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It then showed the outside area of the parliament, where a team of officers resided behind a giant gate. “They aren’t stopping! Lets take the gloves off!” A Police Chief commanded the officers on their walkie-talkies.
Right then, police on horsebacks armed with batons flooded the front gate and into the crowd! FlashbangsFlash Bangs and tear gas were thrown damn near everywhere, countless protestantsprotestors started to get trampled by horses and beaten to pulps by the officers; somehow the crowd was still full force and somehow pushing ahead. It zoomed in on one protestor pulling out a live grenade from their pocket and throwing it into a crowd full of police! Multiple bodies flew up in the air dying instantaneously as a result, with high amounts of blood and decapitated limbs splattering the surrounding people! The scene was so graphic and high quality it looked like 4K feature length war propaganda footage released by the Islamic State! I had to stop eating my Wendy’s meal entirely at this point. What was I watching at this point? Was this really a Bluey episode? I couldn’t believe my eyes.
The crowd began to run straight through the gates like nothing was even there and stormed inside the building!
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He then began to make is way towards his computer to steal a Truth Social code from the internet, but was suddenly met with loud knocking on his front door. He immediately ran towards his wine cabinet and grabbed a strobe light he’d hidden on top of it. He swung the door open and pointed the strobe light outside and yelled:
“THIS IS TRESPASSING AND POLITICAL HARASSMENT YOU RIO-… Wait, is it a CIA agent or Stormy Daniels ?” He asked nervously.
“No, we’re just upstanding Australians no affiliated with the riot!” Bluey said, out of breath.
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Bandit then walked in the room and noticed his wife overdosing. Unexpectedly however, he acknowledged the scene as it were a normal, everyday occurrence in the house.
“*signsigh*, I told you to lay off the pipe this week, and you still meet up with the fuckin’ dealer, eh?” Bandit yelled, angry but slightly concerned for her wellbeing.
Bluey’s mom then got up and crack walked to her bedroom. Bandit then looked over to the kids and began making conversation like nothing ever happened.
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A decayed hand grabbed her by the shoulder and took a small bite of her neck from behind! Blood showered out of her neck like a geyser as she began screaming at an ear shattering volume! It then cuts to Bingo being slammed on the ground hard with brain matter staining the floor! The zombie then started ripping off her legs one by one as she started letting out an excruciating blood curdling scream that only a person getting murdered could let out, with the camera focusing on every fine detail! It was so much for me that I ended up blacking out…
I woke up on the floor in a cold sweat the next afternoon with the Bluey DVD on the main screen. It sat up and gave a glance at the screen, and as I did, I noticed the screen was totally different than the one I seen before. Instead of a zoom in on Bluey’s face, it showed a normal picture of Bluey. I quickly grabbed the remote and surfed the episode list and tried looking for the “Election Day” episode I watched and was met with the normal list of episodes with “Election Day” not in sight. I fully got up and quickly searched for the creator’s, Joe BrummBrumm’s, contact information on the internet and gave him a couple of calls. I dialed his number a couple of times with no response until he finally answered back and I told him everything about the episode I experienced: from the riot, the blood, this new mayor character, everything.
He called me a “fucking idiot” and a “ass wipe” for making up stories about his cartoon and wasting his time before blocking my number. I put my phone down and looked around the room to analyze the damages. My Wendy’s bag was ripped open on the middle of floor with all of its contents spilled around the floor, and a coke stain that I must’ve dropped from my meal. I walked to my bathroom to take my medicine for the day. When I walked in, I noticed a bag ripped open that wasn’t my prescribed medicine at all; it was my LSD! Whatever was left of my stash of werewas completely consumed that night before watching that DVD!
I re-watched a random episode of the season to make sure nothing was off; turns out there was a small segment of a class election in the episode that I must’ve been tripping out watching. I’m still kind of pissed that it was just my hallucinations, because I could’ve easily made a quick $200 selling this DVD as some sort of deleted season deleted episode on eBay, Craigslist, or a garage sale. As i’m typing this, I finished the full season DVD and honestly the show’s pretty enjoyable. Good stories, funny writing, enjoyable characters, not bad at all for a kids show.

