Catherine the Maniac: Difference between revisions

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That night she dreamt of her going to school. She was walking into her classroom, books in her arms and her glasses on the tip of her nose. When she walked into the classroom, it was pitch black. She heard teenagers talking to each other and laughing, but didn't see anyone. And suddenly, the lights flipped on. Everyone was staring at her. But their eyes were hallow; just black holes in their heads. They were all smiling, their grins spreading from ear to ear, literally. From their eyes and mouth, blood dripped down on the front of their shirts.
Catherine dropped her books in fear and backed up to the blackboard. She pushed her glasses up all the way and blinked. They still sat their, staring at her. Catherine looked down to see a giant puddle of blood underneath. She screamed and looked back up to her hands and arms. She screamed again to see blood streaming down her arms and dripping off the tips of her fingers. She turned around quickly and saw a giant mirror had replaced the blackboard. Yet again, another scream escaped her vocal chords. Her face had the same expression just like the students. Hallow eyes, and a large mouth. But this time her mouth was a large frown spreading down to her jaw line. She reached up to touch her face. The feel of her skin was leathery and un-human like. A male student with jet black hair said, "Why are you so upset Catherine? You should be happy. Just like us…us..."
Catherine awoke with a jerk. She sat straight up, her hands trembling and sweat pouring down her face. She regained her breathing back to normal and wiped a drop of sweat from her forehead with a swift flick of the wrist. Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, she glanced up at the clock to see it was 6:30am. A yawn escaped from her mouth and she scratched her head. "What the fuck was that dream about? Oh well.. I'm probably just scared of a new school." Catherine sighed and walked to the kitchen to see her mother preparing breakfast. "Hey sweetie, breakfast is almost done." Her mother looked at Catherine's terror-stricken, pale face and said, "What's wrong dear?" Catherine shook her head and simply said, "N-nothing mom.. Just kinda jumpy today."
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The vision was soon gone. But it scared Catherine enough that she screamed. Tristan was spooked and ran to his sister's aid. "Cathy! What's wrong??" Soon their mother came running. She grabbed onto Catherine and spun her around so she was facing her, "Catherine what happened?"
"I-I don't know…know..... I saw something."
"What? What did you see?"
Line 43:
After both Tristan and Catherine were ready for school, they both bolted out the door to their bus stop. There they stood, waiting for the bus to arrive. Catherine was too frightened to talk to Tristan, and just stood there, looking at her black Converse shoes. Tristan took note to her behavior and asked, "You okay?"
"Y-yeah I'm…m... fine. It was just.. Really creepy."
"Well if you keep seeing stuff like that, you should tell me."
Line 55:
She was walking down the same hall, and everything pretty much looked normal. No blood, no guts. But every person was different. They all had the same exact demonic face, but this time, they all had eyes. Their eyes looked like normal eyes, but were huge and bloodshot. Soon after, they all started to cry. And when they cried, blood streamed down from their tear ducts. The vision was soon gone, like the last one.
Everything went back to normal, and everyone looked like they had before. Catherine sighed and continued walking, thinking that maybe if she ignored these visions, they would eventually go away. Oh how wrong she was…was...
The rest of the school day went on normally, all her classes passing quickly. But at the point of History, her 6<sup>th</sup> period class, things got strange. The moment Catherine walked into the room, her tension increased. Something wasn't right. She had a feeling, and that feeling wasn't a good one. Catherine shrugged it off and sat in her seat. The teacher started lecturing on about The Korean War, and how it would be their first unit in history. Catherine slowly started to nod off, as she had always done in history class. Finally she laid her head on the desk, and right as she was about to fall asleep, that same pulsating came back. But this time, the pain was 10 times worse. She yelled out in pain and fell to the floor. She clenched at her head and was even at the point of yanking her hair out her scalp. The teacher and a few other students came to her aid. At each throb in her head, an image flashed. It was her, but her smile was cruel and evil, and she had slit her mouth at the corners and sewed the wounds. Her eyes were normal, but horribly bloodshot. She was wearing a black sweater, black jeans, and her black converse. Her hair was normal, but blood dripped from the ends.
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Catherine woke up and screamed. Both Isaac and the nurse ran to her aid. Catherine stopped screaming and returned to a decent state of mind. Isaac and the nurse just stood there, wondering what the fuck was going on.
Catherine's mom later came to pick up Catherine, and the nurse had Isaac tell what had happened. Catherine's mom was horrified, and scared shitless for her daughters well-being. Soon after, Catherine's mother called a local psychiatrist for a therapy session. They drove to the doctors office quickly and sat in the waiting room. Catherine picked at a hole in her jeans and her mother sat there, her eyes darting every which way, studying every part of the room. The psychiatrist came out and greeted them. He led Catherine into the room and motioned her to sit on the chair. The psychiatrist pulled out a notebook and said, "So Catherine, your mother told me you have…veryhave...very vivid visions and dreams. What are these "visions and dreams" of Catherine?"
