Five Nights at My Abusive Asshole Dad's House: Difference between revisions

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Night 1
Night 1
I feel nothing but dread at the notion that I have to spend time at my dads house for the school week. When I got dropped off at the bus stop today I could barely move my legs, because they knew where we were headed. My dads house. When I got to the front door he was waiting for me. "Hiya buddy!" He said to me, after opening the door. There wasn't a beer can in his hand, so that was a good sign. When I walked through the living room briskly, I noticed the pile of five beer cans on the floor next to his armchair. Oh no. I got to my room and locked the door. The main door was to the left of my bed, and directly in front of my bed there was the closet door. On the right was the bathroom door. The bathroom connected me and my sisters room. I laid down and took a nap. I awoke shortly before 12. I walked to the main door, and it turned out the lock had been removed, so I hadn't actually locked the door. The phone on my desk rang. I picked up, hesitantly. "Hello? Hello? Hello?" I almost spoke, but I heard my dad on the other line in the house. 'Hello," he said in a semi drunk voice. "This is the pizza place and we're sorry to tell you that we declined your credit card. You're broke, you know." My dad furiously hung up. My brother was sent to my room to make sure I wasn't hacking the bank account or something. (turns out he wanted to see if I wanted to have dinner) I held the door shut as he banged against the door. He left after a few minutes to tell my dad that I was attempting to keep my door shut. My dad now knew his suspicions were correct. He sent my sister through her room to the bathroom, but I was prepared. I had a flashlight in hand, and I shone it into her eyes as she approached my doorway. She screamed and started seizing out.
I feel nothing but dread at the notion that I have to spend time at my dads house for the school week. When I got dropped off at the bus stop today I could barely move my legs, because they knew where we were headed. My dads house. When I got to the front door he was waiting for me. "Hiya buddy!" He said to me, after opening the door. There wasn't a beer can in his hand, so that was a good sign. When I walked through the living room briskly, I noticed the pile of five beer cans on the floor next to his armchair. Oh no. I got to my room and locked the door. The main door was to the left of my bed, and directly in front of my bed there was the closet door. On the right was the bathroom door. The bathroom connected me and my sisters room. I laid down and took a nap. I awoke shortly before 12. I walked to the main door, and it turned out the lock had been removed, so I hadn't actually locked the door. The phone on my desk rang. I picked up, hesitantly. "Hello? Hello? Hello?" I almost spoke, but I heard my dad on the other line in the house. 'Hello," he said in a semi drunk voice. "This is the pizza place and we're sorry to tell you that we declined your credit card. You're broke, you know." My dad furiously hung up. My brother was sent to my room to make sure I wasn't hacking the bank account or something. (turns out he wanted to see if I wanted to have dinner) I held the door shut as he banged against the door. He left after a few minutes to tell my dad that I was attempting to keep my door shut. My dad now knew his suspicions were correct. He sent my sister through her room to the bathroom, but I was prepared. I had a flashlight in hand, and I shone it into her eyes as she approached my doorway. She screamed and started seizing outuncontrollably.
Night 2
In the morning I had to go to the hospital to visit my sister. Turns out having a epileptic sister isn't as much as it sounds. I knew my dad was going to be very angry when I got home, so I tried to avoid him. He was still cheery when I got to the door. "Hiya buddy! How was school?" "Just as fucking stupid as you you stupid fucking imbecile." He got angry and sent me to my room without my mid afternoon snack. There was a 12 pack of empty beer cans on the floor next to the armchair. I took another nap and woke up around the same time. I woke up to another phone call. Me and my dad both picked up. "Hello, this is an automated call to notify you that your power is being shut off due to unpaid bills." My brother came to my door, which I was holding shut. "Billy, do you have some batteries we could use?" I shouted to him to go away and he did. It turns out he told my step mom, that stupid bitch. I heard something in the hall, so I opened the door and turned on the flashlight. She was running to my room. As soon as she reached the door I slammed it into her face. She didn't move for the rest of the night. My brother came around five in the morning and started screaming and crying.
Night 2
In the morning I had to go to the hospital to visit my sister. Turns out having a epileptic sister isn't as much as it sounds. I knew my dad was going to be very angry when I got home, so I tried to avoid him. He was still cheery when I got to the door. "Hiya buddy! How was school?" "Just as fucking stupid as you you stupid fucking imbecile." He got angry and sent me to my room without my mid afternoon snack. There was a 12 pack of empty beer cans on the floor next to the armchair. I took another nap and woke up around the same time. I woke up to another phone call. Me and my dad both picked up. "Hello, this is an automated call to notify you that your power is being shut off due to unpaid bills." My brother came to my door, which I was holding shut. "Billy, do you have some batteries we could use?" I shouted to him to go away and he did. It turns out he told my step mom, that stupid bitch. I heard something in the hall, so I opened the door and turned on the flashlight. She was running to my room. As soon as she reached the door I slammed it into her face. She didn't move for the rest of the night. My brother came around five in the morning and started screaming and crying.
Night 3
My step mom is dead. Her funeral is on friday, and my sister is on the verge of death as well. maybe next time don't do the bidding of Satan himself. When I got home today my dad was still putting on a happy face, but I knew it would crack. "Hiya buddy!" I did not answer. Terror filled my body. He was holding a beer can. On my way to my room I didn't see the armchair. Instead I saw a massive pile of beer cans. I ran to my room now and slammed the door. I passed out and woke up at midnight to a phone call from my real mother. "I am coming to pick up Billy in the morning if you don't mind." The next thing I knew, my brother was at the main door. "Billy, come on out." I shouted to him to leave, and he did. I regret it though, because my dad got up and I heard his thunderous footsteps. I panicked and held the door shut. His footsteps passed into my sisters room and my brother came back to the main door. I had to prioritize. I flung the door open and shone the light into my brothers eyes, he screamed and fell onto the ground. I ran to the bathroom door and held it closed, but it was hard. I had to use all my strength as my brother was screaming because of his epilepsy and my dad was trying to pull the door out of the frame, and bellowing in anger. I held the door for another few minutes and he got bored and slunk away.
Night 4
This morning I woke to see my mother in my room. More specifically inside the closet. She was hanging from the coat hanger rod. A note was pinned to her forehead that read 'I am done being the nice guy. tonight you die.' oh no. I didn't go to school today, out of fear. Around noon my dads thunderous footsteps could be heard as he went to the armchair and turned on the tv. Every other minute I could hear another empty beer can hit the growing pile. At midnight there was, coincidentally, another phone call. "I regret to inform you that your daughter has died just minutes ago." My dad was real mad now, and he RAN to the main door and made a large dent into it. I was lucky I put a table in front. Otherwise I would be dead. His footsteps went away from the door. Then, I heard a creaking from within the closet. I shone the light and I saw my dad climbing through the vent. I don't know how he did it, because he was morbidly obese. I ran over and held the closet door shut, but to no avail. His arm crashed through one side, and tried to grab me. I screamed and screamed and screamed. His arm groped for my neck and nearly got it, but I ducked. Then the bathroom door creaked open. It was a distraction! I grabbed the curtain rod that I had taken out earlier that day and busted my brothers head in as soon as it popped up in the doorway. Blood went all over. I kept the closet door shut until I heard my dad slide through the vent. Then I heard him rip ass in it. Toxic gas seeped into the room and I had to cover my face, knowing I had just minutes left. I nailed a slab of wood to the vent cover and slid my dresser in front of the bathroom door. Then I passed out.
Night 5
I woke to the room exactly as I had left it last night, except that there were the bodies of my step mom, sister, and brother crucified on the three walls besides for the one behind the bed. I wasn't scared though. I would make it through this night and in the morning I would go to my actual home, free from this terror. I stayed in my room today, now my dad was going through one beer a second out in the living room. This lasted for hours. A few minutes before midnight I had the urge to take a shit. One problem though. My dad was using the bathroom connected to my room. I snuck out to the bathroom in the hall. I had an excellent shit. As soon as I stepped back into the hall I felt my dads hand on my shoulder. "Nice shit, boy." He then proceeded to molest me.
I woke to the room exactly as I had left it last night, except that there were the bodies of my step mom, sister, and brother crucified on the three walls besides for the one behind the bed. I wasn't scared though. I would make it through this night and in the morning I would go to my actual home, free from this terror. I stayed in my room today, now my dad was going through one beer a second out in the living room. This lasted for hours. A few minutes before midnight I had the urge to take a shit. One problem though. My dad was using the bathroom connected to my room. I snuck out to the bathroom in the hall. I had an excellent shit. As soon as I stepped back into the hall I felt my dads hand on my shoulder. "Nice shit, boy." He then proceeded to molest me.{{by-user|Bloom}}