Revision as of 02:34, 30 April 2024

Have you ever heard of a show named Bluey? If you haven’t already, allow me to give you a quick rundown. Bluey is a Australian children’s oriented cartoon based around the life of an anthropomorphic dog named Bluey, with each episode following her adventures with friends and family inside of a animated world depicting modern day Australia. The series gained critical acclaim for its witty humor and great writing both children and adults alike can enjoy, leaving a breath of fresh air from the current animation industry’s excessive dumbing down of family and children’s comedy. To be honest, I was completely unfamiliar with this series until the experience i’m about to share with you all, which have shocked me beyond belief…

I’m pretty heavy under the poverty line working sanitation with no future dreams or aspirations. The majority of my day is occupied by standing on the back of a garbage truck picking up trash bags and cans down neighborhoods and apartment complexes. Now you might be asking yourself: “How did you end up in such a spot in life?” Well, a few years ago I was actually very well off for my age. My parents gave me a decent loan to begin my new young adult life with after graduating College to fully pursue my career. Well, unfortunately that all took a swift turn for the worst once I installed Reddit to try and get some needed financial advice for my future. Long story short, I took advice from a group of chronically online reddit addicted halfwits with no concept of real world finance and ended up putting everything my parents gave me (which was everything I had honestly) into some shitty stock option for it to soon “boom”, that just so happened to collapse within 2 hours of me holding, leaving me in chronic unrecoverable debt. My parents luckily ended up paying off all my colossal debts and let me stay with them for a couple months as I recuperated, but later ended up kicking me to the curb and telling me to “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” after I fumbled the bag they lended me. I mean to be fair, how was my undeveloped Gen Z brain supposed to comprehend that not everyone tells the truth on the internet? Now i’m broke as fuck working sanitation with co-workers that also took the wrong paths in life.

Now with my backstory out of the way, here’s where the real story begins involving this show… It was a Monday like any other; waking up and immediately contemplating life as I laid emotionless in my bed before having to get up and face a long day’s work. I slogged awake as I geared up in my protective clothing and called an Uber to arrive at my work site. Once I arrive at the site and load up all the gear and the truck, I officially begin the rest of my day; on the back of the garbage truck picking up trash bins to empty for the next 8 hours. Our driver, James, was in a noticeably irritable mode that morning. The reason? Usually his drug dealer would go on a “vacation” to expand business for a week or 2 after slow sales, or nobody buying anything off of him as welfare didn’t come for the rest of the month. If there’s any 2 things that don’t go together whatsoever, it’s a crack head behind the wheel without his wanted fix. I noticed a pattern whenever he would be on a little break from his drugs… Apart from him being harder to work with, he would be blasting his music full volume in the front seat through a broken Dollar Tree bluetooth speaker that played songs 2x as loud and distorted than normal as a method of “coping”, or to distract himself from his anger. Pretty annoying listening to whatever shitty ass metal songs he would blast in the front seat driving, but it’s at least better than a constant complainer.

We loaded up and road out to our route for the day. The first 15 minutes were like any other, chilling on the back of the truck listening to Spotify virtually zoned out as we cruised by to our destinations. Around 23 minutes in, I looked up and realized James haven’t stopped for the past minute or 2, which was odd because by now we would be pulling over to at least one other neighborhood to begin dumping. Maybe he took a wrong turn or the destination was just farther than usual?

“Slow day today? Suits me I guess.” I thought, simply brushing it off as I turned the volume up to Spotify.

After another 20 seconds, I began to re-think what was happening as I looked up to notice that James just blew pasts 2 neighborhoods without noticing whatsoever. I unplugged my earphones and overheard him singing along to some of his garbage ass music at full volume, which was honestly unbearable. I was ready to let him know where he was going, but I really had nothing to lose within that job anyway, so why should I?

“Should I tell him, or..? Well i’m still getting paid today, so...”

As I finished my thought, I eyed the truck speeding straight through a red light turning in some random direction. This continued as the truck kept swerving lane to lane as we were flying through 5 or so stop lights! He then missed a turn and floored directly through a patch of trees through to a parking lot almost crushing dozens of vacant cars! I yelled at James to stop the truck to prevent any further mayhem; unsurprising I received no answer back. I leaned toward the front and seen our truck roar its way towards the gates of a gated community! I held on with any grip I could muster as we slammed straight through the front gates of a gated community. The ear shattering *BANG!* from the doors being forcefully battered open by the 32 ton behemoth going top speed could easily be heard at least a 3 mile’s distance! But for our driver that was blasting and singing to his music full volume? Well he still didn’t notice anything out of place and continued driving wreckless behind the wheel. There’s nobody that sits in the passenger seat next to him, so the only way he could be alerted to stop is me managing to get to him. I began climbing my way across the side of the garbage truck that was heading at menacingly high speeds through some upscale neighborhood. I finally made it to his window after almost getting flung 65 Miles Per Hour off into a window.

