Ed Edd and Eddy lost episode

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Hello my name is Jeremy. Today I will talk about strange episode Of Ed Edd and Eddy I was once saw. So I was watching Tv on the cartoon network then Episode started normally with normal intro. The title screen showed up Ed in the head. I didn't remember this episode but I don't every episode. Then number 666 showed up for 66,6 seconds timed with stopwatch. Then It cut out to Eddy opening package inside of it was gun. Then it cut out to Eddy saying to Ed and double D today we are going get money and jawbreakers his eyes were hyper realistic and red and black. How are going to do this said double D I am going to rob someone That is not good idea said double D while they were talking Ed was levitating in the air z. Then it cut our to static for 44 seconds timed with stopwatch. Then it cut out to Eddy saing with demonic voice to Kevin give your money or I will shoot you while ponting his gun at him Kevin replied No dork This gun is probaly fake. Then Eddy shoots Kevin in the head he dies and hyper realistic blood is splateret everywhere I pissed myself. Then double D says do eddy How could you I am going to call police.

But eddy shoots double D in head and hyper realistic blood was everywhere even on me. Then he takes kevin money and buys jawbreakers He eats them. Then pictures of dead children are shown I got heart attack but I survive. Then it cuts outs to Eddy saying to Jimmy give me your money or I will shoot you. Then he shoots Jimmy in the head and he dies then he dies and Eddy steals his money buys jawbreakers for that. Then he plays football with Ed using head of Jimmy instead of Ball. I puked.

Then it cuts out of to the dead bodies of rest kids in this show dead except of Jonny,Rolf

and Ed and Eddy hyper realitic blood and organs were everywhere. Then it cuts out To Eddy counting money and buying jawbreakers for that then he says Why didn't I do that earlier with demonic hyper realistic voice. Then I was who made is this?Why is this children show?. Then it cuts out to the Rolf killing animals With knife but then Eddy appears and says I give your money Or I will shot you.Rolf gives Eddy his money then Rolf goes back to killing animals. Then it cut out To Eddy trying to rob jonny while he Ed eats plank.

Then Eddy kills Jonny and takes his money then Eddy laugh for 44,4 seconds. Then Ed eats kids souls like buttered toast. Then Eddy buys jaw breakers and says You are next. I am going to commit suicide. The plot twist of this story is that you made this episode but you forgot that happened. But the scariest thing about is that I wasted my time on writing this..

Written by Jagwe
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