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(P.S. This story was apparently made during the landfall of a supertyphoon known as "NORU", this story was apparently created under Signal No.5 (185kph+ winds), which is baffling in multiple ways if true.)
(P.S. This story was apparently made during the landfall of a supertyphoon known as "NORU", this story was apparently created under Signal No.5 (185kph+ winds), which is baffling in multiple ways if true.)


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[[Category:Not sure if Troll or Trying to Be Serious]]
[[Category:Not sure if Troll or Trying to Be Serious]]

Revision as of 04:50, 26 September 2022

Im a regular student at LMMSI who enroll in the schoo’. I was at the goodqwill nearby the school when i discovered this los tape for a special education program. That was aired at my local TV station during the the years 1999,  but my friand sam said no “that is purte bullshit, there was no education perogram committee back in the years 1999.” , but then I said “no!! I was the goodwill when i found the lost tape about the school back in 1999” I was really angry at my friend but i ignored it.  9:00PM

I was in house nearby the school the school that started flashing red lights directly to my house but i assumed it was just a party… a karaoke party. I soon heard a knock on the door and it was very incessant but then turned out carmela was at door’ Soon i received a phone call from my landline, but i have to go take a shit because i ate a pork chicharon sisig with sizzling gravy army friend house at 5:54PM  when sam asked me where is the lost tape of 1999 i said fuck off i will play the lost tape at my house because i haes the dr.pepper on the fridge

Sam said “OK.” sam went to his bedroom and i saw the red lights shining from the school but i said to sam fuck off with the lights i know you install the LED lights in your fucking living room then sam said “where is the lost tape?”

I was like yeah ok then he go to my house, we were setting bedroom with lights and i bought out the VHS recorder from my kitchen cuz i watch VHS kitchen cook tutorials, and i heard the knocking on my door this time it was the bathroom then i saw no one

The begining

I turned off the lights from the bedroom and i lay on the bed with sam (fuck you viewers of the story if you assume i am ga i will kill you and enter your house with a chainsaw)

Moving on

I looked at the VHS tape i bought out with my friend sam and he said “Why is there a pentagram on the cover?” i also noticed the text blood red saying “LMSI confindinal tapes only for directors” my friend sam asked “why again is there pentagram on cover” i said “it must be a design maybe they were decorating the tapes

I forgot to mention that we live on the 5th floor of our house, then i heard a knocking from our balcony, and then i saw a red figure staring at me from the school but then sam finishing you fucking cooking then i said OK.


this thing hagave the nightmarts

Put the tape in our VHS recorder then i heard knocking then i was my friend carmela said she want to watch tape sam was like “yeah sure be on the chair”

The lost tape……

The lost tape had a menu on it. The image was a horrifying image of a man staring into a camera with a undying stare and a very realistic look of abject terror then it flashed the options haywire-style.

It had 3 options saying:


and i was like “OMG WTF why is the school have a cannibalism sign on it” and sam said “oh my god” and carmela “It would be recommended that we pick the first option.” I was like yeah ok and pick the first option. The first option was so scary there is a image of a student looking down a dark hallway with scary music and there was aa man with a jacket but his face was completely blank, then the faceless man walkers towards the hallway with a static blast of moaning’

“Insert unsetting.wav”

And the faceless man jumped at him all the way across the hallway with the student screaming in HORROR and he took his intestines out and hung with him with him sam was throwing up outside the house due to the hoorror it was causing then a loud scream emitted from the VHS recorder then there was a voice with a audacity voice vocoder voice that was chanting in a satanic sort of way: “Dig your own grave, Dig your own grave, Dig your own grave”  in a very rapper way: Carmela pointed at the screen and said to the student futliely “watch out!” and a demonic figure was coming

this was horrifying, i thought it said "the dead is rising

File:Unsetting.ogg Then the demonic figure wallran towards the camera and there is a big static with organs lining the screen, then i kicked us back to the menu and there was the options flashinfg

Then the man was smiling was saying  “I will find you in 24 months” then i scream so loud that i awoke the neighbors, “then carmela said” Let us look at the next option. Then sam said “okay”

24 months later

We forgotten the VHS recorder because we had exams due for the fourteenth quarter of out school year, i was at the store when i saw sam walking with that same demonic figure the 21 forever store but then i think i was simply halunciting as i only slept 2 hours for the exams, then sam ran towards me only to ask me “Where is the lost tape” “fuck off i only slept for 2 hours” i noticed that he was wearing the shirt of the rock and i was like bro that is so suspicious and sam was like “bro the lost tape are you talking to yourself i was like yeah ok”