“STOP THE TRUCK FOR CHRIST SAKE!!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

At first he couldn’t hear me, so I grabbed whatever Dollar store bluetooth speaker he had and Quarterback flung it straight out the window. He immediately noticed and turned his head towards me.

“WHY DID YOU- HOLY SHIT!” He then immediately noticed where he was going and stomped on the breaks before any further mayhem could commence.

We stopped and regained our breaths for a couple of seconds before getting out of the truck and onto the street, arguing which each other.

“Why were you going that fast, we easily could’ve died back there!” I yelled.

“Yeah, well, it’s not my fault the plug decided to resell vapes to the Elementary School downtown this week instead of-“ he was cut off from a loud yell from a middle aged women emerging from her natural habitat.

“HEY!” She roared at the two of us, gaining our immediate attention.

“Why on earth were you speeding through our community like that? Don’t you know that we have more important people that live here than you?” She yelled.

“This is none of your business, bitch! Now go back in your house!” James yelled back. James and the lady began to go back and forth until I noticed that she still had a trash bag outside. I cut off both of their nonsensical ramblings to try and put my best foot forward as a certified trash man.

“Hey ma’am, sorry for the inconvenience incompetence of our driver. Would you like a free trash pickup on my behalf?” I asked her.

“Well, if it isn’t anything you degenerates can do, you can at least pick up trash. Why not?” The lady responded.

I then picked up the trash bag sitting on the side of the road and flung it in the back. But when I flung it in, something weird had dropped out of it; A pristine DVD for the show Bluey. I immediately noticed and offered to give it back to her, as i’m not interested in hogging random people’s trash I empty.

“Umm Ma’am, there’s a perfectly good DVD here that was in the trash…” I said.

“No, go ahead and keep it. A nice gesture from me to you.” She replied.

I simply shrugged and made my way to the back of the trash truck carrying the DVD. James followed me to the back and began laughing.

“Bro, you’re really going to keep that baby shit she gave you from the trash?” James asked me, giggling like a school girl.

“I’ll throw it away when I get home, but for right now we have more important things to focus on right now other than a DVD.” I responded.

We got back in and the rest of the day followed as any other normally would after that incident. Once my shift was finally over, I called a Uber to drop me off at a Wendy’s closest to my apartment so that I can pick up my dinner for the day. I noticed while walking to Wendy’s, a particularly bad storm was brewing outside. “Well, hopefully it’s nothing serious.” I thought. Once I picked up my order, I walked across the street into my small 1 bedroom apartment and plopped the food down on my couch to relax with some TV after taking a long shower. I was having a pretty good late afternoon thus far after that incident; I got my favorite Wendy’s meal, I could happily sit down and binge my favorite show freely as it was a Friday and I had no work for the rest of the weekend.

I was having a blast binging with my legs kicked up, laughing mindlessly to the television until out of nowhere a loud thunder roared outside, and with it signal jumped off. The storm was raging outside as I heard trees banging against my walls and could see lighting flashes through my curtains. I tried waiting a little in case the storm going away or the signal jumps back on, but nothing. I checked my Phone and I barely had a 1 bar connection. I relied on my network hotspot for my internet to watch Netflix as I couldn’t afford internet. I then checked the weather after waiting minutes for it to load with my connection and turns out the storm will be roaring for the rest of the night.

“Just what I needed, a thunderstorm for the rest of the night!” I thought.

Bored, I got up and looked around for the remote and found that Bluey DVD I almost forgot about. I picked it up the DVD that I originally planned to throw away and held it up to see.

“I have nothing else to do with no signal… Fuck it.”

I went through my closet and got an old DVD player I had kept since a kid. I rigged it up to the TV and opened up the DVD case. And so there it was: “Bluey Season 2 DVD” I immediately re-contemplated even playing it after seeing the cover art; I mean the thing was for kids after all… But then again i’m a child at heart, so why not? I popped it into the DVD player and left the room to take some medicine I forgot to take earlier that day.

When I came back, the main DVD screen looked a bit odd to say the least. The entire main screen was engulfed by a close zoom in of Bluey’s face expressionless, with no sound playing in the background.

“Odd…” I thought.

I then pressed the Episodes option and clicked on a random episode to watch, as I didn’t really care about the chronological order of a children’s show. I then took a big bite of my Wendy’s Burger as I waited for the episode to commence. Out of nowhere in the deafening silence of the loading screen and main menu, an ear shattering “BLUEY!” erupted from the television out of nowhere at 100% volume as the family jumped on screen.

