SpongeBob: Kamp Koral Massacre: Difference between revisions

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SpongeBob has aired on Nickelodeon for 20 years. It has been a big part of many people’speople's childhoods, well if you had cable. We recently lost Stephen Hillenburg on November 26 of 2018 because of Lou Gehrig's disease (or ALS).
A couple of months after his death, Nickelodeon greenlighted a new spin-off series called “Kamp"Kamp Koral”Koral". Many couldn’tcouldn't bear to see that Nickelodeon was milking the SpongeBob franchise to benefit themselves. Even Paul Tibbit was appalled to see this and responded on his Twitter with, “I"I do not mean any disrespect to my colleagues who are working on this show. They are good people and talented artists. But this is some greedy, lazy executive-ing right here, and they ALL know full well Steve would have HATED this. Shame on them."
For those of you who don’tdon't know, SpongeBob SquarePants is a show created by an American animator named Stephen Hillenburg, he’she's also a marine science educator. The show focuses on a square yellow sponge who lives in a pineapple with his pet snail Gary. He works at the Krusty Krab, a restaurant owned by Mr. Krabs, as a fry cook. When he isn’tisn't working he likes to attract trouble with his best friend, a starfish, Parick Star. It features the talented voices of Tom Kenny, Clancy Brown, Bill Fagerbakke, Mr. Lawrence, and more. Now there have been rumors on a little-known SpongeBob forum about some supposedly leaked reel footage of the spin-off show “Kamp"Kamp Koral”Koral". The person who posted it claimed to have worked at Nickelodeon and he had managed to take the original copy as an attempt to halt the production of “Kamp"Kamp Koral”Koral". I DMed him to request a clip or at least a screenshot of the reel. He responded and told me that he wanted money for a clip of the reel. At first I was just hesitant, but I decided to just fork over the money over PayPal and he told me that he would send it within 3-5 days. I decided to strike up a conversation about the reel and this is how it went:
Me: “Hey"Hey, how did you manage to get the reel?"
Him: “Well"Well it wasn’twasn't that easy there was quite a bit of security, but since I worked there, I tracked when the cameras weren’tweren't being watched."
Me: “Are"Are you afraid that Nick might call for an investigation?"
Him: “Not"Not really there hasn’thasn't been...much talk about the reel. Plus I quit my job."
Me: “Have"Have you seen what's on it?"
Him: “You"You're gonna enjoy it..."
Me: “Um"Um...What?"
This was the last message I sent and he never responded. I ended up receiving the clip, it was on a sketchy file hosting site. As soon as I clicked it I was immediately bombarded by a multitude of ads. I finally made it to the download link and downloaded the file, “kk_reel"kk_reel.mp4”mp4". It wasn’twasn't really big, only a couple megabytes.
I clicked on the downloaded file and the VLC media player popped up. It started with a show Nickelodeon logo and then transferred to the theme. There was a “Made"Made with KineMaster" logo on the top corner, but what can you expect from someone on the internet. Anyways, the theme was weird, it was the SpongeBob Campfire Song Song, but slowed down. There were screenshots of a younger SpongeBob from the trailer “The"The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run”Run" that showed up randomly on screen. After a while the title showed up, it read: “Kamp"Kamp Koral Massacre”Massacre". I was puzzled as to why it was called that, but I’mI'm pretty sure it was a joke by the user who sent it to me. It opens up with a young SpongeBob at the entrance of “Camp"Camp Coral”Coral" with his stuff on the ground beside him, behind him we can see a couple of CGI cabins . His parents wave goodbye and speed off. SpongeBob looks towards the campgrounds and gives a sigh. “Well"Well, here goes nothing." he says. His voice sounded similar to Tom Kenny’sKenny's but it was slightly deeper. He walked towards his cabin as he heard crying. He sees another camper sitting on a log, tears waterfalling out of his eyes. The camper introduces himself as Patrick. He tells SpongeBob that he’she's homesick. A video of a man getting set on fire suddenly plays on screen. Now being a person who hates horror movies or anything to do with horror, this really shocked me. I paused the video and tried to calm myself down. I figured that this was an edgy prank. I wanted to turn off the video, but my curiosity got the better of me. “What"What if it actually was the pilot episode?" I needed to know.
SpongeBob and Patrick then became friends. It cuts to a montage of SpongeBob and Patrick doing camp activities together. Mrs Puff, according to this video, is some sort of counselor. Then it cuts to SpongeBob and Patrick jellyfishing, then a squirrel comes flying down from the sky using a jellyfish. She introduces herself as Sandy. Another video, this time a man getting beheaded by Jihadists, Dawlat al-Islam Qamat playing in the background. Again, I panicked a bit, but I looked away before it got too gory. It goes back and Miss Puff tells the camper about whoever gets the most votes for their performance in the talent show gets the “Campy"Campy Award”Award". A camper makes his way and introduces himself as Squidward. He tells them, “I’m"I'm sure my clarinet playing skills will win me that award." Awful sounds come out of the clarinet’sclarinet's horn. Then it cuts to SpongeBob and Patrick in their sleeping bags on an old bunk bed. They were sleeping. The camera goes to an overhead view of the camp. A dark figure is seen, trudging around the site. The camera zooms in on the figure and we see that it’sit's a tall fish wearing a black mask and a mechanic uniform drenched in dark liquid. He is also holding a hatchet. It goes back to SpongeBob and Patrick. A rustling of leaves wakes up the young SpongeBob. He looks outside but sees nothing. He looks down at his friend Patrick and tries to wake him up. “Psst"Psst. Patrick. Patrick." He wakes up and asks SpongeBob what’swhat's the matter. SpongeBob tells him that he heard someone outside.
