Invader Zim: Born Again Christian: Difference between revisions

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Hi, my names Gloria Deschannel I look like Zooy Deschannel becos Im her kid sistar (lol this ibs a showtout becos Zooy Deskchannel was gonna play Chell inna portal movie but it wasnt proved an Chell is like Marrissa but less hot an pretty so Glorio is like Zooy Deschannel but more hot an pretty!).
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Wow, he was a reel catch I was thinkin tote me an hes a solder for GOD
"Why dont u coem with us to my hose an we can Christan Zim togetter?"<br />"Lick a date or somefin?" Nee asked an Zim gotted mad but I said. "No it’sit's a important religuous dooty but maybe afferwords wink wink." Nee o-mouthed so we goed to my hoem.
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"Hi my names Dib I want to join yur gang." ProotyDog, the liter of da TEEN RAGERS happied at new member an shacked Dip’sDip's hand.
"Welcame abort, but first u must…"
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"Hes ben crazy lately an Im worry hell do somethin bad an rahs." Zim angried at the menton of Dip’sDip's name.<br />"Dont worry bout him hes just a jork." Zimmed him an I nooded for backup.
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"Yah there all bloody brillunt blocks!" Stefen smerched.
"Espettally yur new boyfrend he is soooo cool why didant u tell me bout him?" Zooy pointed at Nee who just smied an said "All in a das work, maam." Then Zim made um growls an ‘angry faced’faced' Nee.
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"But not u to Ive gotta spesal plan for u!" Dib antichristed an piked up Skep an Business mAN.
He tared Skep’sSkep's arm of an made Business Man ate it then toared his leg of an made Skep ate it then he killed them in half.
Then the hafs died.
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Nee got a =( look on the face an yelled.
"NO U DUM B***** C****** THAT’STHAT'S THE F****** ANARCHIST U G******* B*******!1!"
Then it all clacked, thatz why Dib was poweruped an there was demans ever were. He was the Anitchrist!
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He jumped of me an take dot a nifes to stab into Skepness Man’sMan's bellay an fell down an around to make a big circle cut.<br />Next Nee pulled da skin of an there was a whole with the baby insid. "NOW GLORIA!1″ He said wile stabbin Skepness in the man/gilr plase becos it was both.
I swooped in an groped the baby from Skepman’sSkepman's tummy an hitted the but so it cryed an was all good. "ITSA BOY!" I happied an Nee climed up to Skepness Mans hart an say "Congradulations on yur sun." Then nifed the hart an Skepness Man dyed with a lot of blood an guts so I cuppered the babys eyes sinse no one shud haf to see that kinna stuff.
"What ill we do wif the batby?" Nee scrutched his hed in confused. "It is still got the blud of the falmerz in its vanes so it most be send to joovie for educashun an then adopted by sum lovin Christian parunts." I etsplained. "OK Ill take it to da orfanaje u fite with Dip ok?"
I didant lick the plan but it was the onlee way so I nooded with hed so Nee got the bapee an ranned of wile I headed (lol head, lick Dib’sDib's) for Dibs thrown.
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EPALOG<br />I floo bak to my hohem were Nee, Zooy an Stephen was cheerin an hootin an Nee was doin’doin' cat calls ;D.<br />Wen I landed they ranned up an huggled me a hole bunch an I saw that Zooy was kinna diffrant lookin. "Gloria I was waitin for a spesal occashun to tell you an this is prettay spesal so… IM PRAGNENT!"