“Shit!” I yelled, as I dropped my burger trying to reach for the remote to turn the volume down.

Mayonnaise, ketchup, and whatever else burger juices that were on that thing fell on my lap completely staining my clothes! I got up and rushed my way to the bathroom to clean myself up. Unfortunately while I stood up, I accidentally flung my remote somewhere around the room. I couldn’t be bothered to find it at the time, but in retrospect I wish I would’ve found that damn thing to stop what was coming next.

A title card of the episode showed that same Bluey on the main screen now smiling, but instead of taking the entire screen it was just on the left hand side. The episode read: “Election Day”. The length of the episode read 30 minutes at the bottom. Pretty odd title and length for such a show, but I was here for it I guess.

The camera first zoomed in on the Heeler’s family home. Bluey was inside with Bingo playing some game they made up, until Bluey got mad and stopped playing.

“Hey, YOU were supposed to be the Scorpion this time!” Bluey Yelled.

“No, YOU were supposed to be the Croc, why aren’t you playing by the rules?” Bingo responded.

The 2 argued for a little bit longer until their father stepped in, visibly frustrated.

“Girls, I have very important business to do involving the upcoming election right now. Please quiet down for me, please?” Bluey’s father asked.

“Ok!” Bluey and Bingo both said in unison.

They both began to play their game quieter this time, until the game they were playing started to get intense. This time Bingo got mad at whatever Bluey did during the game.

“I WAS HIDING THE ENTIRE TIME!” Bingo complained.

“Nope, I got you right before you could!” Bluey laughed.

Right then, very loud stomping could be heard from the left side of the screen. This time, their father was having none of it.


The title card suddenly popped up reading “Election Day” with a small Australian Flag above the text. Odd timing to put a title card up. The episode resumed with Bingo and Bluey trembling in fear as Bandit held up a belt in his right hand. He soon came to his senses after seeing his two daughters on the floor trembling in fear.

“Ok, listen. I didn’t mean to come off like that. But what i’m doing is seriously important! Bluey, go to one of your friends house’s and play over there. Bingo, either stay with me and stay quiet for the rest of the day or go with your sister.” His father asked annoyed.

“Ok dad, sorry for the noise.” Bluey responded.

“Don’t be. I just need peace and quiet for a little as I do this thing. I can drop both of you off at Chloe’s house.” Bandit said.

It then cut to them in the car being driven without a word of dialogue for the duration. After they finally made it to Chloe’s, Bluey and Bandit ran to the front door at light speed ecstatic, and started knocking. No answer. More knocking, yet still no response. They tried again, yet still no response.

“Maybe they aren’t home..” Bingo said.

“I hear noises in the house, no chance they aren’t here!” Bluey said slightly irritated.

Bluey then began BANGING on the door for around 10 seconds. Suddenly the door swung open, with Frank just like Bluey’s dad earlier in the episode, looking visibly frustrated and enraged.

“Aye, What are your fucking idiots doing out here?” Frank asked the two.

I raised an eyebrow as I heard him say that. Since when did these cartoons have swearing in them?

“Uhhh, we just want to see Chloe and maybe come inside? Our father made us leave his house because he was too busy with something.” Bluey said.

“Well i’m busy trying to turn this election around too! Bluey and Bingo, don’t come back anytime soon!” Frank demanded.

The adults seemed overly frustrated and worked up over whatever this election was, but I guess it must be important. Chloe then made her way to the door confused at the ruckus she overheard.

“Did anyone call me over here?” Chloe asked confused beside her father.

“No, nobody did. Chloe, you’re with me in the house!” Frank demanded.

“Oh, ok dad. Bye Bluey.” Chloe said in a disappointed yet confused tone.

Bluey and Bingo then walked away from Chloe’s residence and back to the car where their father was sitting in.

“Chloe’s dad said we can’t stay because he has an election to save or something.” Bluey said to her father disappointed.

“Well that makes two of us.” Bandit replied, slightly chuckling.

The scene then cut back to the Heeler house. By the time they got back they were exceptionally tired, so they went right to bed with no further dialogue said. The next scene shows the next morning, with her and the family sitting around the TV. There were a bunch of oddly realistic commercials for dog food before finally cutting to a Breaking News report live outside depicting the Australian Parliament. This “election” seemed more like American federal constitutional republic over the traditional Australian constitutional monarchy, but then again this is a children’s cartoon. Everybody then focused up on the TV to see whatever would happen next.