Carmela was at the house saying that she doesn’t want to like to like watch this tape and she was like “I saw the horrific figure” then i was like what are you doing with the knife then carmela screamed “he is coming” then dropped dead on the floor with blood coming out of rices carpet floor sam was like oh shit then i was like we need to watch the lost tape now

We turned back to the menu but the image was different this time there was a man with a extreme impression of pure anger, and his smile was so manevolent that i was screaming already, then sam mention a stange detail about this demonic spirit, it looked like the girl from that maleficent movie, i heard out and i was shocked, even sam was shocked, we were look holy shit this school tape is cursed, then sam grabbed a sledgehammer and said that evil spirit are congregating inside the VHS recorder, but then i say that is 2K dollar plus tax dude so we have no choice but to play the tape

this wasthe part that i thoug th stomething was weird

Then the demogrogonic spirit said “come play with me” and then a prompt appeared saying PLAY WITH THE STRANGER and there was N64 controller falling out of my cabinet sam said lets using that and i was like good idea

Bad idea

And then the school in the distinct was flashing scary red lights again then it gave my friend sam a secure then i was crying then sam snapped out of it then said “jeo had had his life dispperae by the stranger” then he ran towards the balcony and fall tthe strseettts screaming everywhere the police were like “OMG WTF why was is dead teenager on streets!!!!!!” and i was fuck maleficent movie it killed my friend i was crying then the lights shut off and there is a demonic moaning on the streets i was so scared i was running across the troom in the bedroom and i heard the stranger says “you will watch tape ordeath wilkl hapen to you soon” I was crying then he was laughing like a joker demon  You will not choose then the N64 controller started glowing red it only had a demonic sign on the logo and i was crying for 2 hours straight that my eye hurt so much that my cheek is become hollow.

YOU ARE POWERLESS, he said as the powerlines was sparking and flowing in flames, then i was crying and i walked to the TXC then i pressed the seoul option

Bad mistake

I pressed hide with stranger then a demonic scream filled  with people running as organs are flying in the air and i heard the choirs of hell itself approach on the door the stranger was laughing hystrically: “”you have 666 seconds to run away while i eat the biceps of three asian women” I was screaming in terror * Basically, the most notable point I’m getting to is that I didn’t have the greatest memory for events, I remember being able to get to sleep almost immediately after getting home and sleeping like two or three hours before having to do something else. Like right now the night I was in an extremely weird place I just woke up and there really was a ghost standing over the bed and I’m like “holy fuck dude” so I was basically scared and honestly just woke up from a dream of a ghost standing over my room then I remember feeling a chill run down my spine. So then i remember sitting up in the bed and my parents were freaking the fuck out so much but I mean it wasn’t actually that bad cause i just remembered being alone on the couch watching that horrible film with my girlfriend. But I know i was not in reality watching that movie, I just was dreaming that I was. And obviously i knew I was not actually watching anything but that’s the main thing I’m telling you.

Then the more important part is that i did not remember being at any other specific location than home because apparently i was still asleep in that same spot.

And yes, the entire day is completely lost to us and no one ever talked about the incident.

Well that is until some guy came up to her during gym class and said: "You seem like a cool person."

"I'm sorry," she replied "I don't mean to be rude, but I'm not interested."

"Why?" he questioned. "Are you worried they won't let you date me?"

She hesitated then answered honestly:"No, I don't care about them anymore. They can either go fuck themselves or stay away." She then walked away quickly and without another word to anyone.

The whole incident became a huge deal in our school. Apparently the girl was the daughter of a local businessman that worked as a doctor for a big corporation that had many dealings in various areas of the world and was often traveling through the world visiting various schools. One of the schools was the one where the boy in the horror movie supposedly went missing, but the rumors were that it actually happened at another school.

After school was done, the girl walked home, which was a short distance considering she lived just about right down the street from where the boy who went missing was supposed to live. As the sun started setting, the girl realized that it would be dark soon. She also felt a sudden fear, for she knew exactly what kind of monster was lurking behind the door waiting.

The girl decided she had to leave her house right away, so she made sure to put on a coat with her usual grayish green hoodie over it. Once she had gotten herself prepared, she left the house. She made her way into the cold air which felt so refreshing to her senses. When she had finally gotten far enough from her house, she looked ahead and she noticed her favorite park near her house. It was filled with trees that she enjoyed climbing to escape the heat of the day for her to take a long refreshing breather. The park however seemed very quiet compared to normal that evening. In fact, the park itself seemed strangely empty. Her first thought of this park was that something must have come and taken someone away somewhere and possibly even murdered him and was hiding. But as the girl walked towards the park she began to see that something indeed was going to happen soon.

