Sonic.EXE: Re-EXEcuted: Difference between revisions

(My attempt at a retake of)
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[[File:Master of puppets..jpg|alt=My own take on the I am God screen.|left|thumb|A god at his playfield.]]
Author’s Note: Hey, hey! It’s McRibber729, back at it again with another pasta. Well, this one is technically not mine. It’s a retake of the infamous Sonic.EXE! Now you may have questions about the sequel to The Banana. The sequel will be titled: the Eggplant! ..Yeah, can you tell what this is gonna be like? Well, the story is slate to release sometime in August, or July if y’all are lucky. I’ve been trying to start it, but due to writer’s block and final exams, it’s been taking long. So, I made this to not make you guys hungry. Enjoy my own personal retake!
Author’s Note: Hey, hey! It’s McRibber729, back at it again with another pasta. Well, this one is technically not mine. It’s a retake of the infamous Sonic.EXE! Now you may have questions about the sequel to The Banana. The sequel will be titled: the Eggplant! ..Yeah, can you tell what the sequel is gonna be like? Well, the story is slate to release sometime in August, or July if y’all are lucky. I’ve been trying to start it, but due to writer’s block and final exams, it’s been taking long. So, I made this to not make you guys hungry. Enjoy my own personal retake on Sonic.EXE!
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Running is Futile:
The act read: “Running is Futile” Wait a second, I thought Sonic games were all about running! Now the game was telling me running had no point? Well, that’s dumb. The act took place in a coal mine, with red crystals. Knuckles could punch, and glide like he usually could, unlike Tails not being able to fly. As I walked through the act, blood started flying out of nowhere, and enemiesanimals were hanging from their guts, much like last time. Knuckles, unlike Tails, actually has a goal in his level. It was to collect treasure. This was pretty fun I had to admit, and Knuckles had gotten a healing glove that heals anyone you might find in this cave. Then suddenly, the red eyed Sonic appeared again, and tried to attack Knuckles, however, Knuckles quickly punched him in the jaw, sending him flying, Knuckles then spin dashed Sonic. Knuckles kept attacking, until this gore teared Sonic quickly became normal, and this Sonic begged: “Please Knuckles stop! It’s only me Sonic, calm down dude!” Knuckles had walked closer to Sonic trying to heal him, until “Sonic” had dropped the facade and kicked Knuckles’ skull in, causing it to be exposed. Knuckles let out a quick, sort of cut off yelp. Then another message appeared:
“No matter if you kill me or not, I always win, cause it’ll hurt him instead.”
Line 37 ⟶ 38:
As I clicked on Robotnik’s slot, I noticed something odd. His face dropped in a sense of fear as soon as I clicked on him. The typical laugh played, however it was louder, and more drawn out. The act slot read: “…” as if it was missing text. Were the devs lazy or something? The zone took place in Scrap Brain, and Robotnik quickly stopped, and saw the Tails Doll sitting down. Tails Doll started flying quickly, and the game prompted me to have Robotnik follow. Robotnik ran down a staircase where Tails Doll was also walking, the camera started to slowly pan away from Tails Doll, and I heard a squeak as I ran down. Finally, I saw this weird Sonic holding the Tails Doll with an incredibly firm grip.
Oh crap.
A dialogue box appeared reading: “Impressive, I must admit. You made it farther than most doctor. But alas.. Your story ends here. Me and my little friend decided to bait you into this trap, and you fell for it. C’mon doc, I thought you were SMARTER THAN THAT! Now.. Bring your little toys, and I’ll see how fast ?I can make them BREAK. So bring it on Robotnik, let’s see what noises you make!”
Jesus this guy liked to talk.
Sonic had gotten into a machine, and suddenly, the corpses of Tails & Knuckles surrounded Eggman, however, Metal Sonic came in clutch at the last few seconds, joining the brawl. Turns out, the one used to kill Tails was a spare or an inferior clone / model. Maybe there was some hope for Robotnik, and maybe he could save Sonic and friends!
But alas, this wasn’t the case.
Tails Doll had snuck up on Robotnik, and snapped his neck from behind. However.. Metal Sonic had managed to outrun them. One last cutscene had played showing Metal Sonic running away and saying:
I had felt a little bad for Metal, having to leave behind his creator like that. However, there were bigger problems at hand, that of being what would happen next.
The game reset on itself, and when I tried playing it..
A game over screen had loaded.
From what I can remember: Tails’ face was replaced with the fake Metal’s faceplate, and his limbs were hanging from a tree, Knuckles’ skin was burnt off, and his guts were forcefed to him. Eggman’s skin was pale and his skull melted and dried out. And throughout it all, Sonic was grinning and seemed to enjoy it. That was pretty grim to think about, this hero to many being evil all along was.. Really stupid, yet kinda disturbing. Suddenly, that same damned laugh at erupted through my computer’s speakers, I gotta admit it, this kinda made me annoyed. I was tired of hearing that sick fuck chuckle, and I sorta groaned and rolled my eyes.
But when I turned around, Sonic had appeared, but he looked different.
I couldn’t believe it, Sonic was sorta REAL! This was both cool, and scary. Especially after that whole mess of a hack. However, he looked green, blue and black, and his face didn’t really look like a face, it looked more like a creepy mask.
”Heya champ!”
”Hi Sonic.. How are you here? And what you did to Tails, Knuckles, and Eggman wasn’t cool.”
”Did you enjoy my adjustments to their bodies?”
”Oh. Oh well, I will have my critics?”
”Calling out sadistic murder is being a critic..?”
”Well, not exactly. You see, I see my victims as pieces for my art, you know?”
”Art? Why not draw something on paper.. Instead, of well, you know. Killing everyone in your damn world, Sonic!”
”Easy there. Murdering is my art, I want to see what I can do their bodies, and see what I can morph with their bodies, see how I can make their bones flex, and even merge their corpses together! And please, call me The EXEcutor.”
”Why not the Artist since you talk about being such a great artist.”
“Real funny.”
”Why them though? Why your friends?”
”Well.. I’m not Sonic, I took form of his body using it as a vessel and left him to die.”
”Makes sense, but why you green?”
”I can’t manifest into the real world without some.. Difficulties..”
Suddenly, Sonic changed into a more creepy appearance, looking more like the one I saw in the game but still glitched.
”Much better.”
”Not much.”
”You know Tom, Kyle didn’t want you to play the game.”
”He didn’t?”
”Yes, check the email again for me. For your old pal Sonic.”
I had walked over to my computer, and Kyle had given me a different email, saying this:
”yo tom did you play that game yet?? if not please don’t dude it’s apparently like, haunted and shit and you’ll start experiencing hallucinations and crap brah, pretty freaky report it on the sonic retro site or some shit get it taken down or something”
Dear god. I didn’t listen, I was a terrible friend, and thanks to my stupidity Kyle could be hurt. I didn’t notice the email, I swear, if I did I wouldn’t have played it. Was Kyle okay? I wasn’t gonna waste time asking questions about cartoon characters, and jumped straight to the point.
”Wake up.”
”It’s time to wake up.”
Suddenly, I heard a clock ticking until a loud ringing sound blasted my ears.
I had woken up, and in my hand..
Was a homemade Sonic plush.