“After a long day of calculation, we’ve gathered the final results from the polls that were provided to us from the government…” The reporter said. It then showed the final statistics of the apparent election on the TV. The Heelers jaws dropped at the statistic, which showed one mayor elect completely dominating the polls by a result well over 500,000.

“And with us live today, we have your new Brisbane mayor. Mayor, are you connected?“ The reporter asked.

“Yes ma’am i’m connected.” The new mayor said.

Before he could say anything further or even make a full appearance, Bandit turned off the TV off in anger.

“How is this possible? Just last week we hacked the machines to print off fake ballots!” Bluey’s father yelled in anger.

Bluey then ran in the other room crying her eyes out, with her father quickly following her to comfort.

“Hey Bluey, I know it’s shocking hearing this, but take this as a good thing!” Bluey’s father reinsured.

“This is the time where TRUE patriots begin to rise! This is our country! This is our blood!” Bandit stated.

Bluey then got up with new found confidence to bring her country to the place it needs to be.

“You’re right, our time is now and there’s none to be wasted!” Bluey yelled.

“Now that’s the spirit, now get out there and fight for your right as a proud Australian!” Bandit yelled, pepping up his daughter.

Bluey then ran outside with some signs carrying a box of markers and some glitter. A couple minutes passed by with her getting most of her gear prepped. Bingo soon spotted Bluey setting up the protesting gear.

“So you’re going down the parliament?” Bingo asked confused.

“Yes, unfortunately… I’ve seen the news and i’m deeply saddened… hence why we need to take immediate action!” She said in response.

“Now lets get our peaceful protesting signs and march up to the capital to show them what we’re really talking about!” Bluey demanded.

“That sounds like the most responsible thing to do and a lot of fun! But, don’t you think that you’ll likely get over 20 years for exercising your rights?” Bingo asked worriedly.

“Hey, you’ll never be a true patriot with that kind of attitute! Remember that vaccine they administered that gave us our autism?” Bluey swiftly responded.

“Yeah I guess you’re right, I don’t want to be a fuckin libtard…” Bingo responded.

“Well unfortunately you’re a bit too young to protest with me, I don’t want you to get hurt in case of drone strikes, but i’ll still be demonstrating with my friend Chloe.” Bluey said to Bingo.

“Aw man, I really wanted to go... I guess i’ll just log onto our community Facebook to get live feed of the parliament’s status. Wish you luck out there, Bluey!” Bingo said.

“‘Ight, see you soon Bingo!” Bluey responded.

It then cuts to the next scene of Bluey finally finishing her DIY signs outside. Bandit walks up behind her gifting her a poster with some tape that says “FUCK THE FEDS” in all capital light and dark blue glitter.

“Here you go champ! Think it’ll really show our position out there. Are you set to head down to the capital?” Bandit asked.

“Yep, prepped and ready!” Bluey responded excitedly. She hopped in the car, sitting her materials beside her.

“Now lets pick up Chloe and then you two can save our democracy!” Bandit said.

The next scene shows what appears to be an unusually large crowd gathered in front of a very botched scene of the parliament, which looks more like the front of the U.S White House, where absolute chaos ensured. It then cut to Bluey and Chloe’s Point Of View.

“Uhhh, I don’t think this was what I meant by “peaceful protest”, Chloe…” Bluey said, squatting in a bush taking a piss as Chloe laid fetal position behind a trash can at the far right side of the riots.

As time went on, the crowd started to get noticeably more irritable. Rocks were now being thrown at the police, fence and barricade supports started to snap in half, people began to get in fist fights with officers…

It then showed the outside area of the parliament, where a team of officers resided behind a giant gate. “They aren’t stopping! Lets take the gloves off!” A Police Chief commanded the officers on their walkie-talkies.

Right then, police on horsebacks armed with batons flooded the front gate and into the crowd! Flash Bangs and tear gas were thrown damn near everywhere, countless protestors started to get trampled by horses and beaten to pulps by the officers; somehow the crowd was still full force and somehow pushing ahead. It zoomed in on one protestor pulling out a live grenade from their pocket and throwing it into a crowd full of police! Multiple bodies flew up in the air dying instantaneously as a result, with high amounts of blood and decapitated limbs splattering the surrounding people! The scene was so graphic and high quality it looked like 4K feature length war propaganda footage released by the Islamic State! I had to stop eating my Wendy’s meal entirely at this point. What was I watching at this point? Was this really a Bluey episode? I couldn’t believe my eyes.