Then I heard the sataanitc ritual everywhere in the house and I run so fast but everything become blood red and and II woke up as i saw a man running away then i heard a double barrel shotgun blast from the scary alleyway then i heard the stranger do a demonic laugh as he was like “hail the gods of hell” “I am coming”

I ran trought out the streets into the school as i was not looking back i can see the corpses of people everywhere hung on nooses on traffic lights they were laughing as they were saying “ you are powerless against the stranger?” and then the corpse start flying and laughing at me and I keep running but the satancut lasughi ng become louder and loudger and the tv in the shop near become static and blood start leaking from the screen

recreation of the incidanr

Then i saw sam running across the whole highway so fast then i saw his face was replaced with a nazi flag with blood overflowing then i heard the stranger coming after me then he said “ the gate of hells are opening” then i saw a brief glismpe of a family guy looking demon and he was like beeelzeub unknown word but then he did the scary dance around a ring of fire with dead bodies

Then i ran again and ran so fast that i thought my chest would burst and i looked back to see the man running with his arms full of people, they were all dead and i started screaming but no one answered me. When i looked at him again he looked at me with a smile and a wink.”


He didn't remember how it happened or how he got there. He just remembered falling and waking up here. The first thing he noticed was the dark room, then he realized that the room was lit by an unknown source of light, next he noticed the white sheets on which he lay and finally, he noticed the woman standing over him. She was beautiful, her long hair fell perfectly on her face framing her face, she had a kind look on her face and she wore a white dress. It felt familiar somehow, like when he'd seen the woman before but he couldn't remember when exactly.

“Hi” the woman said, smiling gently at him.

“Hello” he replied and the woman laughed lightly.

“You know you have quite the name on your tongue” she told him. “You should really start using it more often” she added and he tried to figure out who she was.

“Who are you?” He asked.

She giggled again. “Why don't you ask yourself that question?”

He frowned. “I'm not sure what you mean” he admitted. “But please tell me why you're speaking to me right now”

She chuckled again. “I'M NOT HERE TO TALK TO YOU” she said. “I'm here to take care of you”


That sounded suspiciously like the first time he had met someone he knew in this world and for some reason he found himself agreeing.

“Okay...okay” He said and smiled softly at her. “Thank you”

The woman nodded slightly and took a seat by his side. “Now listen carefully to me because I will be leaving soon and there's not much time left” she warned him.

“Why is that?” He asked curiously.

“Because I can't control who knows about us” She explained. “There are too many people in the city and it's only natural if they find us here in our world. We won't be safe”

“So where will we go?” He asked.

The woman stood up again and walked towards the door. As she opened the door she looked back at him. “I'll come back in a few hours and then you better get ready because you need to meet someone else”


It was only a couple minutes after he received the information that the woman entered his room. He turned around to look at her and he immediately understood why she had given him such an important message. She was wearing a black robe, her hair was done up in an elegant bun on top of her head, and a small circlet adorned her brows. The rest of her appearance was completely covered, not even her hands could be seen. He wondered briefly if anyone had seen her in her robes yet.

“Do you like it?” She asked him.

“What is it?” He asked, still trying to understand what had happened in the past hour.

“This” she said and reached for something on a shelf behind her. A moment later she held a small black box in her hand.

He stared at the object and slowly moved closer to the woman until he finally recognized what it was. “Is that...a cell phone?” He asked hesitantly, looking down at the tiny device.

She nodded. “Yes, it' s a cell phone” she repeated calmly. “And once you activate it you'll be able to talk to someone who can help you escape from this place.”

He blinked, surprised by the sudden revelation. “How did you get me this?”

“Oh don't you worry about that. I have a few tricks up my sleeves” she assured him.

“What do I do?”

“Well first of all, you're going to call someone” she told him and took the cell phone out of his hand. “Here, put this into the box, make sure it' s secure and press the button on the top” she instructed.

He hesitated, unsure of what was happening.

“Come on, hurry!” She urged him, placing the device back onto the shelf.

He nodded and grabbed the small device, making sure it was secured before pressing the button on the top. A soft tone filled the room and the woman smiled widely. “You've got a new number, now it's your turn” she informed him and pointed at his cellphone.

