Papercuts (Aka The Failed Human Experiments): Difference between revisions

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[[File:500px-Rosie.jpg|thumb|290px|The girl who once was Rosie]]
I am about to tell you a story from something that will forever haunt me.
It all started when me and my best friend Mickey were listening to the radio. The news reporter said a girlwoman went missing. They said her name was Rosie Saxxon. Then all of a sudden, Mickey said he knew her. I looked at him in shock.
It all started when me and my best friend Mickey were listening to the radio. The news reporter said a girl went missing. They said her name was Rosie Saxxon. Then all of a sudden, Mickey said he knew her. I looked at him in shock.
Mickey also knew her parents. So we went to visit them. When we got to her parents' house, they explained that she was just hanging out at the mall with her friends, and that she didn't come back.
They were too grief-stricken to talk about the rest. So we went to our friend Larry's house. Larry had been acting weird ever since the disappearance of Rosie. He said "I have been working on some projects for school." Despite Larry's lack of information on Rosie's disappearance I was pretty sure we would find something; and soon. . . .
==PART 2==
"What kind of sick son of a bitch would do such a thing to steal a 1420 year old girlwoman?" Mickey said angrily, as he took a bite of his sandwich.
"I don't know who would, but have you noticed the way Larry has been acting since the disappearance?" I said.
After that episode, we went to bed. The next morning when I woke up, something wasn't right. Mickey was gone! It said something on the wall near Mickey's bed.It said "Papercuts" in red ink. Something weird was happening. . . .
==PART 3==
After Mickey's disappearance. I tried to figure this out. So I went to my friend Tommy's house. But he wasn't there! Then I went to my other friend Katies's house. But she wasn't there! Then I did the obvious thing, I went to Larry's house. But he was acting a little. . . weirder than usual.
He had this sinister look like he killed someone, and he kept getting anxious like he was planning something. He kept laughing and mur-muring to himself like he had done something wrong, but he didn't care about it.
"Was this the end? Was I really gonna die like this? Did Larry kidnap Rosie, Mickey, Katie, or Nick?" I thought. It might have been the end for me at this point. . . .
==PART 4==
[[File:500px-Rosie.jpg|thumb|290px|The girlwoman who once was Rosie]]
I woke up in some lab-like environment. But what I saw made me sick. I saw my best friend Mickey hanging by his entrails.
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"Hey, dude! Look what I found!" As he was in
"Alright, have it your way, but I am gonna keep it!" Mickey said joyfully. But sadly. . . . Mickey was found dead the next morning.
[[Category:Pointless Violence]]
{{by|JRB||date=March 2, 2012}}
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