The crowd began to run straight through the gates like nothing was even there and stormed inside the building!

“Holy shit! We need to get out of this place, there’s too many of them!” A member said in his office, sending commands to other employees in the Parliament and officers guarding the exterior via radio. The members began to break through back doors and jump out windows to escape the building. It then cut back to Bluey and Chloe, that were trying to plan out a path of escape of the chaos, their original idea of protesting completely out of the window.

“There’s no way we’re getting through the crowd, the back is cut off with officers with weapons loaded for bare… How will we get out of this place?” Bluey pondered.

Then out of the corner of Chloe’s eye, she spotted an morbidly obese man wearing a horrible face disguise in a suit throwing objects into the crowd.

“Wait… Is that the mayor?” Chloe questioned.

“I don’t know, but who else would that be? This is our one chance to escape!” Bluey responded.

They both began running at the Mayor, yelling his name to get his attention.

“Mr. Mayor, please save us from this place! I promise we’re innocent bystanders!” Both pleaded. The mayor then turned around and tried to focus on the two, but could barely see due to the face mask.

“I know you’re a fed! You’re never taking my place in that parliament!” The Mayor yelled back confusingly.

“We’re not the feds, we just want to escape this place and make it home to our parents!” Bluey yelled.

“Really?” The mayor skeptically asked back.

“Yes we are! Please bring us with you before we get hurt out here!” Chloe pleaded.

“I would, but this purely a backup plan for me! Nobody could’ve forseen this happening!” The mayor said back to the two.

“Um, Mayor, this is a very predictable outcome. For example, why did you hide in your office the entire time instead of going outside delivering a speech to reassure the Australian people before they started storming in?” Bluey asked.

“Yeah, that’s a great question, why is that?” Chloe added.

The mayor glazed at them confused at such a reasonable claim questioning his decisions.

“Well, uhh… I don’t know what you guy’s are talking about… POLITICAL HARASSMENT!!!!!” The mayor screamed at the top of his lungs, running as fast as possible away from them.

“Quick Chloe, we have to follow him! He’s our only chance of escape!” Bluey and Chloe then ran at top speed, pretty quickly catching up to the Mayor due to his obesity and age.

Unfortunately, before they were able to physically interact with him, he ran into his bunker and locked the door behind him.

“Phew! Almost got caught up with those damn rioters out there! Now time to log onto X so I can tell everyone about my Political Harassment and defend my honor!“ He took off his disguise and tried to log into his X account, but was met with the sight of “Your Account Was Permanently Suspended” displayed in front of him.

“WHAT?” The mayor yelled at full volume.

“I can’t believe Elon fucking banned me off X! But once I steal this Truth Social code from a public domain mastodon software using my code data-mining torrent then everybody will know my political harassment in this bunker!”

He then began to make is way towards his computer to steal a Truth Social code from the internet, but was suddenly met with loud knocking on his front door. He immediately ran towards his wine cabinet and grabbed a strobe light he’d hidden on top of it. He swung the door open and pointed the strobe light outside and yelled:

“THIS IS TRESPASSING AND POLITICAL HARASSMENT YOU RIO-… Wait, is it a CIA agent or Stormy Daniels?” He asked nervously.

“No, we’re just upstanding Australians no affiliated with the riot!” Bluey said, out of breath.

“Oh, you’re just those kids out there that I ran away from earlier. None of you are really threats to my livelihood so I guess i’ll let you in. What are your names?” The mayor asked.

“I’m Bluey, and that’s my friend Chloe right there.” Bluey said to the Mayor, pointing at the small Dalmatian.

The mayor then fully opened the door, coming to his senses. Bluey and Chloe now made their way inside the bunker with the Mayor.

“As a thanks for bringing us in your bunker, I brought you a hot can of Diet Coke from a nearby gas station that just so happened to be open with nobody in it!”

“Well, if it isn’t anything I love more than stealing taxpayers money, it’s diet coke!” The mayor said, taking the room temperature beverage and pouring it into a cup he picked up.

He then made his way to his main living space and sat down on a chair, with Bluey And Chloe following behind and sitting on a couch across from the Mayor. Bluey then popped open a can of zero sugar Canada Dry, took a quick sip and began to ask a couple questions.

“Mayor, while i’m here sitting with you all I want to know is… why didn’t you send any message of Live TV to defend your honor, when you already knew it would spark massive controversy, and you were just sitting in your office watching it unfold and now you’re hiding in the bunker!” Bluey asked.

