Milo Murphy's Law Lost Episode: Difference between revisions

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==Part 1==
The Name of the episode is called "The End of Law", which confused me thinking that this is probably the Season or Series Finale, also possibly one of those 2 part episodes that Milo murphy’smurphy's law have. It started in the school at the end of a school day, where Milo is just walking out of school talking with Zack and Mellissa. They were talking about what they are gonna do this weekend, but then some black smoke entered Milos nose, and at that moment he stopped talking with an expressionless face. Zack was asking about what he would like to go to lard world this weekend, milo just stayed expressionless then, Zack said his name over and over again. But then when Zack asked “Hey"Hey Milo are you there”there". Milo looked back and said “oh"oh sorry Zack just got lost there, what did you say again”again". Zack reminded Milo about visiting Lard world and he accepted the invitation, Milo, Zack and Melissia went in different routes, with Zack and Mellissa going together.
But of course Milo walked into Elliot, with his usual entrance “Stop"Stop right there, Milo”Milo", as he flipped the stop sign into the Milo side of it. Milo gives a pissed off expression to Elliot as he has been through his Beef with him at that point. Milo said “can"can you piss off Elliot”Elliot". Elliot responded with “Your"Your danger Milo Murphy, of course i will have to stop you every place you go”go". Elliot started to monologue about how Milo is a menace to society. At that point, Milo snapped. He is done with Elliots bs, he punches Elliot to the pond, it was so hard that it knocked out one of Elliots teeth. When Elliot resurfaced from the pond, a bunch of ducks fly on top of Elliot and started to dismember him, scratching his face and arms, and biting off his fingers and eyes and his flesh too. The more the ducks Dismembered Elliot, the more the pond turns red. By the time the Ducks were done, Elliot was floating on the pond, with scratches on his arms and legs, blood on his shirt and pants, no eyes, and a bitten ear. Milo pulled out a match, and threw it at Elliots corpse, setting it on fire, and Milo walked away as it burned.
Then it cuts to Milo walking across town to get home. It was normal until something started to go wrong. Yes, I know that it's Murphy Law, so anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, but this time it was less cartoony and more gruesome than usual. As Milo Murphy walked in the same shot, in the background was a man eating a deer's rib, with blood, and as Milo walked on, it got even more gruesome. It slowly went from scary to horrifying. The awful things Milo passed by as he walked through with the power of Murphy's law, disturbing things started to happen in the background as Milo kept walking in the same shot like
*a cat biting off a homeless man’sman's face
*a man stomping a dog to death
*dogs eating a man’sman's corpse
*a man in a ski mask walking in a store and shooting up everyone with blood splashing
*a group of kids and their teacher getting run over by a car with blood splashing
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==Part 2==
It showed Milo in his bedroom sleeping as the beginning cards played. The camera zoomed into his mind, and the more it did the louder the screams and then the gruesome photos started to play. These photos are so disturbing, I will name you a few. There was an image of Dead body piles, mutated humans, human hearts, and gouging eyeballs is the image I can think of as they all go by, and yes, they are real life pictures. But then, Milo woke up in shock, he didn’tdidn't scream, but he looked like he was in shock with sweat on his forehead. Milo wiped the sweats off and looked at the window, indicating that it is morning with the sun and the sky yellow. Just by then, Milo smiled, a big smile, a creepy big smile with evil eyebrows saying “Its"Its Time”Time".
It cuts to a shot of Milo’sMilo's House with Zack, Mellisa, and her dad waiting outside for Milo to come, Zack seems impatient as if they have been waiting for Milo for a long time. Zack asked "Okay Seriously, what is taking Milo so long", Mellisa replied "He is probably just getting ready so be patient", Zack Replied "I know but why does it have to take this long". Just at that moment, Milo walked out of the door with his same old sweater vest, pants, shoes, and of course his backpack. Zack immediately asked "Finally where have you been", Milo replied "I was just packing up stuff in my backpack", Zack shrugged meaning that he understood why it took that long. So Milo, Zack, Mellisa, and her dad got in the car, Mellisa's dad started the car and it took off. But despite them leaving, The shot is still focused on the house. Nothing happened until out of nowhere, the house exploded. Yes i saw it, the House exploded into smithereens, and what is remaining of the house is on fire. The camera then showed Milo's Family, Sister and parents on fire, Screaming. They looked like they were sharp in their eyes and head. Milo's Sister let out her last scream.
the scene cuts to Milo, Zack, Mellisa, and her dad in his car, all singing to some exciting song on the car radio. But as they drive, chaos starts to happen, and like earlier, it was less cartoony and more violent. So what was happening was...