“We"We should go and investigate." SpongeBob told Patrick. “Sure"Sure, why not? It could be the ice cream truck!" Patrick said with excitement. SpongeBob grabs a lantern and goes outside, Patrick following him. They walk around the camp. An overhead shot shows the two friends nearing the stranger. SpongeBob bumps into the shadowy figure and drops his lantern. “Patrick"Patrick? How did you get in front of me?" he asks. “Umm"Umm...SpongeBob. I'm behind you." Patrick responds. SpongeBob picks up the lantern and shines it at the figure. “Oh"Oh." SpongeBob says. “I"I think we should run away, screaming." Patrick says. “Yeah"Yeah, that seems like a good idea, after you." SpongeBob responses. “Thanks”"Thanks" Patricks says. They run away comedically screaming. The stranger slowly walks towards their direction. The screaming of the two alerts the other camps and the counselor, Mrs. Puff. She sees the strange fish walking towards her. A video of someone getting a pickaxe to the stomach and head, the ones present were laughing. I looked away once again. It goes back to the stranger nearing Mrs. Puff. She asks him why he’she's here. She sees his hatchet and she starts to back up. She then says in a very shaky, “I’m"I'm...I’mI'm...c-c-calling...the p-police." The figure continues to approach Mrs. Puff, he raises his hatchet and strikes Mrs. Puff in the face, blood spurts on the campers near her. She slowly falls to the floor as the campers start to panic and run away. The stranger pulls the hatchet out of her head and he starts to follow the campers.
The camera goes to an overview shot and I could see the campers getting massacred by the stranger. The shot goes to SpongeBob and Patrick quivering under a bed, they seemed to have found their other friends; Sandy and Squidward, who were also under a bed. They start to panic too, but Sandy told them they should remain calm. After a couple minutes the sounds of screaming reduces to total silence, Sandy tells the group that someone should check outside. Squidward volunteers, he gets up from the floor and looks outside the window. A panning shot shows all of the carnage, young campers piled on top of each other and blood splattered on the floor and the walls of the cabins. Squidward quickly slides under the bed and tells them that everyone is dead. The group starts to panic and Patrick runs out from under the bed and screams out, “I"I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!" This alerts the stranger as he starts to make his way towards the cabin. The other three grab Patrick and cover his mouth. “Are"Are you crazy. You’reYou're gonna get us killed." Sandy whispers. The stranger breaks down the door with his hatchet. He looks around the room. Then he seems to walk outside. Sandy tells Patrick to go and check if he left. He gives the thumbs up. Suddenly blood starts to come out of his mouth as he falls to the floor. A hatchet is lodged in the back of his head. The stranger starts to flip over the beds that the three are under. They quickly run away, Sandy stays back to fight him off.
Squidward and SpongeBob run outside. Sandy manages to take the hatchet from the stranger, but he has the upper hand because of his size. He grabs Sandy, she drops the hatchet and he slams her against the ground. He lifts up his large boot and stomps in Sandy’sSandy's head. He picks up his hatchet and walks in the direction of the last two. Squidward and SpongeBob hide in some bushes. Squidward turns to SpongeBob and says, “I"I-I’mI'm...gonna call the p-police." SpongeBob decides to stay there as his friend goes to the other side to call the police from the counselor's lodge. SpongeBob feels relieved. He lets out a sign as he reclines on the bush’sbush's leaves. Suddenly, a large hand grabs his arm. He gets pulled up out of the bush. SpongeBob was kicking and screaming as loud as he could. The stranger throws him down on the floor and kicks him around. SpongeBob begins to cry as his yellow skin soon dark with every hit from the stranger. After a while SpongeBob is bloodied and bruised, lying on the floor, writhing in pain. The stranger pulls out his hatchet and raises it. The weakened sponge holds his arms in front of his face as to block the swing, but it proved to be useless. The stranger swings at SpongeBob multiple times until his face is no longer recognizable. The stranger leans over on the now-dead sponge and yanks his hatchet from his body. Flashing red and blue light appear. The stranger freezes for a few seconds. The sirens getting louder. He then makes his way toward the forest. The darkness swallows him as the screen fades to black.
A Nickelodeon logo fades into view with the word “Fuck”"Fuck" above the logo. It suddenly cuts to a video of a man being decapitated with a chainsaw and the other with a knife. I lost it. I ran to the restroom to vomit. My eyes started to tear up, my heart was beating rapidly. I tried to calm myself down, but it was useless. I got back on my computer and went back on the forum. It turns out that the guy who sent me the “reel”"reel" deleted his account, which also deleted the messages. My computer suddenly crashes and it shows a fatal error screen. It turns out that the video file had a virus embedded with it and it deleted system32. I tried going to sleep but those images of the campers being massacred and the random scare videos flashed in mind. I’mI'm guessing that this “reel”"reel" was actually a revenge video in response to Nickelodeon greenlighting “Kamp"Kamp Koral”Koral". I haven’thaven't been at peace for about a month now. I think I need help.
[[Category:Bad Creepypasta]]
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[[Category:Lost Episodes]]
[[Category:Pointless Violence]]

