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This is an actual project that i would work on if i would get a favour. :)
==The Pasta==
Hi my name is: Jim i am a great fan of the show called: ''My little pony: Friendship is magic ''But... That's all boring stuff so.. I've been getting lots of problems... i had some fun... but not that much[[File:GHOSTLY_RAINBOW_DASH_WITH_SOCKETS_AND_BLOODY_EYES.png|thumb|314px|Used to be The Creepy ghost that haunts you in the game...]]
{{mi|GHOSTLY RAINBOW DASH WITH SOCKETS AND BLOODY EYES.png|Used to be The Creepy ghost that haunts you in the game...}}
Last Friday night i received a message from my friend. But it wasn't great..
''{{email|Jim! I can't help it You need to play the game you need to defeat it!''
''he's so strong and if you look, you get faded away!!''
''Quick!! before it will happening to me!! Download here!''
''Jim! I can't help it You need to play the game you need to defeat it!''
''he's so strong and if you look, you get faded away!!''
''Quick!! before it will happening to me!! Download here!''
''[[RainbowSockets.exe]] ''<-- not an actual link...
''I Came self aware that's it nothing but DEAD!''
[[File:Program.png|thumb|400px|Looks like the program ]]
''[[https://pastebin.com/raw/pcVJkBex RainbowSockets.exe]] ''</i> <-- not an actual link...<i>
''- Max''
''I Came self aware that's it nothing but DEAD!''
''- Max''}}
So i Downloaded The Actual program.
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This is what's it looked like ------->
[[File:{{mi|Program.png|thumb|400px|Looks like the program ]]}}
Anyway.. I Notice That the game was to do something with MLP For instance...  Rainbow...? Rainbow dash? Could it be? Let's Find out! I was nervous <span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">To play the game</span><span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;"> .. i give it a chance.</span>
Anyway.. I Notice That the game was to do something with MLP For instance...  Rainbow...? Rainbow dash? Could it be? Let's Find out! I was nervous <span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">To play the game</span><span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;"> .. i give it a chance.</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">I started the game this is what i looked like...[[File:Pasta_menu.png|thumb|329px|The menu screen..]]</span>
I started the game this is what i looked like...
{{mi|Pasta_menu.png|The menu screen..}}
First i looked at the options setting i could choose
Screen Reselution.
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holding 5, i beleive it was 5 pages in her left hoof. But, why she running? WHY? Now i saw uhm.. A Ghost of Rainbow dash with no eyes and black lines trogh his eyes.. i beleive they where Sockets. just what the title Screen says. Moving on i found out. how to skip them.. B pressing [ X ] Key. now it says
=== '''''CHAPTER 1: NEVER COMEBACK!''''' ===
I know why it would said that... The Game starts just typical Rainbow dash. walking in an Unkown Forrest. I realize i know what this reminds me of: Slender but worse.! Now i saw an house where i can walk in it opens another cutsene. just 00:06 ... pretty small.. but just he opens door looking scared. MOVING ON! i am in an 2D House looking for a page i saw a page. when i walked an X apeared. So what to do Press the [ X ] Key?
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in an releastic woman version of Rainbow dash. Uhm.. Okay then. NOW i can FINALY RUN! Thank goodness. What the hell? it fades black...? for 2 seconds the 2nd chapter apeared: 
=== '''''CHAPTER 2: BLESS YOUR FACE DASHIE.''''' ===
This is the part where it get's wierd. now i get static pop ups.. or just black.. for a half second. I heard The Giygas music in the background.. is that necessary to use it? Maybe i'm thinking to much... no pages this time.. You're running in an LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ROAD That keeps repeating and sometimes i see a moon or an car or i don't know Dead cats Maybe?[[File:Confusing_fix.png|thumb|363px|Ugliest Graphics Ever...]]
{{mi|Confusing fix.png|Ugliest Graphics Ever...}}
NOW I NEVER SEEN A GAME LIKE THIS before but JEEZZ,,,, Could it be better in my opinion..? Ergh..!
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Moving on.. AGAIN!
=== '''''CHAPTER 3: THE END.''''' ===
==='''''CHAPTER 3: THE END.'''''===
Now i am BACK in the forrest After all these moments.... I'm Bakc at the forrest
===But the game crashed on that moment. YEAAAH Finaly i shut it down but.. It showed an note pad File:===
==='''''IM COMING FOR YOU JIM!.txt '''''===
I opened the file it said: 
===But the game crashed on that moment. YEAAAH Finaly i shut it down but.. It showed an note pad File:===
=== '''''IM COMING FOR YOU JIM!.txt ''''' ===
I opened the file it said: 
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">あなたの勇気とあなたの背骨の下の四角はスリング。</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">苦痛の世界を去る前に、あなたは私たちに参加してください。</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">あなたの勇気とあなたの背骨の下の四角はスリング。</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">苦痛の世界を去る前に、あなたは私たちに参加してください。</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">あなたの信仰があなたの子供時代に焼かれる</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">悪魔の心を信じる人々の心ある限り。</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">私は主を祈る。ゴーストDASHIEの信仰。</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">悪魔の心を信じる人々の心ある限り。</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">私は主を祈る。ゴーストDASHIEの信仰。</span>}}
TIME TO OPEN TRANSLATOR, This is what happend to be english translation: 
{{email|Your blood is classified in your eyes.
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">Squares sling under your courage and your spine.</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">Before leaving the world of pain, you please join us.</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">Your faith will be burned to your childhood</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">As long as the mind of those who believe in the Devil's mind.</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">I pray the Lord. The Faith Of the ghost DASHIE .</span>}}
Now my pc shut down and soon rebooted up. i saw wallpaper. the only thing i saw was a text box that said
''COME JOIN US '' i said NO to the Screen. '' You should not have done that. '' About What?! '' You Killed her.''
So? '' .... '' About 1 second i Screamed SHE CAME TOWARDS TO ME.. And that was it.... i joined it...
==== '''''And lived nowhere..... in the faith of death.''''' ====
Your blood is classified in your eyes.
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">Squares sling under your courage and your spine.</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">Before leaving the world of pain, you please join us.</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">Your faith will be burned to your childhood</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">As long as the mind of those who believe in the Devil's mind.</span>
<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:21px;">I pray the Lord. The Faith Of the ghost DASHIE .</span>
Now my pc shut down and soon rebooted up. i saw wallpaper. the only thing i saw was a text box that said
''COME JOIN US '' i said NO to the Screen. '' You should not have done that. '' About What?! '' You Killed her.''
So? '' .... '' About 1 second i Screamed SHE CAME TOWARDS TO ME.. And that was it.... i joined it...
===='''''And lived nowhere..... in the faith of death.'''''====
'''''DUN DUN DUUUN'''''
[[Category:Vidya games]]
[[Category:Im died]]
[[Category:English Class Failure]]
[[Category:Well, that was pointless.]]
[[Category:Crappy ms paint drawings]]