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A week ago, after several years of staying out of my family home, I came back. What I was doing, who I am, and why I was there is not important now and doesn’tdoesn't affect THIS event. Anyway, my private life is nothing that would interest someone. I must also say that I never was afraid of spiders before. I didn’tdidn't pay close attention to them. No matter if it was those on the walls behind furniture or in nature. I want to say that what happened to me and what I felt wasn't ordinary fear of these creatures. It was something more, incomparable to the usual fear of spiders, like what an arachnophobe feels. Until now, I had no reason to fear them…them...
That day's morning was so ordinary, routine…routine... Throughout my previous stay at home I quite rarely left the house, I did only short trips to the store or old friends. I live in a small village, and life in it is not very entertaining, but then again, on the other hand, I can finally calm down. It is very good after a long time spent in a busy city. I decided that I will spend this day alone, walking in the woods located quite near my house. I have many memories of this place, mainly from the period of my childhood, before I left home. A lot has changed over the years. The neighborhood has become more desolate. Many of the houses that were once inhabited, now stood empty. One of the things that upset me most was the appearance of the forest. Areas that were overgrown with various plants became a place where people were throwing out their household rubbish. Despite this fact, the area looked just as I remembered it. The same narrow and well-trodden path leading between much-higher-than-before trees. I remembered also that in the middle of the forest lived a forester, with his wife and two sons. Both of them were older than me, but as kids we got along pretty well. I quite frequently saw them. Their house was extraordinary, almost all made of wood. This wasn’twasn't a new building, so plants such as ivy and moss began to grow over him, which gave an amazing effect. The house was of medium size, and had one floor. Next to it was a huge barn, also made of wood, which was used for the storage of sticks and wood, as well as storage the equipment needed to work in the forest, such as a saw, an axe or a sickle. The courtyard of this house, even though it was in the middle of the forest, didn't have trees, and was covered only by low, cut grass. My friends and I frequently spent time near this place.
I decided to try to find this house and see what state it is in at the moment. I didn't have plans for today anyway. It's possible that even residents of the lodge moved out long ago. I just wasn't sure that I could again find my way to this. I didn't remember in which direction I had to go to get to it. I decided that I would rely on luck and loiter around the area. Fortunately I took a camera with myself, so I had the opportunity to make a few photos as a souvenir, and also to give attention to something on the off-chance that exploration went wrong. After half an hour spent on walking and taking pictures, I noticed that I luckily had gone in the right direction. Far away from me, I saw the familiar shape of the building. In addition, I realized that since an hour ago when I stepped into the woods, I haven’thaven't met any person. People living in places like this must feel so alone. Ultimately the closest house to them is about half a kilometer away. Besides, this is not one of the safer places to live. In the event of any accident or other unfortunate event, it's difficult to get help.
After some time, the singing of birds also died down, and the area seemed to be really empty. I slowly approached the lodge. The building, besides a fragment of a destroyed fence made of wood, didn’tdidn't have any fences, so anyone could easily get into the yard. The first thing that caught my attention was the windows of the house. They had a cracked glass, or no glass at all. Moreover the building almost hadn't changed, only in some places the already-old wood chewed by termites was beginning to crumble. I went up to one of the windows and looked inside. The interior looked like no one had stayed there for at least a few years. Lots of dust and dirt covered the furnitures inside. Additionally, everywhere I saw cobwebs. I had never before seen them in such large quantities. But that didn't surprised me much, after all, creatures such as spiders or insects could easily get there. Another piece of evidence that indicated that the house was abandoned for some time was everyday objects randomly scattered throughout the room. I thought that was very strange, because if the family would have moved out of there, they would've taken all their belongings with them. Also, it seemed highly unlikely to me that anyone could live there. Not in these conditions. The longer I stared at the interior of the building, the more I wanted to discover what was invisible at the moment for me in these places. I looked around me again to be sure that no one was watching me and…and... In this moment came the sound of my cell. I picked it up and found out that my mother wanted me to come home soon. I decided that, if only I could, I would come back here tomorrow. Until then I'd try to find out anything I could about this place. I headed in the direction from which I came. Behind me I heard the sound of repealing doors so I quickly looked back. The doors of the barn located opposite the house were softly ajar and slightly twitching. Unfortunately, I was standing too far away to be able to see anything which could be in that building through this interstice, and I detected only darkness. Admittedly, I didn't look very thoroughly there, but I thought it was only a light breeze, even though today, the summer weather was completely windless. However, a strange feeling came over me, that for a moment I could make out in the dark the shape of a human form. I picked up the camera and looking through the zoom lens I viewed more closely, so that I could see how this place looked like up close, without unnecessary approximation to it. What appeared to be empty blackness from a distance changed into the fragment of the interior of the barn. There was nothing except a concrete floor, on which was scattered sawdust, surrounded by wooden walls. I decided that today I would resign from the examination of this place, moreover, at this time I didn't have time for this, so I should get back. Especially that my mother was waiting for me, and the road back wasn't particularly short.
