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Hi my neme is kyle and this my stpory about somthing creapy that happed tooo me. I love pvz much like everyone else. but thsio was superscary.

I wanted too play this gam but didt have money so i partied the gam. Everything was normal until i saw the name. It was plants.jpeg. i thought this was strange but decied tp play anytway since i love thsi gam. The gam loded normally and everything was normal untill the naming part. It automaticly named me Kyle. I found thios stange but iqnorded it as it wasnt strange. When i entered the gam I had only peashoter like normal but they looked weird. They were the exaxt same but had tears rolling down theuir face they also shot tears instead of peas like Isaac from The Binding of Isaac. I thought this. was weird but contunied thinking it was just a refrance to that other great game. The flag zombie (you know the one that appers when a huge wave happens) didn't have a picture of a brain o n it. instead it was a REAL DEAD BODY. I shruged it off as just a glitch. Worst mistake of my life.

The next level was the same once again but instead sunflower had tears rolling down her face as well. I was starting to get scared now since she was my faviot. I felt the same pain she did as she bobbed back and forth. When she made sun I heard the weeps of a small child (Probably female but who knows) and it was ultra scary. I will niow be skipping to the night llevels since nothing else intresting happened just more crying plants.

I was on the night levels now. The grave stonbes had the real dates of people's deaths. One caught my attation. It said kyle. The date of death was 2023/3/31. I thought nothing of it and contunied. THE PUFFSHROOMS WERE BLACK INSTEAD OF PURPLE AND SHOT OUT RED AND IT LOOKED LIKE BLOOD AND WAS DEFINTILY BLOOD AHD THEY WERE TERRIFING. The next level was worse. The sunshroms looked normtal exsept when they made sun. When they did they coughhed out guts. I felt revolted and threw up. Whn I beattted the level the scr een froze for exactly 23.7 seconds. When it came back a lot was skippen.

I was on the fog levels. Strangly enough everything was normal exsept for the jack in the box zombie. Evcen then it wasnt a particularly crazy change. The music that plays when he is on the lawn was off. I cant put my finger on it but it just sounded wrong. He still was shaking and his crazed smile. The sound that plays if he explodes sounded more realistic. It was still cartoonish but not as much if that makes sense.

At teh end of the game was differant. Zomboss looked hyper reallistic with hpyuer realistic eye and haper ralistic blood dropping down from his eyes. WHen he made a zombie they were covered in blood and left behind a blood trail that was also hypar raelistik. He let oput an angered cry as i fought him. He made fire balls and ice balls. Whne he got baten he said something backwards. luckily i saved it and revered it. it was in korean but i nkow horaen so i trqanstlated it. he said "HAIL SATAN 666" I was petrified. Currenty he is at my door irl. He has an kinfe. Oh no he broke down the door. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WANT TO LIVE

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