Butterflyunicorn Needs Help: Difference between revisions

(Created page with "==Prologue - Butterflyunicorn Needs Help== Sooooooooooooooo...... Butterflyunicorn was sitting at her computer, writing a trollpasta as she drank some strawberry banana...")
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Butterflyunicorn woke up sitting in her chair. "Phew!" she said, wiping the sweat off her forehead. "It was just a bad dream." She was about to click on Mozilla Firefox, however, she noticed a new browser in her taskbar. It was one named "HelpMeImInATrollpasta.exe", and it's icon was a demon awesome face. Curious, she clicked upon it, and the program booted up.
The new program resembled Minecraft, but everything was black and red (besides Butterflyunicorn's character, who was Alex, BTW), and hyper-realistic blood was everywhere. "What the actual eff?" was the first thing that escaped Butterflyunicorn's lips as she looked around in the game. Suddenly, Herobrine, Hypno(chu), and another pichu holding a bloodstained axe appeared. Butterflyunicorn knew who that axe-holding pichu was; Axey, one of her old, shitty pokepasta characters. "We MeEt AgAiN, BuTtErFlYuNiCoRn......" hissed the pichu. "How did you get here?!" Butterflyunicorn snapped. "I thought you were wiped during that one time I had to wipe my hard drive!" "I eScApEd LiKe AnY cLIcHe Op CrEePyPaStA cHaRaCtErS...." Axey replied. "It Is TiMe FoR yOu To DiE!" screamed all three. Axey swung his axe at Alex, and her hand flew off as a low quality scream blasted out of Butterflyunicorn's speakers. Axey then continued swinging his axe at Alex, and HYPER-REALISTIC blood was flying everywhere. But then, Butterflyunicorn released she had SUPER-Powers, so she used her powers to turn into her FINAL FORM; SUPER AWESOME MARY BUTTERFLYUNICORN SUE! She then entered her computer and shouted "あなたは私の叙情的な力であなたを殺します!" and shot a magical anime light beam at Herobrine, Hypno(chu), and Axey, sending them blasting off again. She then shouted "超偉大なヒーリングパワーを活性化!" and healed Alex up to the point she was no longer dying. "Thank you!" cheered Alex. They then did an anime hug so KAWAIIIII!