I Need to Catch the Train

Revision as of 07:14, 2 September 2023 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "It was spring 1982. The moon shined like a white bowl of milk as I sat on the bench of a dark train station in Birmingham, Alabama. I suddenly checked behind my shoulder expecting someone to be watching me. I was supposed to catch a train at 5:00 AM, but due to ''unforeseen circumstances''. I arrived at 3:00 AM just in time to feel the cold wind chill my spine. I'm not the type of man who gets frightened easily, but tonight was an exception. The cold wind once again s...")
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It was spring 1982. The moon shined like a white bowl of milk as I sat on the bench of a dark train station in Birmingham, Alabama.

I suddenly checked behind my shoulder expecting someone to be watching me. I was supposed to catch a train at 5:00 AM, but due to unforeseen circumstances. I arrived at 3:00 AM just in time to feel the cold wind chill my spine. I'm not the type of man who gets frightened easily, but tonight was an exception.

The cold wind once again shook my eyesight and I checked behind my shoulder again. Picking up my briefcase I decided I would go try to find a hotel to stay in... that's when it happened. I stood up, turned to my left, and started to walk briskly toward the gate I had come in through.

Suddenly I heard what sounded like a mix between the chilling wind and steam whooshing out of some large machine. I quickly turned and saw to my surprise... nothing. I let out a sigh of relief. I spun around and jogged towards the exit starting to sweat when I heard him.

"Sir! Sir! Please help! I need to catch the train!!!" he yelled. I spun around and put my fists up when I was shocked to see a tall, thin man running towards me carrying a briefcase similar to mine. I yelled.

"What do you want?!" The man walked closer and I got a better look at him. He was wearing a lined grey business suit,a top hat, and a long thin mustache that curled on each end.

"I just need some help, sir," he said softly with a pant.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." I nervously replied.

"Please sir! I need to catch the train!" He said, heightening his voice as I attempted to walk away.I knew it might be dangerous to talk to this man, but I replied by saying

"There are no trains running right now.".

"No you see sir I'm goneI need your help Joseph." I gasped.

"How do you know m-my name?" I manage to push out as the mans eyes showed truth.

"I'll help you my friend but you must guide me. Where is the train?"I began to walk away before I replied with "I don't know what you're talking about and I have to go.".

"I need you," he said calmly, while grabbing my arm in a tight grip. I dropped my briefcase, and the man's eyes turned completely black.

"If you won't help, YOU'LL COME BACK WITH ME!" he yelled. I broke his grip and ran as quickly as I could clearing the exit and jumped into my car. The man didn't seem to follow me however as I cranked up my car and sped away. I took one last glimpse at the figure I left behind.The man stood there and lifted his hand as if to say "Farewell, we'll meet again." this worried me immensely. I'll never forget what happened next.I raised my hand to my dripping head as the car rolled over the rough road and glanced at my rear view mirror to see the moon.

The moon with clouds thick around it.

The moon with the cold of the night surrounding it.

The moon with a large black train floating across it making it's way leaving a trail of thick smoke behind it.

Credited to Shroomboy800
Originally uploaded on October 30, 2011

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