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'''AUTHOR'S NOTE:''' {{AN|Please know that I support Jahar and believe he is innocent and not because he's cute. I'm against fanfics but my friend asked me to write a 'cute' one without sex, so I did. It helped me clear my mind after a weeks worth of stress and sleepless night because of this case. I hope you like it. Sorry for any mistakes, I wrote this on my phone.}}
It was 7pm on a Friday night and I was walking home from work. My heels clicked on the floor as I walked quickly: eager to get home. I was mentally and physically exhausted but the sleepless nights were well worth it in the end. We had won; the truth had won. Together with all the support Dzhokhar and his late brother Tamerlan were proven innocent. The past month and half had been like hell for me, I can't even imagine what Dzhokhar went through. I sighed, it was over now though: Jahar had been released today and was spending the day with his family, tomorrow I would finally get to see him again; to hold him in my arms. I smiled at that thought as I walked into mine and Jahar's apartment, making sure the door was securely locked behind me. Even though Jahar had clearly been proven innocent he was getting death threats as we're his family and friends. As I had gone on various news channels and chat shows to prove his innocence I had received a fair few threats. Not to mention Jahar had managed to get himself fan girls who were extremely disgruntled that he had a long-term girlfriend who hadn't given up on him even though people worldwide were saying he was an terrorist.
I quickly slipped off my stilettos and turned around to make my way to the kitchen and shrieked, dropping my purse. The purse dropped with a loud crash but I didn't care - there stood Jahar in front of me with a large smile gracing his face. With two large steps he closed the distance between us and pulled me into his chest, holding me tightly. "Hey you," he whispered.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Then I pushed him away and ran my fingers down his face and arms and chest.
"You're really here. I'm not dreaming," I whispered, moisture filling my eyes, as I pulled him into a hug again.
"I missed you so much," he whispered in my hair, squeezing me tighter. I buried my head into the crook of his neck, taking in his smell. I had missed everything about him: his voice, his smell, the jokes he'd make, just HIM. I felt a slight moisture on my hair.
"Are you crying?" I mumbled into his neck.
"Happy tears, promise." he chuckled, letting me go to wipe his eyes. Then he cupped my cheeks - staring at me intently, a small smile on his face. Then he leant in and kissed my forehead, then my nose and finally a little peck on my lips. "I love you." he whispered.
"I love you more than anything," I replied as moisture in my eyes finally spilt. "I missed you like hell. I was a mess without you, don't ever leave me, please. " I said as I bought my fingers up to his hair, running them through his curls. He bought his hands up to my cheeks and gently wiped the tears with his thumbs. I smiled and brought my lips to his for a soft, lingering kiss.
"Do you fancy having a movie night and just chill?" Jahar asked with a small smile, "some sense of normality would be nice,"
"I'd love to," I grinned, "give me a minute, me get changed into something more comfy?" I said as I quickly bent down to retrieve my purse.
Jahar nodded, "I'll just get the snacks and everything,"
"Just a heads up I'm gonna steal one of your shirts," I yelled as I went up the stairs to mine and Jahar's bedroom.
"That's fine by me," he smirked.
I laughed, I felt so much lighter after seeing him happy. I knew nothing would be like before, but I had him back and that's all I could wish for. I quickly stripped out of my skinny jeans and blouse and into Jahar's plain white t-shirt and an pair of leggings. I quickly washed my face to get rid of the my make up and slipped on my slippers and ran down the stairs.
I found Jahar in the kitchen, taking out an pizza from the oven and cutting it. I leant against the door frame and admired him work around the kitchen preparing nachos and popcorn and various other snacks. After a minute he noticed me, jumping slightly: not expecting me to be there.
"You made Pizza?" I asked, raising my eyebrows slightly.
"Yeah, I made it earlier," he said sheepishly.
"And you managed to do this without setting the kitchen on fire?" I laughed, referring to his past cooking attempts.
"Hey, I thought we had agreed that's never be mentioned," he pouted.
I shrugged and then giggled, "I'm not eating that," I said, pointing to the pizza, "I'll end up having food poising, know your cooking skills," I winked.
"Get out then," he smirked. I attempted to leave the kitchen but he grabbed me from the back, my back pressed against his chest, his strong arms holding me captive. His chin resting on the top of my head because of the height difference. "what do you think you're doing," he whispered in my ear, his hair tickling my neck.
"Getting out, like you told me to," I grinned.
"No, you gotta gimme a kiss before," he said, kissing my neck lightly.
"Now, that shit may work on your niece but it won't on me. You ain't getting a kiss," I laughed, twisting in his arms so now I was face to face with his chest.
"That video," Jahar groaned, "You know all these little girls are saying I'd be a good father because of that video."
"It was a cute video," I shrugged.
"Hmm, well, I guess I'll have to steal a kiss then," he smirked, swooping down and capturing my lips in his. I entwined my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer, our lips moving in sync. He bit my lip lightly but I pulled away.
"C'mon I thought we were having a movie night, the pizza's going cold!" I exclaimed, smirking, looking pointedly at his arms which were still holding me tightly.
"Still a tease," he muttered, not letting me go. "You know you look hot in my t-shirt," he said after a pause.
"And always will be," I giggled. Jahar finally released me and I picked up the plates with the pizza and popcorn and left the room. Jahar looked at my longingly before following me with the various amount of chips and and drinks.
"What are we watching?" I asked, setting down the food on the table, and sprawled across the sofa.
"I'm feeling a bit of Lord of The Rings you know," he said as he followed suit, dumping the food on the table. He quickly got the first LoTR out of the case and slot it into the DVD Player and switched the TV on. Then came and sat next to me on the sofa, placing his arm around my waist, pulling me into him. Through out the movies he fed me pizza and stroked my hair while whispering stupid comments about the movies in my ear. Not even paying attention to the TV at points, just on me. Just watching me lovingly with a small smile on his face.
When the movies finished, I was cuddled against his chest, he gently moved me away so he could turn off the TV and then picked me up bridal style, carrying me the stairs. He quietly entered our bedroom and placed me on the bed. Joining me seconds later, he pulled the comforter up, covering both of up and hugged me from behind.
"Baby?" he whispered.
"Mmm?" I said, turning around, placing my arms around his waist.
"I thought I had lost you forever, and it was hell, so I hope you know I ain't planning on letting you go." he said, kissing the top of my head.
"And I hope you know that that's completely fine with me," I whispered into his chest. "I love you."
"I love you too." he said, pulling me head on his chest.
I smiled widely and slowly drifted to sleep, holding Jahar in my arms and listening to his heartbeat.
[http://{{source|pastebin.com/ehxjU0s8 Source]}}
[[Category:Bad Fanfiction]]
[[Category:English Class Failure]]
[[Category:WallWell, ofthat Textwas anticlimactic.]]
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