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Revision as of 00:48, 1 February 2023 by Macciata (talk | contribs) (I bought a game and it had a lost episode in it that made me turn into a creepypasta called Forkhead)
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So you would call me an average 30-year-old college student and I make a pretty good living as an intern at DIC studios, I guess you could say I'm a pretty big fan of video games. Since I was a little kid my favorite has always been Sam & Max: Night of the Raving Dead, I would play it all the time and I knew all the rooms by heart. So one day I was thinking about how long it had been since I had played that game I loved so much, and then to my surprise I went to a garage sale behind an old burned out house. And they had a big box of games for the GameCube and Sam & Max: Night of the Raving Dead was one!

"Wow I didn't know they made this game for GameCube!" I said. "They don't" said the old man who owned the garage sale, who had a lot of blood staining his shirt and seemed a little see-through. "That disc was made by a very crazy man who went to be in the CIA to make games into mind-control GameCube disks, but that was the only one he made before his son drowned and he dissapeared mysteriously after cutting his throat in a insane asylum. It was the only thing that survived whem his house burned down."

I thought that story was a little bit strange but I was so excited that I might get to play my favorite game that I had no time to think the story was a little bit strange. I gave the money the old man and he put it in his pocket behind his CIA badge and I exstatically took my prize home.

When I got home "DARN!" I said, "I can't play this until I get a GameCube!" so I went onto the internet and asked it "GameCube" and it said the only one for sale was at this one address. So I went to the address and it was inside a closed-down Chuck. E. Cheese, and the guy who sold it to me never said anything but made strange mechanical sounds as he handed me the box and I gave him my money. When I was leaving I thought it was a little bit strange that he was wearing a Mickey Mouse head if he was inside a Chuckie Cheese but I decided that my eyes were just tired and I deliriously took my precious new console home.

When I got home I plugged the Game Cube into the TV and at first the lights all went out, then they came on again and on the wall behind the TV there was written TURN BACK OR YOU DIE in what looked like a red wet liquid, but then the lights went out and came back on and the words were gone. I thought that was a little bit strange but, "it's probably just a glitch" I said, and opened the box which had a strange cover, it was just a piece of cardboard stuck into where they put the title pictures into disc boxes (the hard plastic kind) and the title "Sam & Max: Night of the Raving Dead" was written by hand with what looked like a red dried liquid, and beneath it was a picture of Sam's and Max's heads but somehow it looked like their heads were cut off, and also that they were looking right at me for reals!

I thought that was a little bit strange, but then I shrugged and thought, "I never saw the GameCube disk of Sam & Max: Night of the Raving Dead before, maybe that is just what they looked like." The disc also didn't look normal, the title was written on a piece of brown tape stuck on it and another piece that said "OFFICIAL GAME". I laughed and thought that the old man was confused, since this proved there was an official GameCube edition, then I put it in the game machine and turned everything on.

When it turned on there was a strange noise, like someone was screaming because there was forks in their ears, but I thought "It's an old Game Cube, it is bound to have some noise parts" and started the game.

Everything in the game was normal as I remembered it until I got to the second part where Sam and Max go back to their office (not the first time, but the part after that one scene is done), and when I clicked on the VCR, instead of saying his usual joke about the vcr, Sam took a video tape out of his coat and showed it to Max.

"This is a very important," he said, "videotape that I saw once when I worked as a janitor in the cafeteria at Hanna Barbara's Studios a long time ago."

To my surprise, he then turned to look right out of the screen and started talking to me! Blood began to drip from his eyes and his nose came into focus so detailed, more than the GameCube graphics could do, and it looked so much like a real dog nose that I was suddenly paralyzed with fear that he could really smell me from inside the game!

He told me, "One day they invited everyone into a room where they had a projector, and Hanna Barbara told us, 'This is a secret tape that was made by Billy before he went crazy, we must never show it to the public.' She held up the tape and I could see that there was a piece of old newspaper taped to the top of it where THIS EPISODE WILL MAKE YOU DIE was written in what looked like a red wet liquid. Well of course that made us all wonder what could be on this tape? and bad luckily, we all found out."

Well, by now I was so scared that I wanted to turn off the TV and the Game Cube and run away to somewhere else, but then, I thought "it's probably just a ROM hack," and started to watch as Sam put the tape he had into the VCR inside his office inside the game. The view of the game zoomed in until the TV screen was all I could see on my TV screen. Then there was a burst of static, and when it cleared it was like I was looking at a very old video tape.