“Uh...okay” he said and placed the phone on the table, waiting for it to ring.

my nightmarts of a surreal killer comes to lifes

Then I saw a giant figure in the water it waas actually the stranger and I scream and run but realize I cannot run and I try to hi0de in a building withj a hanging corpse then the crospe said “the end is near”  but then fall down and wake up in hell then i wake up and i was in the LMSI building then i went to the office then i see a corpse smiling at me with blood red text writtten across the quadrangle

SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN ON APRIL 7 then the cafeteria had an extreme red light that was BLINDING then i was running endlessly on the hallway but a jacket faceless man was wallrunning then he decapitated me then i realized i was getting high from the smoke of the fires of the cafeteria human screaming is heard

Then i saw a flatscreen 4k TV filled with the images of hiroshima bombing victims and a glowing red text said the last option: FREE HUMAN MEAT

Then i clicked on the TV then i saw a bloody image of sam with his eyes unrealistic and the stranger joined me and said “the twilight of the gods is at hand” then I began screaming until my lungs and gibs were filling up with raw meat and i was choking to death but th en i saw under the desks a glowing sword with a car brand on it i was like fuck it if i will die i might as well die so hard that i can kill gods of hell once for all, then the stranger himself saw the sworc and kill him and try to decapitate hoim but there awas another sword

We had a battle of powers

I grabbed the sword and entered a crouching dragon stance then the stranger pulled a axe made human marrow and bones and did the monkey wukong style stance of the druuunkeennn fists then i began wallrunning across the hallway then the school began callaposing then there fire erupting everywhere and millions of people started dying so hard then the stranger said fillet of human panncreeass coming up and destroyed the ground with axe then i said to him i do not meat and i began chopping his limbs one by one then the strengther began turning fountains of evil spirits and smoke, then his eyes were SO BIG, AND SO RED AND THERE WAS GOAT BLOOD LEAKING FROM IT, then he emitted the scream of death and nearly killed me but i dodged the scream and throw my katana across the school and made his heart bleed sugar and then he was like “I am in possession of the truth about LMSI”.

Then the stranger revealed himself to be his long-dead love reincarnated in blood because men in trenchcoats were chanting “taliwang” to the  corpsess then the stranger was crying then the stranger was crying out for his love and said, “Please let us have a chance.” The boy was terrified. It was only by instinct that he ran away with nothing more than his clothes on. He didn’t even get his shoes off or anything like that. But it wasn’t his feet that made him run; it was something else. It was as if there was some invisible force pushing him forward even though there was no physical direction. He just had to keep going until he found safety. Or death. Maybe both would be better. But he couldn’t turn back now. His love might still be there waiting for him! And if he was… he wasn’t sure how much longer he would survive without her. How much longer he could live without being loved. So he kept running. As fast as he could. The tears streaming down his cheeks, his body trembling violently, not even bothering to wipe them away. As soon as he reached t

he edge of camp he saw a tent. It looked empty so hopefully it wouldn’t be too cold inside but the boy needed warmth so badly right now. The wind outside was harsh and it stung against his skin. He felt like he hadn’t eaten for days. But he just couldn’t stop anymore.with the city being crack and holes everywhere with everything leaking and destroy the power corpses and blood everywhere and the town now shadow of it’s past and then 100 jacket men with no face kill everyone who is alive in 500 miles radius and blood started dripping everything and death and the screaming was so loud and they started to draw a pentagram and men in trench coats stand in the middle and start chanting scary latin and one walk to a broken TV and attaches a werdi disk and a video of a cartel beheading with a chainsaw started play9ing with the dates all being 6666 with red dark static and i saw a chupacabra transform in the background and all the dead people start standing with no limb and look at me and point and began laughing and then all the corpses in the town started to laugh and start flying to the dark red bloody storm sky

I ask myself why, but the stasrangsdrte walk to me and told me about Jonathan E. Gorman and how the march 7 incident in behyind all of dois and i could have stopped this but it is hopelwzss now you will die 666 he point to the now sky painted with blood and how the moon is so beautiful and the stranger start flying and his eyes start glowing red and thunder strikes down and destroys the entire city.


You were dreaming, weren't you? I know you have a fever.

The stranger? Well, he is just a tormented spirit created by one man’s bloody hubris.

Come on, I have another thing to show about this school you might be interested in. You asked me, about those lost tapes that were in the library? I found a tape about the stranger that you are so…

hung up on, in particular. Maybe you should put your weapon down, and rest.

This story was sent to us by a user, this could be a trollpasta but it's absurdist and outright maniacal nature confuses us.

(P.S. This story was apparently made during the landfall of a supertyphoon known as "NORU", this story was apparently created under Signal No.5 (185kph+ winds), which is baffling in multiple ways if true.)

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