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I recently bought a used copy of the game Scrap Mechanic at a shady website and this is why I will never play it again:
I was a big Axolot Games fan (a small game publisher/developer company) I bought Raft a year ago and I really enjoyed it. So, I thought why don’tdon't I buy a game ''they'' made? That was a really bad decision…decision... Ok. I look for the game on Steam but when I click on Scrap Mechanic the “Add"Add to cart”cart" button is red and it doesn’tdoesn't display any text the only way I could buy it is by creating an alt account and buying it as a gift on my main. I finally have it in my library I just need to download the game. It was really hard to get to the download screen because I needed to agree to a LOT of stuff. In the end it rejected the download because it had been deleted from the store (the screenshot was taken from before [that rimed XD]) and disappeared without a trace so I had to find a other third party website that sells you the game. Eventually I stumbled upon a website called “freewaregames"”co" it was very shady. And I had a bad feeling but anyway I thought to myself lets download a free/cracked version of it and I clicked download (that was the biggest mistake I have ever made) it downloaded like normal the weird thing that it was in a zip and it had a “READ"READ BEFORE INSTALL”INSTALL".txt file I opened it and it was the following:
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This was very sketchy and creepy. Anyway, with my stupid brain I installed it. It took quite a long time considering I have a Ryzen 7 computer. But when it finished installing that was when my past self was realizing that I had made a really really bad decision. I launched the game and from what I saw it was the same title screen that I saw on playthroughs but something was a bit…bit... ''off''. I had a bad feeling and the screen flashed with static it had the title screen with blood dripping from the characters now black eyes. I couldn’tcouldn't believe ''my'' eyes either that’sthat's when I tried to close the game it wouldn’twouldn't let me I was in a panic but I thought that this is a sick joke and that this was cracked on Halloween and it stayed on the Halloween theme and couldn’tcouldn't update. Ok I played a little bit on survival and I noticed a cliff and there was a NPC standing on top and he jumped…jumped... he ragdolled, if you’veyou've never watched a Scrap Mechanic playthrough than here’shere's a physics summary it has no NPC ragdoll physics (yeah you’reyou're welcome). He hit the ground and blood pooled under him he was dead. I went around the world and discovered more disturbing things like dead bodies in the water, bots eating organs the most disturbing thing is that in the crashed ship you had a passenger with you who was dead and in a pool of blood. There was a cutscene to this when the ship crashed a high-pitched beep was heard and a woman screaming. And I saw the creepiest most bizarre thing ever a picture of me in my house taken from my closet and a picture of my house now that creeped me out the most. At that point I shut down my pc and turned it back on and the game launched by itself! But when it got to the title screen a mutilated character was standing in front of the buttons and it said this freaked me out but I had a feeling that I needed to play more, like an invisible force was wanting me to play more. But I resisted I didn’tdidn't want to play this anymore. But I couldn’tcouldn't close it so I ran for my saviour Ctrl+Alt+Del and surprisingly it worked! I started task manager and closed it. Then right away deleted it from my machine everything with the name “scrap”"scrap" was deleted. Then I had shut my pc down and went to sleep having nightmares. When I woke up brushed my teeth and turned on my computer surprisingly nothing was out of the ordinary at first but when I took a closer inspection at my desktop, I saw a picture called whyhaveyouscrappedme.png I opened it up and it showed a scraped torn up face. That horrified me for my rest of my life. And when I tried to close it had an error message pop up:
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I was paranoid for 1 whole year but thankfully it had never come…come... ''yet''
I contacted the people at Axolot Games to get an answer and they replied:
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It had the contact information because he sent it from his phone!!! This was amazing. So I contacted Axolot Games again to answer this, “Do"Do you know Benjamin D. Kennedy by any chance?" they replied:
''He was the depressed man we where talking about we didn’tdidn't mention his name for privacy reasons, he was a sick man. After we fired him for violence and violating our office rules 15 times, he had killed his dog, his wife, and then himself. We are sorry again of what happened we played it too to test it and it is truly terrifying.''
''-Best regards the Axolot team''
The puzzle has been solved, Benjamin D. Kennedy made for people to download the game. And for the people wondering so there’sthere's just one game there? No and yes you see when you type in scrap mechanic free download in a search engine of your choice it will show this website on the search of scrap mechanic when you type in when you type in a other game it doesn’tdoesn't show it just shows an illusion that you can search any game and that the site is big but the search bar doesn’tdoesn't work. It is an image. So yeah, I am still wondering how whyhaveyouscrapedme.png has appeared but I think I will never figure it out. So, if you find you’reyou're self on a shady free download website think twice before pressing download.