkness of the streets elsewhere. At the sight of this, the mother tried to see if Travis was alright only to find his room empty and in disarray from the confrontation beforehand. Police were called and announcements about his description were made public in hopes of finding him from the supposed kidnapper who the family made up due to discovering the house’s doors open and Travis’ disappearance soon after.

To this day, the family are unaware of his dark descent upon escaping the house two years ago. His father and sister have still been covering for his apparent abduction all whilst his mother has yet to be aware of the false death declaration via someone not reading his pulse correctly. Natalie Bell - Becky’s close friend from high-school - took it upon herself to try her best to invest research behind any potential leads to the culprit responsible for the kidnapping.

Travis’ strange behavior generally gains some attraction from those who work/live alongside him. A neighbor in his apartment complex, Robert Allen, had filed a complaint against him when a foul smell leaked through the floor into Robert’s ceiling. According to his description, it was strong but particularly metallic. When some of the staff management came to inspect his place, they found the carpet had been the reason where the odor lingered from. Upon returning back and discovering his apartment looked into, Travis recalled how it might have been old technology he brought in relating to his work, causing some spillage on the carpet and leading to the lingering smell over time.

Behavior Schizoid Personality Disorder As he was raised away from most people, Travis seems highly unfamiliar with seeking out any social connections such as relationships, friendships, partnerships, etc. Due to this seclusion, his mind often is trapped in a state of fantasy versus reality. To cope with the uncertainty of things, he creates a bubble of fictional characters to chat to and bond with. Two of which seem to resemble his parents who follow his every word and request.

Avoidant Personality Disorder Even with his desire to reconnect with his older sibling and others, his crippling anxiety regarding what reaction he might cause for them and those associated with them halts the reunion. In some cases, feelings of inadequacy/disappointment take over and induce panic attacks severe enough to reconsider his judgement on himself entirely. Whilst attending to work, he usually will try his best to work late night shifts to avoid the social interaction of the day-time customers and workers.

Weaknesses As a physical weakness, Travis’ heart condition can lead to many drastic consequences on his health. The symptoms include:

Shortness of breath, especially with exertion Fatigue Heart palpitations or abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) A bluish discoloration of the lips and skin caused by low oxygen (cyanosis) Other complications that can occur include:

Heart failure Sudden cardiac arrest Stroke Because of his consistent worry about the escalation of his condition, he gradually became an insomniac, causing several sleepless nights spent trying to earn more money for surgery.

Mental Illness(es) As mentioned previously, his mental health may also affect his ability to harm another person if presented with the same feelings of inferiority or dissatisfaction. This may cause him to lash out against others on impulse or create bad/worse connections to people who have to associate themselves with Travis. However - on the other hand - his mental illness(es) might fuel his aggression/depression to the extent he could bring harm against the wrong type of individual, presumably innocents who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

One case of this happened during his time spent in his lonesome apartment where an elderly woman had requested for him to not return home so late at night (as she could hear him rambling from the room below when she tried to sleep). His response was to threaten/harass her to such an extreme degree she soon moved out and decided to live with her 23 year old grandson instead.