“Well you see Bluey…” The mayor then sat his cup of diet coke down and leaned forward to talk directly to Bluey.

“You non politicians and government conspirators, I feel very similar about you as I do about these bugs.. You see, we keep you in a cage for our control…” The mayor said, pointing at a small tank with insects across the room.

“And if one of you should die, well it may make me think for about 2 minutes. Other than that I really couldn’t care less, even if it involves administering vaccines to spreading mass autism or making a couple of calls to get some drone strikes to touch down in order to keep the peace.” The mayor further explained.

Bluey then looked downwards saddened after hearing him say that about her country.

“Hey, think of it like this. At least you will make me think for about 2 minutes!” The mayor said, trying to cheer up Bluey. Bluey then gave him a slight smile at his reassurance, meanwhile Chloe just laid back on the couch giving the Mayor that sweet autism smile she was well known for, that being her superpower!

“Wow thanks, Mayor! So you said we’re just like those bugs over there?” Chloe asked, looking at the tank of bugs.

“Anybody that’s not from Israel is the same in my eyes!” The mayor said, picking up his cup of diet coke taking another sip.

“Well you all literally look the same to me, as i’m heavily blind with these glasses one that are one third the size of my eyes and also 3 inches thick.” The mayor responded.

As he was going to continue explaining his motives to the two, a notification went off on his Phone.

“*Sigh* Is it the satellite man pinging my phone about 6G again?” He muttered.

“Wait, 6G is a thing now?” Bluey asked excitedly.

“Not quite, it’s still in a beta state as of now. But we do have satellite control rooms set up that can zap you from any distance on the earth, also causing mass autism. But that’s none of your concern as of now.”

He unlocked his phone to see who it was and then let out a deep sign. “Well, it looks like our time talking is unfortunately up as of jow. The Supreme Court just texted me about our plans moving forward over there, we just have bigger fish to fry right now.” the mayor explained to both of them.

Bluey and Chloe then got up from the couch and went towards the door to leave the bunker.

“Well thanks for having me and my friend in your bunker!” Chloe said.

“No problem! I’ve already called for a pickup from a nearby sleeper agent, so no need to call any parents about our exchange or for any pick up!” The mayor said to both.

They then exited the bunker, spotting an unmarked vehicle parked outside the bunker. One of the fully dimmed out windows then slowly rolled down revealing a figure dressed in all black, barely visible.

“Bluey and Chloe?” The agent asked.

“Yep, that’s us!” Bluey and Chloe said, entering the unmarked vehicle.

“Thank you for picking us up, Sir! Could you please drop us off at-“ Bluey was cut off by the Agent.

“Don’t worry, I already know where both of you live and have the route set up in Google Maps! I actually know everything about you two, from your families to your families checking account the commonwealth government allowed us access to, but lets not go there. Here’s an iPad with some Bluey episodes to keep you girls occupied for the ride home.” The agent said.

It then cut to the Bluey house with the unmarked car pulling up around it.

“Remember, none of this ever happened.” The agent stated quietly.

The both of them gave a wink at the agent before leaving the car. They made their way to the house, and opened the door to be greeted by something i’d never expect to see in any TV show… Bluey’s mom was smoking CRACK in the den of the house, slurring gibberish as she looked into blank space, eyes completely bloodshot while ignoring her children’s appearance.

“I wish I were dancing in the trees overcasted by sprinkling showers as we watched the doves play hide-and-go-seek with the pelicans up the hills…” Bluey’s mom said, cracked out of her mind.

Bandit then walked in the room and noticed his wife overdosing. Unexpectedly however, he acknowledged the scene as it were a normal, everyday occurrence in the house.

“*sigh*, I told you to lay off the pipe this week, and you still meet up with the fuckin’ dealer, eh?” Bandit yelled, angry but slightly concerned for her wellbeing.

Bluey’s mom then got up and crack walked to her bedroom. Bandit then looked over to the kids and began making conversation like nothing ever happened.

“So, did you two have a good time at your protests today?” Bandit asked.

“Not really. There was too much to even keep up with.” Bluey said tiredly, plopping on the floor in exhaustion. Chloe then yawned and sat up to give her take on the day.

“I thought we were supposed to be saving democracy or something… but when we got there, all I saw and heard were gunshots, yelling, and we saw the mayor leaving the office to escape to his theoretic bunker I can’t confirm nor deny! I just don’t get it!” Chloe said.