Latest revision as of 21:50, 22 August 2023

SpongeBob has aired on Nickelodeon for 20 years. It has been a big part of many people's childhoods, well if you had cable. We recently lost Stephen Hillenburg on November 26 of 2018 because of Lou Gehrig's disease (or ALS).

A couple of months after his death, Nickelodeon greenlighted a new spin-off series called "Kamp Koral". Many couldn't bear to see that Nickelodeon was milking the SpongeBob franchise to benefit themselves. Even Paul Tibbit was appalled to see this and responded on his Twitter with, "I do not mean any disrespect to my colleagues who are working on this show. They are good people and talented artists. But this is some greedy, lazy executive-ing right here, and they ALL know full well Steve would have HATED this. Shame on them."

For those of you who don't know, SpongeBob SquarePants is a show created by an American animator named Stephen Hillenburg, he's also a marine science educator. The show focuses on a square yellow sponge who lives in a pineapple with his pet snail Gary. He works at the Krusty Krab, a restaurant owned by Mr. Krabs, as a fry cook. When he isn't working he likes to attract trouble with his best friend, a starfish, Parick Star. It features the talented voices of Tom Kenny, Clancy Brown, Bill Fagerbakke, Mr. Lawrence, and more. Now there have been rumors on a little-known SpongeBob forum about some supposedly leaked reel footage of the spin-off show "Kamp Koral". The person who posted it claimed to have worked at Nickelodeon and he had managed to take the original copy as an attempt to halt the production of "Kamp Koral". I DMed him to request a clip or at least a screenshot of the reel. He responded and told me that he wanted money for a clip of the reel. At first I was just hesitant, but I decided to just fork over the money over PayPal and he told me that he would send it within 3-5 days. I decided to strike up a conversation about the reel and this is how it went:

Me: "Hey, how did you manage to get the reel?"

