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(Created page with "File:01BEA0CD-FC8A-4011-A2CA-8FF12867A22D.jpg|thumb|Shrek the deleted scene Have you ever wondered what would happen if Shrek wasn't just a lovable ogre, but something much more sinister? I first encountered Shrek when I was just a child. I loved the movies and would watch them over and over again. But as I got older, I started to notice some strange things about the character. It started with little things, like the way he would glare at the camera for a split secon...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 07:32, 7 May 2023

Shrek the deleted scene Have you ever wondered what would happen if Shrek wasn't just a lovable ogre, but something much more sinister? I first encountered Shrek when I was just a child. I loved the movies and would watch them over and over again. But as I got older, I started to notice some strange things about the character. It started with little things, like the way he would glare at the camera for a split second before returning to his usual jovial self. But then I started to notice something even more unsettling. Whenever Shrek was alone on screen, his face would contort into a grotesque mask of rage and hatred. I tried to tell my friends about what I had seen, but they just laughed it off. They thought I was being ridiculous. But I knew what I had seen. One night, I decided to do some research on Shrek. I dug deep into the internet and found some disturbing information. Apparently, there was a deleted scene from the first movie that showed Shrek brutally murdering a group of villagers who had tried to attack him. I couldn't believe it. Was Shrek really capable of such violence? I continued to search and found more and more evidence of Shrek's dark side. There were stories of him luring children into the swamps and devouring them whole. I was terrified. I couldn't watch the movies anymore without feeling a sense of dread. I knew that Shrek was watching me, waiting for his chance to strike. One night, I woke up to find Shrek standing at the foot of my bed. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and his mouth opened impossibly wide, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. I screamed and tried to run, but his massive hand closed around my ankle, pulling me back. He whispered in my ear, "Get out of my swamp." I woke up the next morning, drenched in sweat and shaking. It was just a nightmare, I told myself. But deep down, I knew that Shrek was real, and he was coming for me. The nightmare I had about Shrek left me shaken for days. I tried to convince myself that it was just a dream, but the memory of his glowing eyes and razor-sharp teeth haunted me. I became obsessed with uncovering the truth about Shrek's dark side. I spent hours scouring the internet for any information that could help me understand what I had seen. Eventually, I stumbled upon a hidden forum where a group of people shared stories about their encounters with Shrek. Some claimed to have seen him lurking in the shadows outside their homes, while others said he had whispered threats in their ears. I knew I had to do something to stop Shrek before he hurt anyone else. But how could I fight against a fictional character? That's when I had an idea. I would create a new Shrek movie that exposed his true nature to the world. I would show everyone that he was not a lovable ogre, but a monster who needed to be stopped. I poured all of my energy into the project, spending countless hours writing, filming, and editing. Finally, after months of hard work, the movie was finished. I uploaded it to the internet, and within hours, it had gone viral. People were shocked to see their beloved Shrek portrayed as a bloodthirsty beast. But my victory was short-lived. That night, I heard a knock at my door. When I opened it, I saw Shrek standing on my doorstep, his eyes glowing with rage. "You shouldn't have done that," he growled. I tried to run, but he was too fast. He caught me and dragged me back to his swamp, where I was never seen again. The world never found out what happened to me, but some say that if you listen closely on quiet nights, you can hear my screams echoing through the swamp, a warning to others who dare to cross Shrek.