Sonic.exe: Tom's update

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Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Tom Keane from SonicTVRadio. Make sure you check out my gaming channel BloodsULove, and when you get an opportunity, check out my other social media, links will be in the story’s description.

Today I wanted to talk about a particular individual subject which had been very dear (in the most wrong way) to me, and that is Sonic.exe. Now, first of all, I noticed that many people wrongly categorized it as a “creepypasta”, which is entirely wrong, because, dear ladies and gentlemen, I can wholeheartedly vouch that what happened is the honest to God truth.

X, or how he prefers to call himself, Sonic.exe is actually fucking REAL. I know, you probably won’t believe it, but it is the actual truth. Sonic.exe is real and he’s acting like an immature Pennywise of the internet, thinking he’s pulling pranks by stealing peoples’ souls! (For those of you who don’t know, Pennywise is a creepy [or funny, depending on the actor] clown individual who dwells in the sewers of Festus, Missouri and rapes children, lying to the audiences that he actually kills them and feasts on their souls. The miniseries and movie were pretty dope; I heard this Stephen King guy will release a book soon, based on them) Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh right, Sonic.exe is real, and I got the actual proof from my recent encounter situations with the particular fiend.

It all started a few years ago, when my best friend Kyle sent me this haunted CD, begging me to destroy it. I thought it was all bogus and played the game, which was basically the original Sonic the Hedgehog with a horror movie twist. When I finished it, a creepy Sonic plushie individual kept stalking me. (I couldn’t enjoy my private moments in the bathroom until I managed to catch it in the shower and flushed it down the toilet, which took a few weeks.) Somehow Kyle got in contact with me and together we managed to destroy the particular indestructible CD, freeing ourselves from the situation of the Sonic.exe curse for good. That night we had a sleepover, playing some games and having fun with each other. I’m feeling lots of pleasure whenever the individual that is Kyle ends up together in situations with me.

Fast forward to the present day, Kyle and I are now starting second year in college, we’re going to the same place, sharing the same classes, we’re even having close rooms in the dorm! Honestly, I don’t think there’s a more important individual in this world for me than my particular very good friend Kyle, I wonder if he shares my feelings. One day I was taking a shower, enjoying the situation of having warm water pour down my skinny body. (On a side note, I should really hit the gym in the future; maybe some hot gamer girls will like me if I grow some muscles. But meh, until that happens, I still got Kyle, and you all know the saying – bros before hoes!) I then heard a knock on my room’s door, so I fetched a towel (with a Sonic head drawn on it in blue marker!) wrapped it around my waist and went to see who it was. To my shock, it was the same mailman from my hometown’s neighborhood!

“Mister Wilson, how did you get here?” I asked, taken aback by this particular individual situation I was in.

“Hi there, Tom! I’ve been trying to find you for the whole summer, thankfully your parents finally told me you were here, so I came to deliver you a package.” he smiled at me in a strangely particular way.

“Okay?” I shrugged and picked the box, to see it was from my good friend Kyle. “Um, sir, Kyle lives here a few rooms away from me, at the same floor.”

“I know, but you see, he had meant to give you this gift way back when both of you lived in Festus, but I for some strange reason couldn’t find it in my bags of mail. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, say hi to Kyle for me!” he waved and left.

I closed the door and put the package on the table, pushing aside my opened cans of chili, as well as mac and cheese. I was going to finish those later, now I had to see what particular kind of present Kyle wanted to give me, but couldn’t because of the mailman individual’s incompetence to deliver it. It was sealed tight; I couldn’t open it in that situation, so I looked beneath my bed and pulled out my trusty chainsaw which I then used to slice the box in half. Relieved, I checked inside and saw that there was a letter written on pink paper and a CD! That Kyle, he always knows the kind of gifts I love. The letter said:

Dear Tom,

I don’t want you to get this the wrong way, but you are very special to me. Remember how we used to play Sonic together since kindergarten while all those Mario loving losers laughed at us. We only had each other in our love for Sonic despite the new fads. Really, I don’t know what my life could have been if I hadn’t met you. To show my thanks for always having you by my side, dear Tom, here is this brand new Sonic game I pirated off of Sonic Retro. I so hope you’ll love it!

Sweetest regards,


Oh that individual, he always loved playing coy! Just for this, I’ll share my opened cans of mac and cheese with him when I ritually drop by his room late at night. But first I had to see what this other game was about. Hopefully it had no particular Sonic.exe bullshit, plushie individuals or creepy games with deadly situations. My fingers were crossed as I opened my laptop and inserted the CD, deciding I would watch edgy Batman movies later.