Him: "Well it wasn't that easy there was quite a bit of security, but since I worked there, I tracked when the cameras weren't being watched."

Me: "Are you afraid that Nick might call for an investigation?"

Him: "Not really there hasn't been...much talk about the reel. Plus I quit my job."

Me: "Have you seen what's on it?"

Him: "You're gonna enjoy it..."

Me: "Um...What?"

This was the last message I sent and he never responded. I ended up receiving the clip, it was on a sketchy file hosting site. As soon as I clicked it I was immediately bombarded by a multitude of ads. I finally made it to the download link and downloaded the file, "kk_reel.mp4". It wasn't really big, only a couple megabytes.

I clicked on the downloaded file and the VLC media player popped up. It started with a show Nickelodeon logo and then transferred to the theme. There was a "Made with KineMaster" logo on the top corner, but what can you expect from someone on the internet. Anyways, the theme was weird, it was the SpongeBob Campfire Song Song, but slowed down. There were screenshots of a younger SpongeBob from the trailer "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run" that showed up randomly on screen. After a while the title showed up, it read: "Kamp Koral Massacre". I was puzzled as to why it was called that, but I'm pretty sure it was a joke by the user who sent it to me. It opens up with a young SpongeBob at the entrance of "Camp Coral" with his stuff on the ground beside him, behind him we can see a couple of CGI cabins . His parents wave goodbye and speed off. SpongeBob looks towards the campgrounds and gives a sigh. "Well, here goes nothing." he says. His voice sounded similar to Tom Kenny's but it was slightly deeper. He walked towards his cabin as he heard crying. He sees another camper sitting on a log, tears waterfalling out of his eyes. The camper introduces himself as Patrick. He tells SpongeBob that he's homesick. A video of a man getting set on fire suddenly plays on screen. Now being a person who hates horror movies or anything to do with horror, this really shocked me. I paused the video and tried to calm myself down. I figured that this was an edgy prank. I wanted to turn off the video, but my curiosity got the better of me. "What if it actually was the pilot episode?" I needed to know.

SpongeBob and Patrick then became friends. It cuts to a montage of SpongeBob and Patrick doing camp activities together. Mrs Puff, according to this video, is some sort of counselor. Then it cuts to SpongeBob and Patrick jellyfishing, then a squirrel comes flying down from the sky using a jellyfish. She introduces herself as Sandy. Another video, this time a man getting beheaded by Jihadists, Dawlat al-Islam Qamat playing in the background. Again, I panicked a bit, but I looked away before it got too gory. It goes back and Miss Puff tells the camper about whoever gets the most votes for their performance in the talent show gets the "Campy Award". A camper makes his way and introduces himself as Squidward. He tells them, "I'm sure my clarinet playing skills will win me that award." Awful sounds come out of the clarinet's horn. Then it cuts to SpongeBob and Patrick in their sleeping bags on an old bunk bed. They were sleeping. The camera goes to an overhead view of the camp. A dark figure is seen, trudging around the site. The camera zooms in on the figure and we see that it's a tall fish wearing a black mask and a mechanic uniform drenched in dark liquid. He is also holding a hatchet. It goes back to SpongeBob and Patrick. A rustling of leaves wakes up the young SpongeBob. He looks outside but sees nothing. He looks down at his friend Patrick and tries to wake him up. "Psst. Patrick. Patrick." He wakes up and asks SpongeBob what's the matter. SpongeBob tells him that he heard someone outside.

