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But now I'm making a run for it before I gets me. And It gets you too If you don't play the game to the end. My time is up "They are comming here!"" "People from another dimension!" "No, NOOOOOOOOO" *kouh*.
[[Category:Vidya games]]
[[Category:Pasta Trying To Be Good When It Sucks Enough To Be A Troll]]
[[Category:TRUE STORY]]
[[Category:Creepypasta Trying to Be Serious but Fails]]

Revision as of 02:40, 19 February 2017

You need to help me, I'm super serial! If you don't you will die too.

It all started when I met my teacher at the gym 2 weeks ago. He told me that I was going to get detention if I didn't return my test back. I told him what ever, but now I'm screwed because I think he was serial.

Okay this has nothing to do whit anything so just ignore that I ever said anything ever.

So I stepped out of the train and smelled the fresh air. "Mmm, I like what I'm seeing" I said to myself before leaving the station. I had my dog with me and he was having a good time, before it started to rain and we had to take shelter in the near by pub. They told me "NO PETS ALLOWED!", so I had to leave him outside in the porch. I orderd me some drinks. "One beer with onions" I said to the bartender. He looked at me funny, but then he poured me a good cold one. He said, he didn't have any oninons, but it was okay. I always carry them with me.

He asked me in the most redneck voice you can imagine "So, what yerr doing eer stranger?" I told him about my college experiments and he just laughed. "Heh-Heh, You city-slikers really crack me up like a can o' pop". I laughed nervously, as I always did, but then the weirdest thing happend. He asked me "You know. What are thous, dem videogames you young folk always brag aboot?" What scared me the most was, that he was undressing me with his eyes. I quickly got up told him "Yeah, It has stopped raining and I have to leave". He stopped and gave me a CD case. "What's that?" I said. "You'll know when the time comes". Creeped out, I left the pub and went to my staying home for the night.

Next day was awful from start to finish. My alarm didn't go off and my socks got wet. But all that aside my day was awesome. At the night I got really curious about the CD, the bartender had gaiven me. I jumped to my laptop and popped the CD in, like I popped your mom's cherry, OOOOOOHHHH. So, this is where the similarities end. First I was greeted with a Starup logo which was backwards for no reasean. I was frightened, but didn't think much of it. The CD had only one option to open the folder so I did. The folder was called Diad-DforDevil1.0. I thought to my self, "Is this a game?" Then I opend the executable.exe file and I was greeted with a picture of a Tunnel leading to god knows where. This should have sent up red flags. My dog was sitting next to me, but he was anxious like he would be with a unknown person.

So I decided to play the game and see what it was about. It was the worst idea since 9/11. Zhe game was FPS with dark hallways and corridors with supir relistacle blood on the walls. What I didn't know was that there was a ghost that haunted the mansion next to me. Also my pants were wet from watering the flowers, but that's beside the point.

I kept walking through the corridors untill I was in complete darkness. I expected some jumpscare, but instead the game continued normally, untill I noticed that I was in the same exact place where I had started. Only difference was that there were more gruesome detail in the shadows. Not as gruesome in the highlights, but still gruesome almost vomit endusion. I started to hear voices, but not from the game but from my apartment. "They are comming here" the voices said in high-pitched voice. I was pizzing my pants. It was like in my second grande yearbook, everybody was smiling expect me. But regardless of that I kept playing, which was worster idea than the last one. Also Super. What striked me odd, was that my dog was barking at my computer screen everytime something happened. Like I dynamite exploded, he would bark even though my dog is blind.

Then the unthinkable happened I saw the scariest thin ever in a game. It was SumDude, with gaping mouth and a skinny head. I had hear the myth about slenderman, and now I was scraed. I shut off the game and said to myself. "There is only one man that cant help me." I opened my Internet Explorer™ version 9(copyright, do not steal), and went to YouTube™.

I searched for SomeOrdinaryGamers and sent Mutahar a PM to tell him about mina experience.

I waited for a day, then two day, untill a week had passed and no answer. I was getting so paranoid that I went to TrollPasta wiki and made an article about this game called Dial-D for Devil. I was so nonsencical that even the most nonsencical waldo would not get through it without puking.

But now I'm making a run for it before I gets me. And It gets you too If you don't play the game to the end. My time is up "They are comming here!"" "People from another dimension!" "No, NOOOOOOOOO" *kouh*.