Facebook Haunted

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012 7:00 a.m.

I left for school at my high school, Got my ride, and got there. It was a normal day, but something felt weird. It felt like something was missing? I started to see what was missing, but I'll save that for later, lets go back to monday. Cause monday is when it happened.

On monday I was at school, my friend told me to talk to him on facebook so I did after school, but he haden't logged in so I waited. I got bored and logged off and went to bed. The next morning, I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and then turned on my laptop. My friend was online talking to me with his account he made so his parents or friend wouldn't know he had a facebook. His only friend was me on it and he had not told anyone about it.

He told me that he wouldn't be at school today because he was going to ditch and go to the mall. I said that he shouldn't do that but he didn't listen. All of the sudden he logged off and his secret account was deleted. So I just watched youtube videos and got ready for school. At school my homeroom teacher told the class about shocking news.

The news was that my Friend Died on Monday after school at 5:00 p.m.after car crash, which was on the news. I wonderd how he spoke to me on tuesday if he was dead? I was shocked and was sad. I knew he didn't let anyone else know he had that facebook, and I knew no one knew the password except for him. I told the teacher but she didn't believe me.

No one believes me and I think I'm going crazy, Please can you gys on this website help?

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