Catherine gulped and quietly said, "Things."
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"What about their faces?"
"They're eyes are hallow…andhallow...and their mouths are stretched into these HORRIBLE grins.. It's like someone took a knife and slit the corners of their mouth all the way to their ears. And then, blood drips from their eyes and mouths.. Down onto their shirts."
"That's your only sight?"
"No…thereNo...there's another one. It's usually…ausually...a bloody room. With all kinds of gore. Like intestines, hearts, blood dripping from everywhere. And sometimes.. There's pictures of these demon looking things hanging up all around. And sometimes…sometimes... I get these head pains."
"Explain these head pains, Catherine."
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Two weeks passed. The meds didn't do a thing. Catherine kept getting the visions, but as the days passed, they got worse. They got more…more....disturbing.
Catherine had awoken from another nightmare, but now she was used to it. The nightmares didn't frighten her much anymore. Catherine yawned and got out of bed, checking the clock to see it was 6:45am. She sighed and walked into her bathroom. She studied her face in the mirror. Her eyes looked more sunken, they both had giant black bags under them. Her eyes were bloodshot, horribly. Her skin had lost it's peach color and was slowly turning into a very light shade of grey, almost white. Her mother was starting to worry about Catherine's body. Everyday she ate less, got outside less, and talked less. She would be sick more often and would seclude herself in her room. Tristan could hear her from across the hallway, quietly whispering to herself, "They can't get me here…Theyhere...They can't get me here.. I'm safe here.."
Finally, Catherine's mother got her to go to school. The morning Catherine got dressed into a purple t-shirt and blue jeans. But…somethingBut...something turned Catherine back to her closet. Catherine slowly pulled out a new pair of clothes. A black sweater, and black jeans. She replaced the clothes she was currently wearing with the new ones, and put on her black Converse. Catherine continued on with getting ready for the day.
As Catherine was about to leave, something pulled her back. She could hear a faint whisper in her ear saying, "Take the gun, KILL THEM ALL." Catherine screamed in her head, "No! No I'm not listening to you!"
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"Your soul.."
Suddenly she heard laughter. Evil, maniacal, laughter. And it was coming from behind her. Fearing for her safety, she turned around to see a black silhouette of a man. She had seen him in his dreams before. He had the same fucking face…face....big evil grin…andgrin...and hallow eyes. Catherine started to cry when she saw him.
"What's wrong pretty girl? I'm just trying to make your life easier…easier..."
"How? You've made my life a living hell!!"
Line 120:
"The one..?"
"Yes, the one to cleanse this world of corruption. And just by starting at your school. You kill all the weak, and join forces with the strong…strong..."
"What? You're a madman…madman..."
"I'm not a madman. Don't you think it makes sense in the slightest bit? Strong ones will be able to live on this Judgment day. Weak ones will pay the price…withprice...with their life."
The shadow man started cackling again, his evil laughter causing Catherine's ears to ring. She fell back to her knees and clenched to her ears. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"
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"I am the one."
"Yes Catherine… are the one."
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The moment she walked in, a male teacher said standing up, "Hey, your not supposed to be he-" Catherine cut him off by shooting him in the chest. The other teachers screamed, and scrambled for shelter. They weren't quick enough though; Catherine shot them all within seconds. "This is too easy." She said, reloading her gun.
Catherine continued going throughout the school, shooting everyone. And to her surprise, no one fought back. No one called the police, no one got up to protect themselves, nothing. "Their all weak…weak..." The voice said again. "Yeah I get that." Catherine replied, stepping into a bathroom. She busted open stalls to see if anyone was in them. No one. She sighed and walked up to the sink. She splashed water on her face. Her eyeliner and mascara smudged and dripped down her face. Suddenly, she got a thought. She remembered what she had looked like in her visions, and pulled out a knife. She steadied her hand and raised the knife up to her mouth, and slowly began slitting the corners into a wide smile. She yelled out in pain as she finished and grabbed the sides of her face and watched in the mirror and blood ran down her hands. Catherine weakly walked over to the first aid kit in the bathroom and pulled out the stitches and a needle. She pierced her skin with the needle and started stitching up the slits in her mouth. She cut the string and cleaned her wounds with Neosporin.
Catherine studied herself in the mirror. "Perfect." She said out loud to herself. She started laughing again, that horrible, evil, maniacal laughter. But soon after, the voice interrupted her. "The cops are here. And I have a plan. Close your eyes."
Line 180:
"Breaking news! There has been a streak of public shooting, first starting of at a high school, and then leading to a hotel not far off from Kenosha, Wisconsin. There were few survivors of each shooting, but one survivor named Tristan Davis says he knows her personally. Tell me Tristan, how do you know he?"
"She's my sister.. I didn't know…know... I didn't know."
"What didn't you know?"