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Hi everyone. My name is Trey and I am here to tell you about the day I was kidnapped. It all started on a summer day in July. I was walking home from a friends house when I got a text. It was from my friend, whose house I just left, and it read "Hey man, who is that guy walking behind you?". I almost had a heart attack when I jerked around to see a tall, skinny, man in a suit. The scariest part was...that stalker had no face! He then disappeared when I screamed. I quickly ran to the forest, which was a shortcut to my house.
I was almost out of the forest when I tripped on a log and cut my leg open. I got up and, as painful as it was, ran even faster than I had before. That's when he appeared before me. I rammed into him with all my strength, but he dodged and I hit a tree. I fell into unconsciousness. I woke up in a pitch black room. Spontaneously, the light turned on, revealing a large amount of skeletons, all of which were children's. This Slender Man was in front of me, rummaging through a bag. He pulled out a small knife, and to my horror, cut himself a mouth. Then he opened it with his jaw muscles (if he had any) to reveal he really did create a mouth on his formerly bare face.
Then, somehow, my soul was thrust out of my body, so I could watch him eat my body, while still feeling all of the pain. He then took out a sewing kit, tookatook a patch of flesh ofoff my skull, and sewed it onto his mouth giving him the appearance of facelessness. Now I am stuck in this alternate dimension, to forever stay here along with the souls of other kidnapped children. Please, hear me out. Never walk home alone!
{{by-cpwuser|TreyTheNinja|date=September 23, 2011}}
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