I stayed in a spooky hotel room and it was real scary yeah: Difference between revisions

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I was wach TV and cernal sanders was on but he all tan and at the beach and he said "Yo son cum 2 my church of chiken I haz a theem park 2 inside d church." I was so mad kuz dat alien thing was pobly gonna kum back so i closed the window and then i seen dat der was a joural on the table i read it was sum stuped person who had stayed in dis room before he wrote something about how he talked 2 ghouls and he was kiled and died of blood and he seemed to have stained the pages wich ketchup it honestly tasted better than the hotel cafateria. Then i called the front desk and I said "I WANT COOKIES! GOOD COOKIES NOT ONES MADE OUT OF BOXES!!" she "son asking for room service is against the rules but we'll be there in a minute anyway." I saids "U stupid spooks are just a waste of time!!!"
i then got a knock on the door and it was just a skeleton that fell into the room as I opened the door. I said "NO Now i'm gonna have to make room service clean this up! i called and the lady said "lol the rulz say u hav 2 cleen it up if u dern't before u go 2 sleep u will die of blood" she hung up i said "stupid lazy hotel spooky employees and lazy and cryptic!" i was throw the skeleton out the window but i saw that there was lots o PatrixxPatrixxx outside and i screamed cause that wasd AKUSHY spooky and a threat 2 my physical health i hid under the bed and Patrixxx appeared in the room and said "Thank you for ur donation of the skelolten 2 th Church of C'Shan" i said "very well thank you have a good day" PAtrixxx lifed up the bed and just kinda looked at me and then put the bed back down. I desided to be smart for once - i mean for forever cus i'm always smart so i go 2 the lady at the fron desk and I said "I wish to check out now" she said "u cannot check out now that is one of the rulz u have 2 sleep here at least three nights or the reverse will appear." I said "Ur gunna make me do it aren't you? Ur gunna make me ask what the reverse is!" she said "You could but that's against the rules" i said "F U" and left.
I drove home and i relized that as i was driving i was driving past every location that I had seen in my dreams good and bad. Patrixxx was also stareing at me in the rear-veiw mirror kinda just looking at me again puttin the ol shivers up my spine so i drove back and said "FINE!" she said "read rules next time." i desided to flush the rules down the toilet cause I'm smart but the list was so long that it clogged toilet. GREAT so i unclogged it myself but blud started cumming out into d bathroom and i was very upset cause it stained my hatune miku towels and i was FURIOUS!!! i called the front desk and told them and she said "everything ur doing is against the rules oK? just don't do anything else or ur dead! just wach tv or something but just make sure u read wat channels not 2 wach!" I said "I am going 2 do absolutely nothing for the 72 hours." she said "that woudl be a great idea if it werent against the rules." i just screamed and hung up but then i noticed that the crumopled up mush that was the list of rules was getting longer as new rules were being written i saw that one even said "noticing that the list is getting longer is a violation of the rules. Patrixxx appeared again and said "U've rly messed up this time have you?" i said "Patrixxx I don't know what's going on here! This is just a trap isn't it?" he said "U Stuped u wer told not to stay in this room." i said "put Patrixxx" he pointed at the clock and it was 6:13 PM he said "u wer supposted to be in the closet at the very least." i said "Patrixxx this is an outrage." he said "Indeed it is now burn in the fire you tried to took."
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{{by-user|Church of C'Shan}}
[[Category:English Class Failure]]
[[Category:EVIL PATRIXXX]]