The music was quiet and a little distorted, and the picture was faded and wiggly, but I could immediately identify the opening credits of the old famous Hanna Barbara cartoon called, "Goober and the Ghost Chasers". I was startled because that was my favorite cartoon when I was a little kid! I would watch it all the time when I wasn't busy playing Sam& Max: Night of the Raving Dead. The episode title showed it was called "Goober's Last Ghost". I thought that was a little bit strange, but then my attention was taken by the cartoon, which was an ordniary episode where all the characters were up to their usual funny hijinks.

But then came the part like in every episode where they see a ghost, and instead of a ghost, it was a dog like Goober but in negative colors! Except that its eyes were bright shining red which isn't the negative color of Goober's normal black eyes. Goober became so scared that he turned invisible like he does, and Danny Partridge said, "Quick! Use the Specter Detecter on it!"

But when Tina used the Specter Detecter she got all scared and said, "Oh no! It's no ordinary ghost! That is the evil inside Goober's soul that has come to life!"


Then he pulled out a chainsaw and it looked strange, like it was a real chainsaw on film but somehow being held by Reboog who was in cartoon. And what happened next was so scary I can't even describe it!

First Regoob went to the Danny Partridge and said "YOU WILL NOT BE SO LOVED BY ALL THE GIRLS WHEN YOUR HEAD IS GONE!" And he sliced off Danny Partridge's head, with all sorts of photo-real blood splattering everywhere, and then without his head Danny Partridge fell over and more blood came out of the neck hole like a hose. The the evil Reboog turned the chainsaw on the other Partridges and cut them all to pieces, and threw their arms and legs everywhere, and when he got to Laurie Partridge he hung her with a hook off a tree and cut her open all down the front like in the Texas Chainsaw movies, and her guts spilled out very realistic too, even making blood stains on the TV screen!

I couldn't tell if the blood was splattering on the inside of my TV screen or on the inside of the TV screen in Sam's office in the game, but it was indescribably terrifying! I began to feel myself going to insane from the fear of it!

Then finally Reboog chopped up all of the Partiridge Family and the Goober Gang, and he turned to say something to the camera with his eyes glowing evil red. But all he said was, "If you want to know why I am evil then you must know that there is a theory about the popular cartoon Jabberj--" but then there was static all over the screen and the tape ended!

The view zoomed back out and gradually it came into view that there was blood all over the office! Sam was holding Maxe's head in one hand and a long, bloody knife in the other, and he looked at me again with his whole face super-realistic and splattered with blood, and he said, "When we were done watching the tape fifteen workers went home and killed themselves, some of them stabbed their neighbors in the eye first. The bosses said that we must never tell anyone about the cursed lost episode tape, and then we were all fired but I got ahold of the tape and took it home. Three weeks later Hanna Barbara took a thing of bleach and set fire to the whole studio then shot herself, everything since then that claims to come from Hanna Barbara is actually made by a secret group nobody knows about."

Then the camera zoomed way in to his eyes, which had a deep red evl glow in them. "But now you've seen the secret tape, so the curse of it is ON YOU! When you turn around you will see the doom that will come to get you as soon as you fall asleep!"

Then the GameCube caught fire and melted before I could do anything. I was so scared I could feel a huge demented grin spreading and spreading across my face, until it was a big impossibly wide smile of crazy and my teeth were all sharpened from grinding together in horror. But I could not help it, I had to turn around and see.

Behind me on the couch was a stuffed doll of King Koopa with its belly torn open and instead of stuffing coming out, it was red stuffing like doll guts! and in one hand it had a sign that said "YOU WILL HEAR ME IN THE NIGHT!"

Then I began to scream and I ran in terror, I had to escape this terrible fate. I ran to the kitchen and I took two forks and put them in my ears screaming NOW I WILL NEVER HEAR YOU! and then I went to the bathroom and I saw in the mirror that the fear which overwhelmed me had changed the color of my hair, but instead of turning white like in other stories, my hair was now half-black and half green and purple striped, and also my eyes on the opposite sides had turned the same colors (with green and purple rings around my eye hole but the whites around it all veiny, and the other eye all completely black). I ran to my room and tried to hide, but realized that Koop powered by the curse of Regoob from the crazy CIA version of Sam & Max: Night of the Raving Dead could find me anywhere, so I would have to go on the run and stay there. I quickly put on a long jacket that was also half-black and half green and purple stripes, and some pants that were the same but on the opposite sides, and I put a black rose into my shirt pocket, which was orange with a green and purple bola tie where the slide was a skull face.

Then I killed all my family so Regoob!Koopa could not get then, and jumped out the window and ran out into the night, the police have never found me and if you hear a voice behind you saying "I CAN'T HEAR YOU I HAVE FORKS IN MY EARS!" you will know it is too late...

this my first creepypasata please give good suggestions only, Forkhead is my official creation and he has a canon sister named Jenny Spoons whose story Ill put up if there are enough people who want to see it.

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