“Well, we did try our best, but ended up making no progress to put it simply.” Bluey said disappointed.

“Well the best thing to happen this entire day was when the mayor let us come in his bunke-“ Chloe was then cut off by Bluey putting her hand over her mouth, as not to disclose any classified information.

“Remember what they told us to do? Keep your mouth zipped about that part!” Bluey whispered to Chloe.

“Ok!” Chloe whispered back.

“Hey, at least you two tried your best to save democracy!” Bandit said, trying to reassure them of their attempt.

The scene then cuts to an Black Hawk Helicopter hovering in the sky with multiple US flags and Communist symbols oddly displayed on it.

“This is the location… Preparing for landing.” The pilot said.

The Helicopter lowered slowly and eventually landed at the back of the mayor’s bunker on a Heli Pad. The mayor jogged out of his bunker to board the chopper as it flew away. The scene cut back to Bluey and Chloe where they overheard the noise of a loud aircraft. “What’s that?” Chloe asked, looking toward Bluey. They walked outside to see what it was, and spotted the helicopter taking off in the distance with the mayor waving back at her.

The Mayor yelled something at the both of them almost inaudibly as the helicopter took off 150 MPH above their house.

“Huh, was that the mayor?” Chloe asked. “Must be. Didn’t he say he was getting picked up by the government or something earlier?” Bluey said back.

The scene then cuts to the parliament, where the building was completely burned to the ground with nothing left but rubble and ashes, with everybody remaining in the crowd suddenly starting to turn on each other like zombies! Piles of corpses laid everywhere with bites marks with swarms of flies and maggots piling onto them. It cut to the street outside where the zombie like people were running to houses and ripping doors open of innocent civilians houses, slaughtering them! The sound of flesh being chewing and bones snapping in half made be feel genuinely nauseous...

It then cut to the Heeler house the next day with the zombie like people running toward it. They jumped through the windows and broke down the front door with ease to feast onto whatever flesh they can get their hands on! Bluey was the first one to go…

A decayed hand grabbed her by the shoulder and took a small bite of her neck from behind! Blood showered out of her neck like a geyser as she began screaming at an ear shattering volume! It then cuts to Bingo being slammed on the ground hard with brain matter staining the floor! The zombie then started ripping off her legs one by one as she started letting out an excruciating blood curdling scream that only a person getting murdered could let out, with the camera focusing on every fine detail! It was so much for me that I ended up blacking out…

I woke up on the floor in a cold sweat the next afternoon with the Bluey DVD on the main screen. It sat up and gave a glance at the screen, and as I did, I noticed the screen was totally different than the one I seen before. Instead of a zoom in on Bluey’s face, it showed a normal picture of Bluey. I quickly grabbed the remote and surfed the episode list and tried looking for the “Election Day” episode I watched and was met with the normal list of episodes with “Election Day” not in sight. I fully got up and quickly searched for the creator’s, Joe Brumm’s, contact information on the internet and gave him a couple of calls. I dialed his number a couple of times with no response until he finally answered back and I told him everything about the episode I experienced: from the riot, the blood, this new mayor character, everything.

He called me a “fucking idiot” and a “ass wipe” for making up stories about his cartoon and wasting his time before blocking my number. I put my phone down and looked around the room to analyze the damages. My Wendy’s bag was ripped open on the middle of floor with all of its contents spilled around the floor, and a coke stain that I must’ve dropped from my meal. I walked to my bathroom to take my medicine for the day. When I walked in, I noticed a bag ripped open that wasn’t my prescribed medicine at all; it was my LSD! Whatever was left of my stash was completely consumed that night before watching that DVD!

I re-watched a random episode of the season to make sure nothing was off; turns out there was a small segment of a class election in the episode that I must’ve been tripping out watching. I’m still kind of pissed that it was just my hallucinations, because I could’ve easily made a quick $200 selling this DVD as some sort of deleted season deleted episode on eBay, Craigslist, or a garage sale. As i’m typing this, I finished the full season DVD and honestly the show’s pretty enjoyable. Good stories, funny writing, enjoyable characters, not bad at all for a kids show.

I still have my questions on that episode I watched the night earlier however. It seemed to real to be fake? The artstyle was on point despite me never even seeing a piece of the show before looking at the DVD cover I received, plus I still have very vivid memory of the episode despite me being under the influence and blacking out at the end. Maybe my mind just somehow filled in the blanks good, but I still believe there may be a way of that episode still being in this DVD…

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Written by Waterdlyed
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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