Mr. Krabs Insanity

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Hi, my name is Bill, I'm 14 and I love the show SpongeBob, it was a show that aired from 1990 to 2018, it still airs to this day. I loved the show, but I'll never watch the show again, see, I was babysitting a child who is my friends sister, she loves SpongeBob and The Loud House, I was sitting on the couch with her, and the announcer for Nickelodeon said that a SpongeBob episode was going to come on shortly. Lily, who was the name of the girl I was babysitting jumped up and down and so did I, it felt weird though seeing that I'm 14 and I jumped up and down when a kid show was announced to come up.

When the episode came on, the intro played but not like anything you would usually hear. The captain who's saying the intro didn't sound like himself. He had a raspy voice, then the title card scared me, when it came up, the title card read, "Mr. Krabs Insanity". I was shocked, but I thought nothing less of it. I just thought that it was just another wacky title card. Anyways, the episode started with wit Mr. Krabs in the house, although he didn't look right.

His eyes were bloodshot and bulging, I got goosebumps but shrugged it off, then Mr. Krabs went downstairs and then what happens next was so disturbing, that I couldn't watch. When Mr. Krabs got downstairs Pearl was in the kitchen making breakfast, "Hi daddy" said Pearl, "I need money for school" "No" Mr. Krabs said as he pulled out something from his pocket. The thing he pulled out from his pocket was a knife, "I've been waiting to do this for a while", Mr. Krabs then stabbed Pearl in the stomach, Pearl then died.

Then a creepy ambient tune played, "Die you teenage bitch" Mr. Krabs said as he pulled the knife out of Pearl's lifeless corpse, "Well, well, well, who is next, oh, I know" Mr. Krabs said, before walking off screen, the scene then ended, I was glad that was over with. The next scene was at SpongeBob's house, I had to cover Lily's eyes for this scene. It was to graphic, Mr. Krabs then knocked on the door, "Oh SpongeBob, I have a little surprise for you" I got goosebumps as he said this, SpongeBob was next.

Then the door opened, the SpongeBob appeared through the door with a smile on his face, "Hi, Mr. Krabs" SpongeBob hollered, "I have something for you" Mr. Krabs replied with a demonic voice, and with a grin on his face, then grabbed out a gun from his pocket, then shot SpongeBob in the leg. Then SpongeBob screamed, this scene wanted to make me barf because of the blood looking so real, then Mr. Krabs shot SpongeBob again, although he shot him in the head exposing brain matter and blood.

Then Mr. Krabs grabbed the knife he used to kill Pearl and cut open SpongeBob and took out SpongeBob's organs out and put it in a jar. I turned to see Lily's reaction and she was scared. I took her out of the room and I went back to the living room. I will make the explanation of the character's death's shortly.

Sandy was stabbed with shards of glass from her helmet.

Squidward was stabbed it the eye with his clarinet.

Patrick had his head smashed with a rock.

Plankton was fed to a worm, (Which in the show was a dog)

Then Mr. Krabs was sitting beside his friends mutilated corpses, "What have I done" Mr. Krabs said, "I am a monster" then without thinking Mr. Krabs pulled out gun and before he killed himself he said this, "I'm so sorry, see you guys on the other side" he then shot himself, the episode ended with dark and eerie music playing over the credits. The credits were even weirder, all of the names in the credits all were of names I have never heard of.

Then, before the screen faded to black, I saw an image of Mr. Krabs in a place that looks like heaven. He was hugging all of the people he had murdered, then the screen faded to black. I felt creeped out and crying at the same time, I called Nickelodeon and wanted answers, but every time I mentioned Mr. Krabs Insanity they screamed and hung up. I did research but when I did I got a call from Nickelodeon, when I answered, it was the voice of Mr. Krabs, he said, "Don't try, or you will die in the night" I never searched Mr. Krabs Insanity ever again.

PS: I did not write this story, an email account from an Andaull subscriber put it there, and I can't seem to find the story, so, I thought I'd put into the Trollpasta Wiki