Revision as of 04:27, 14 July 2021

Night 1

I feel nothing but dread at the notion that I have to spend time at my dads house for the school week. When I got dropped off at the bus stop today I could barely move my legs, because they knew where we were headed. My dads house. When I got to the front door he was waiting for me. "Hiya buddy!" He said to me, after opening the door. There wasn't a beer can in his hand, so that was a good sign. When I walked through the living room briskly, I noticed the pile of five beer cans on the floor next to his armchair. Oh no. I got to my room and locked the door. The main door was to the left of my bed, and directly in front of my bed there was the closet door. On the right was the bathroom door. The bathroom connected me and my sisters room. I laid down and took a nap. I awoke shortly before 12. I walked to the main door, and it turned out the lock had been removed, so I hadn't actually locked the door. The phone on my desk rang. I picked up, hesitantly. "Hello? Hello? Hello?" I almost spoke, but I heard my dad on the other line in the house. 'Hello," he said in a semi drunk voice. "This is the pizza place and we're sorry to tell you that we declined your credit card. You're broke, you know." My dad furiously hung up. My brother was sent to my room to make sure I wasn't hacking the bank account or something. (turns out he wanted to see if I wanted to have dinner) I held the door shut as he banged against the door. He left after a few minutes to tell my dad that I was attempting to keep my door shut. My dad now knew his suspicions were correct. He sent my sister through her room to the bathroom, but I was prepared. I had a flashlight in hand, and I shone it into her eyes as she approached my doorway. She screamed and started seizing uncontrollably.