Getting back home took me a while, especially since I wasn't acquainted with the terrain. Still I was accompanied by a strange feeling that I was being watched. However, all the time I carefully looked around and didn't see anything suspicious. I don't know what I expected. The only thing worrying me was slightly moving grass. Every time I turned to look at it I detected movement. It looked a little like an invisible character followed me. Behind my back I could clearly hear the sound of rustling. I speeded up my steps, and in my mind I told myself that it was just my imagination. After all, in the woods there are plenty of animals that could run near me unnoticed. However, anxiety didn't want to leave me until I got to my house.
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In an instant, all stopped. I was overcome by the darkness, silence and tranquility. I lost consciousness. When I opened my eyes I saw my mother and one of my friends, but only very vaguely. They stood with their backs to me. They talked, but I was still stunned by what had happened, so I couldn't understand what they were saying. I guessed that one of them had noticed that I hadn't come back after a long time and predicted where I was. My friend said goodbye after a short conversation with my mother and went out. After a moment, my eyes closed themselves and I fell asleep involuntarily. After a few hours I woke up again, this time alone in my room. Night had fallen. The light in my room was extinguished, but through a slightly ajar door came a small light from the illuminated corridor. I lay there staring ahead, stuck in paralysis. I rested there for a long time. I didn't hear sounds or silence, only the constant quiet hum mixed with a squeal. In the absence of activities I started to looked around corners of my room. It wasn't too big or interesting. In it were only the most necessary things. My eyes stuck on the door of the room, which was half open. I stared at it for a few minutes in the hope that some acquaintance would come in. After that what happened I didn't want to be alone. The whole time I had a bad feeling that something just might happen, even though I was lying safe in my home.
Suddenly I became aware of a disturbing fact. I wanted to get up, but the weakness and pain of the bites had still not disappeared. I had to go down, go to my family, in order to warn them to stop what could come soon. I realized that the first day I went to the lodge and returned straight to home, unknowingly I had done something terrible. It reminded me of what I was thinking on the way back to home and that I felt watched. Unfortunately, at this point, every single move was making me hurt. This could be likened to a thousand needles stuck in the skin that with every move were stabbing deeper and deeper. In addition, I was still deafened and I wasn't able to say anything.. In this moment I could only lie and wait...Then the door started to vibrate slightly with a quiet creaking noise. For a moment, I hoped that it would be just like I'd wished, but the sight of a small black spider hanging around crookedly to the door frame brought me to the ground. I watched it accidentally fall and flee in panic to the corner of my room. At the the very sight and awareness that it was near I was engulfed in shivers. For a few minutes I was looking anxiously at it and I watched as it climbed up the cupboard in front of my bed and began to weave a cobweb between things on it. With every its move I was feeling more and more sick; increasingly restlessness seized me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement on the door frame, it was another spider. After it there were more, one, then after two or three more, the entire swarm diverged into my room. At this point I knew what was about to happen. The spiders were so many that they almost completely covered the yellow walls of my room. They began to climb into my bed. Unfortunately, I was unable to get away from them. I could only lie idle and wait until they covered me completely and finished with me. I thought of my family, who probably all this time were all here at home. I hoped that this same thing didn't happen to them, that the thing spared them and came only for me. All this happened because of me, and only I should be punished for my curiosity. Spiders again began to obscure my eyes, and through it I saw a human shape. I knew to whom it belonged. Again I heard the deafening squeals and whispering voices. Among them I could distinguish only one humanly speaking. "Unfortunately someone interrupted us, I believe he was your friend? He messed things up a bit by calling the police. Because of this we can't stay any longer in that place, since now all the time there are some people and investigators or something...They make only unnecessary confusion, and we couldn't stay at our home... But it's okay, thankfully you showed us previously the way to yours. We easily got here and and perhaps we will stop here for a little. This home will be empty now anyway..."
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