"We should go and investigate." SpongeBob told Patrick. "Sure, why not? It could be the ice cream truck!" Patrick said with excitement. SpongeBob grabs a lantern and goes outside, Patrick following him. They walk around the camp. An overhead shot shows the two friends nearing the stranger. SpongeBob bumps into the shadowy figure and drops his lantern. "Patrick? How did you get in front of me?" he asks. "Umm...SpongeBob. I'm behind you." Patrick responds. SpongeBob picks up the lantern and shines it at the figure. "Oh." SpongeBob says. "I think we should run away, screaming." Patrick says. "Yeah, that seems like a good idea, after you." SpongeBob responses. "Thanks" Patricks says. They run away comedically screaming. The stranger slowly walks towards their direction. The screaming of the two alerts the other camps and the counselor, Mrs. Puff. She sees the strange fish walking towards her. A video of someone getting a pickaxe to the stomach and head, the ones present were laughing. I looked away once again. It goes back to the stranger nearing Mrs. Puff. She asks him why he's here. She sees his hatchet and she starts to back up. She then says in a very shaky, "I'm...I'm...c-c-calling...the p-police." The figure continues to approach Mrs. Puff, he raises his hatchet and strikes Mrs. Puff in the face, blood spurts on the campers near her. She slowly falls to the floor as the campers start to panic and run away. The stranger pulls the hatchet out of her head and he starts to follow the campers.

The camera goes to an overview shot and I could see the campers getting massacred by the stranger. The shot goes to SpongeBob and Patrick quivering under a bed, they seemed to have found their other friends; Sandy and Squidward, who were also under a bed. They start to panic too, but Sandy told them they should remain calm. After a couple minutes the sounds of screaming reduces to total silence, Sandy tells the group that someone should check outside. Squidward volunteers, he gets up from the floor and looks outside the window. A panning shot shows all of the carnage, young campers piled on top of each other and blood splattered on the floor and the walls of the cabins. Squidward quickly slides under the bed and tells them that everyone is dead. The group starts to panic and Patrick runs out from under the bed and screams out, "I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!" This alerts the stranger as he starts to make his way towards the cabin. The other three grab Patrick and cover his mouth. "Are you crazy. You're gonna get us killed." Sandy whispers. The stranger breaks down the door with his hatchet. He looks around the room. Then he seems to walk outside. Sandy tells Patrick to go and check if he left. He gives the thumbs up. Suddenly blood starts to come out of his mouth as he falls to the floor. A hatchet is lodged in the back of his head. The stranger starts to flip over the beds that the three are under. They quickly run away, Sandy stays back to fight him off.

Squidward and SpongeBob run outside. Sandy manages to take the hatchet from the stranger, but he has the upper hand because of his size. He grabs Sandy, she drops the hatchet and he slams her against the ground. He lifts up his large boot and stomps in Sandy's head. He picks up his hatchet and walks in the direction of the last two. Squidward and SpongeBob hide in some bushes. Squidward turns to SpongeBob and says, "I-I'm...gonna call the p-police." SpongeBob decides to stay there as his friend goes to the other side to call the police from the counselor's lodge. SpongeBob feels relieved. He lets out a sign as he reclines on the bush's leaves. Suddenly, a large hand grabs his arm. He gets pulled up out of the bush. SpongeBob was kicking and screaming as loud as he could. The stranger throws him down on the floor and kicks him around. SpongeBob begins to cry as his yellow skin soon dark with every hit from the stranger. After a while SpongeBob is bloodied and bruised, lying on the floor, writhing in pain. The stranger pulls out his hatchet and raises it. The weakened sponge holds his arms in front of his face as to block the swing, but it proved to be useless. The stranger swings at SpongeBob multiple times until his face is no longer recognizable. The stranger leans over on the now-dead sponge and yanks his hatchet from his body. Flashing red and blue light appear. The stranger freezes for a few seconds. The sirens getting louder. He then makes his way toward the forest. The darkness swallows him as the screen fades to black.

A Nickelodeon logo fades into view with the word "Fuck" above the logo. It suddenly cuts to a video of a man being decapitated with a chainsaw and the other with a knife. I lost it. I ran to the restroom to vomit. My eyes started to tear up, my heart was beating rapidly. I tried to calm myself down, but it was useless. I got back on my computer and went back on the forum. It turns out that the guy who sent me the "reel" deleted his account, which also deleted the messages. My computer suddenly crashes and it shows a fatal error screen. It turns out that the video file had a virus embedded with it and it deleted system32. I tried going to sleep but those images of the campers being massacred and the random scare videos flashed in mind. I'm guessing that this "reel" was actually a revenge video in response to Nickelodeon greenlighting "Kamp Koral". I haven't been at peace for about a month now. I think I need help.

Originally on Geoshea's Lost Episodes Wiki

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