Night 2

In the morning I had to go to the hospital to visit my sister. Turns out having a epileptic sister isn't as much as it sounds. I knew my dad was going to be very angry when I got home, so I tried to avoid him. He was still cheery when I got to the door. "Hiya buddy! How was school?" "Just as fucking stupid as you you stupid fucking imbecile." He got angry and sent me to my room without my mid afternoon snack. There was a 12 pack of empty beer cans on the floor next to the armchair. I took another nap and woke up around the same time. I woke up to another phone call. Me and my dad both picked up. "Hello, this is an automated call to notify you that your power is being shut off due to unpaid bills." My brother came to my door, which I was holding shut. "Billy, do you have some batteries we could use?" I shouted to him to go away and he did. It turns out he told my step mom, that stupid bitch. I heard something in the hall, so I opened the door and turned on the flashlight. She was running to my room. As soon as she reached the door I slammed it into her face. She didn't move for the rest of the night. My brother came around five in the morning and started screaming and crying.

Night 3

My step mom is dead. Her funeral is on friday, and my sister is on the verge of death as well. maybe next time don't do the bidding of Satan himself. When I got home today my dad was still putting on a happy face, but I knew it would crack. "Hiya buddy!" I did not answer. Terror filled my body. He was holding a beer can. On my way to my room I didn't see the armchair. Instead I saw a massive pile of beer cans. I ran to my room now and slammed the door. I passed out and woke up at midnight to a phone call from my real mother. "I am coming to pick up Billy in the morning if you don't mind." The next thing I knew, my brother was at the main door. "Billy, come on out." I shouted to him to leave, and he did. I regret it though, because my dad got up and I heard his thunderous footsteps. I panicked and held the door shut. His footsteps passed into my sisters room and my brother came back to the main door. I had to prioritize. I flung the door open and shone the light into my brothers eyes, he screamed and fell onto the ground. I ran to the bathroom door and held it closed, but it was hard. I had to use all my strength as my brother was screaming because of his epilepsy and my dad was trying to pull the door out of the frame, and bellowing in anger. I held the door for another few minutes and he got bored and slunk away.

Night 4

This morning I woke to see my mother in my room. More specifically inside the closet. She was hanging from the coat hanger rod. A note was pinned to her forehead that read 'I am done being the nice guy. tonight you die.' oh no. I didn't go to school today, out of fear. Around noon my dads thunderous footsteps could be heard as he went to the armchair and turned on the tv. Every other minute I could hear another empty beer can hit the growing pile. At midnight there was, coincidentally, another phone call. "I regret to inform you that your daughter has died just minutes ago." My dad was real mad now, and he RAN to the main door and made a large dent into it. I was lucky I put a table in front. Otherwise I would be dead. His footsteps went away from the door. Then, I heard a creaking from within the closet. I shone the light and I saw my dad climbing through the vent. I don't know how he did it, because he was morbidly obese. I ran over and held the closet door shut, but to no avail. His arm crashed through one side, and tried to grab me. I screamed and screamed and screamed. His arm groped for my neck and nearly got it, but I ducked. Then the bathroom door creaked open. It was a distraction! I grabbed the curtain rod that I had taken out earlier that day and busted my brothers head in as soon as it popped up in the doorway. Blood went all over. I kept the closet door shut until I heard my dad slide through the vent. Then I heard him rip ass in it. Toxic gas seeped into the room and I had to cover my face, knowing I had just minutes left. I nailed a slab of wood to the vent cover and slid my dresser in front of the bathroom door. Then I passed out.

Night 5

I woke to the room exactly as I had left it last night, except that there were the bodies of my step mom, sister, and brother crucified on the three walls besides for the one behind the bed. I wasn't scared though. I would make it through this night and in the morning I would go to my actual home, free from this terror. I stayed in my room today, now my dad was going through one beer a second out in the living room. This lasted for hours. A few minutes before midnight I had the urge to take a shit. One problem though. My dad was using the bathroom connected to my room. I snuck out to the bathroom in the hall. I had an excellent shit. As soon as I stepped back into the hall I felt my dads hand on my shoulder. "Nice shit, boy." He then proceeded to molest me.

Written by Bloom
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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